Sunday, February 9, 2014
You are reading from the book Today's Gift
Leave yourself alone.
—Jenny Janacek
Three women were talking. One blamed herself for an unkind remark someone had made to her. Another blamed herself for not getting work done. The other compared her looks to those of the movie stars and thought she was ugly.
The women each noticed how the other two had put themselves down without being aware of it, and they began to laugh. Then they vowed to be as kind to themselves as they were to each other. Each time they caught themselves being mean to themselves, they imagined they were their own best friend, and were as understanding to themselves as they were to one another.
When we are kind to ourselves, only then can we be truly kind to others, and make ourselves a gift to those around us.
How have I been kind to myself lately?
Like the quote. No one beat me up more than I did to myself. Both my marriages were mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive. Yet I took on the blame, shame, guilt, and so much more on that wasn't mine. False responsibility kept me feeling not good enough and not able to measure up, always feeling less than.