Hi Paul sooooo glad you are here with us. stick around and keep coming back!! WELCOME HOME !
I received sooo much hope, and strength from others here experience and could not do this alone. By being honest,open minded and willing I have come to the point of surrender.. admitted my powerlessness and my life was unmanageable and still is {but} I came to believe in a power greater than my self that coud do for me what I could not do for myself and decided to my will and life over to the care of of my higher power and let go and let God have and direct my life. years of pain pills,herion, methadone, detox after detox etc. in out of prison, but with God all things became possible for me and the fight was one through surrender, not saying it was easy and it it will be easy.... the only thing that was required was a desire to stop and if I was willing to follow a set of principle in all of my affairs and surrender and trust God and be open to the way others have come out of addiction and found a new way of life I started to get a taste and hope that it could work for me as I worked the steps,with a sponsor and others who shared and helped me I now desire to be for others we help each other!!! welcome and keep coming back ther is hope and restoration here to any one who desires a new life...just start one step and one day at a time! just for today you deserve the break give it to your self !