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Daily Gratitude Make sure to stop in here and share what you are grateful/thankful for today. No matter how bad our day is, there is always something to be thankful for.

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Old 05-27-2018, 03:32 PM   #496
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Grateful for another day of sobriety. The day is only half over, but I have 15 min. to go and I will have been up for 12 hours. Yeah me!!!
Grateful that I didn't lose it on the phone talking to my service provider even though I had to 55 min. for service the first call and thankfully only 15 min. for the next call.
Grateful that my friend called me yesterday and I volunteered to speak for her. It was a good thing for me seeing as I am coming up to my 27 year anniversary in 3 months, God Willing. It is important to look at where I am at and take my inventory, although I told them I am not here to do a 4th and 5th Step.
Grateful that I got my TV stations back in time to watch the French Open Tennis Tournament.
Grateful that I still fit into my top that matches my bell bottoms. The skinny me is gradually disappearing. I sure hope to see her again.
Grateful that I get a bit of prompting these days, because my memory is the pits.
Grateful that I am much better at identifying those words that come to mind and not discounting them.
Grateful for this program. it is still very much one day at a time, God Willing.
Grateful that I made it to the Holistic Center to get a treatment from Bill Marsh.
Grateful that he was able to release the energies that were causing me to be in major pain when I moved. I fell a week ago and the pain is all gone, I still have some stiffness, but that is normal thanks to the 6 kinds of arthritis that I have.
Grateful for those who travel this recovery road with me.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-18-2018, 06:26 PM   #497
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Grateful for a day of sobriety, so far i haven't lost it. just a little frustration with my computer, so i am going to leave all my i's small and not fight with them to grow up. it slows me down when i have to press down with my right hand instead of my left shift key.
Grateful that i was feeling grateful before i typed that.
Grateful that i finally found some gratitude. most days my head has been empty, totally blank or hurting, and it was hard to think through the pain.
Grateful that i got to my chiropractor's appointment today.
Grateful that i got the warm fuzzies when he told me, 'you have been living on the edge since i met you.' i was surprised, i figured he would see me as an old woman. i guess an old woman living on the edge.
Grateful that i have an apartment in a senior complex. Thinking i may have to move into assisted living soon if my arthritis keeps me from being mobile. just can't do what i use to do or do what i want to do.
Grateful for Darts, they may not be too grateful with me as a client, especially when i phone and cancel a ride.
Grateful for V.O.N. (Victoria Order of Nurses) who are still coming Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Grateful for Meals on Wheels. There meals are what i would cook, but then that is why i have them. I have trouble standing to cook. if i cook, i don't feel like eating.
Grateful for the program of recovery. it is applicable to all areas of my life.
Grateful that i found things too be grateful for. it is hard to believe that I haven't done one since the end of May.
Grateful for those who walk this recovery road with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-24-2018, 11:31 PM   #498
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that the rain seems to have stopped. We are promised sunny skies tomorrow.
Grateful that the banging wasn't hear, it sounded like a pistol to me. later there were fire works, so who knows? Not me!
Grateful that my God speaks to me through my angel cards and card with native teachings that I used for meditation.
Grateful that they said that my God has my back.
Grateful that I was told that I need nurturing.
Grateful that my God answers prayers for friends as well as for myself.
Grateful that when we are open to receiving, God's Love and Care is there for the taking.
Grateful I didn't listen to myself when I told myself i had nothing to be grateful for. Poor me, pour me another one. A grateful alcoholic will never have a reason to pick up a drink. He/She may find lots of excuses, but the reality is, we don't have to pick up in today. Just for today, I choose to not use people, places, and things.
Grateful that the only pain I have is a headache, which is easing.
Grateful for health, home, and happiness.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-02-2018, 07:56 PM   #499
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Grateful for another 24 hours of sobriety. As a long-timer use to say, "I don't have bad days any more, but I do have bad moments in a day." I am so grateful for the tools of recovery.
Grateful for a new month and a new day we started in Chipping Away.
Grateful that a day can start any time.
Grateful that no matter where I tread, my God goes with me. He is a brave and courageous God. i am sure He sits up there on His throne and says, ''oh no, don't tell me we have to go through this again. Didn't she learn her lesson the first time. Tsk, Tsk!''
Grateful that I only have to stay sober for this 24 hours.
Grateful that my son is in His God's Hands. i gave up the job a long time ago.
Grateful for the NA fellowship. i try to be there every week. I felt bad that i had to miss the Sunday meeting. hope to go to New Beginnings on Tuesday. it was a big part of my early recovery.
Grateful that my computer hasn't exploded or burnt up. I found my 8" pink fan and trying to keep it and me cool.
Grateful there was a breeze today. The weather channel said it was 28/82 and felt like 40/104.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.
Grateful that the Beaver is the guardian of my masculine side. You know, "Busy as a Beaver." Have always said that I was the busiest person doing nothing that I know.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-14-2018, 05:07 PM   #500
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the tools of the program.
Grateful that just for today, I don't have to use, no matter what.
Grateful for friends and people in the rooms of recovery.
Grateful that we can be detach and yet connected by the 12 Steps. A drug is a drug and can take many forms.
Grateful that I didn't get rained on, a few sprinkles on the way to the mall and a few coming home.
Grateful that I found a James Patterson book I haven't read.
Grateful that I have freedom of choice. Earlier I chose to go downtown and not go back to bed. I am thinking of choosing again, and making a decision to go to my bed.
Grateful for the newcomers who have been put in my path lately.
Grateful that I got to chair the meeting at my group last night.
Grateful for all the blessing my God has put in my path.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-23-2018, 12:49 AM   #501
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Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for the 24 hours just past.
Grateful for the 24 hours ahead.
Grateful that my God has never given me a day I couldn't handle without His Help.
Grateful that I was given freedom of choice.
Grateful that I chose life.
Grateful that even in the tough times, I know the Light is at the end of the tunnel, whether I can see it or not.
Grateful that the end of the month is coming up and I get another opportunity to stretch my cheque to last until pay day.
Grateful that I have made all 3 of my NA meetings this week. Looking forward to my friend's anniversary on Tuesday. last week I was a week early.
Grateful that I have a few things to do, and I know my God will be with me.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-27-2018, 11:59 PM   #502
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that what you don't know, you can't worry about.
Grateful that McMaster Hospital called with a change of date or I wouldn't know I had to go for an MRI as a follow up from being at the General Hospital last week.
Grateful that I made it to my friend's anniversary on Tuesday.
Grateful that I made it to my NA home group tonight. Just makes me happy to see newcomers and long-timers in a NA meeting. I remember a time when most of us were newcomers, we have come a long way.
Grateful it is payday and I haven't spent my check yet.
Grateful to my pharmacy who put aside 4 pkgs. of my cinnamon raisin bagels for me.
Grateful for the food I have to eat.
Grateful for a loving God who does provide.
Grateful for the 12 Step program, it is a common denominator between all fellowships.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.
Grateful that we can do what I can't do alone.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-02-2018, 10:28 PM   #503
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Grateful for a new day. I was sober, but the sobriety was borderline.
Grateful that the day is almost over.
Grateful that I felt like eating my meat pie, even though it was a bit soggy.
Grateful I caught a nap in my chair instead of my bed. it was a nap, not a nap that ends up being a sleep or 2 plus hours.
Grateful when I get big naps. I feel they are restoring, healing, and rejuvenating this old bod. The mind too.
Gratefyk that my rent cheque went through. It was a good lesson on what happens on what you should do, and didn't.
Grateful that my God made Himself known to me in today on more than one occasion.
Grateful that He is an all accompanying God.
Grateful for all those who share this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-08-2018, 01:46 AM   #505
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Grateful for another day. A day of sobriety because I wasn't awake to screw it up.
Grateful for my white tuna sandwich. The first food, food my body has seen beside raisin, cinnamon bagels.
Grateful for Wednesday. The day and the girl I know who has been a part of my journey. Got to talk to her on FB messenger last week.
Grateful that I cancelled Darts, I woke at 10 pm and the meeting closes at 8:30.
Grateful that my bed is only 3 feet away from my computer. II am hurting real bad. From my neck to my finger tips, every muscle is burning.
Grateful my sandwich tastes good, I have almost finished it. Yeah for me!!!
Grateful that I can take my pain to God. The 12 steps help me to deal with my pain.
Grateful that a little prayer goes a long way.
Grateful that when I need Him, my God is near.
Grateful for those who travel this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 09-24-2018, 02:32 PM   #507
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful my son was at my place when I fell. He has been good to me.
Grateful that I was able to come to Dundurn Place to recoup from my broken ankle. I thought I had a sprain. I have a double fracture.
Grateful for the staff, on the whole, they have been very kind and helpful to me.
Grateful that the meals have been more than passable.
Grateful that I can get out to my meetings with the help of Darts.
Grateful for my program that allows me to inter-act with fellow residents.
Grateful that I can stay here until I am healed. With me, the surface heals and the inside doesn't. Acceptance is the key, don't have to like it in order to accept it.
Grateful that I have the use of a computer and telephone that is free.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 12-31-2018, 10:51 PM   #508
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Grateful for my sobriety in 2018.
Grateful that 2018 is over and looking forward to a new place in 2010.
Grateful that I have been going places, first of all to Dundurn Place for recovery of my double fractured right leg and got the word that I have been okay to move to First Place in 2019. I even got to chose my apartment.
Grateful even though there were some days it was in short supply because of pain.
Grateful for all the exercises they gave me as part of my recovery and the follow up with my physiotherapist
Grateful for all the help my son has given me. He helped when I was away from home and has helped since I came home.
Grateful that I was able to be with family for Christmas.
Grateful that I had looking at me time at Dundurn Place with no phone and no TV. I didn't have much access to the internet.
Grateful to the patrons there who told me that I was still young and showed me that I was old when I was lagging behind the 90 year olds
Grateful that for the most part I had freedom of choice when it came to what I wanted to eat from their choices for the day. I found out that I love cinnamon raisin bagels with marmalade and crispy bacon
Grateful that my God see me through it all. Had to keep Him close and on some days, even closer still.
Grateful for all those who prayed for me. Nothing beats being wrapped up in prayer
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 01-02-2019, 06:57 AM   #509
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On top of another morning alive I’m able to enjoy it with a fresh cup of coffee.

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Old 01-05-2019, 08:39 AM   #510
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Welcome Akron Alkee, love your name. Thanks for sharing, I hope you will continue to come and share your journey with us.

I was an Akron Alkee for two days about 40 years ago. I went with my ex-husband, my mother-in-law and two of his sisters to his cousins wedding in Akron, Ohio. At the time, I didn't know about AA. I was so hung over the next day after the reception, which I don't remember (this is a truth the alkee self would not admit to, I never had a black out), and I was too sick to help with the drive home. Thanks for the memory.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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