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Daily Gratitude Make sure to stop in here and share what you are grateful/thankful for today. No matter how bad our day is, there is always something to be thankful for.

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Old 06-03-2017, 12:56 AM   #421
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Grateful for a new day of sobriety. It doesn't look like I was too gracious, as it is a few days since I posted.
Grateful for a good day on Thursday at my home group. Two newcomer, two long-timers, and the regulars who showed up. It is good to have people with 42 and 47 years of recovery who come weekly to share with you.
Grateful that I made a step toward the laundry room. I put the cushion from my chair in the dryer. I have about 3 load of laundry calling me and one more may be hiding that I didn't find.
Grateful that I remembered that I had a can of corned beef in my refrigerator. I ate my dessert first (ice cream, frozen strawberries, and chocolate syrup). I only had two scoops of ice cream and a drizzle of chocolate, with the lions share being the strawberries.
Grateful that I made it to my NA meeting tonight.
Grateful for the message that newcomer bring to me. It certainly is a whole lot worse out there now than when I was using. That doesn't make me a lesser kind of addict, a drug is a drug, it just makes me grateful that they do my research for me and I don't have to go out to see if this new stuff is worth going back out for. I think not!!!
Grateful for friends and family. Had brunch with a dear friend today.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. I need this program just as much in today as I did when I came through the doors of recovery in 1991.
Grateful that this is a living program. I still need to work the Steps and apply them to my life. It is a way of life that has kept me from the bondage of addiction. Drugs come in many forms, and they are not just meant for alcohol.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. Without you, there is no me. A little bird told me that if you keep coming, you won't have to come back.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-11-2017, 05:33 AM   #422
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Grateful for a new day of sobriety. Can't help but have a good day after all the postings I did today.
Grateful to Tammy for her contributions to my recovery.
Grateful that the French Open is on. I have a tennis backlog that I have been half watching and listening to while I have posted.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. The sad thing is my refrigerator and freezer is full, along with my pantry, and I don't have a thing I want to eat in the moment. Maybe that is a good thing.
Grateful that my son is suppose to come and do my floors and cleaning today. I wipe something off and it still looks dirty, and quite often is. That statement reminds me of a childhood memory. I would go out in the brush in the spring and go looking for morels. My dad followed behind me and filled his basket and my bag was half full. Sometimes you can't see what is in front of you. I know when it comes to housework, if I don't look too hard and don't see it, it doesn't get done.
Grateful that my specialist says I have almost 20/20 vision and could drive a car. It is the only part of me that can.
Grateful for the rooms of recovery. We can do for me what I can't do for myself.
Grateful that I have good vision and can still read. I can take my book down with me to do laundry.
Grateful I have the money to do my laundry. I have two bottles of laundry soap, so I won't run out.
Grateful that our senior complex has a laundry room. I just have to find the energy to do it.
Grateful for the sunshine and beautiful weather we have had the last few days, even if the humidity moved in last night.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

We can do what I can't do alone.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-20-2017, 08:09 PM   #423
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Grateful for another say of sobriety. Couldn't go too far wrong, slept most of the day away.
Grateful for some much needed sleep. I found myself checking out the bags under my eyes to see if they were any lighter. LOL! They did seem lighter.
Grateful for my computer that allows me to chat to people all around the world.
Grateful that each day is a blessing. All we have to do is look for them.
Grateful that I am suppose to meet my friend tomorrow to go to Walmart. It will be good to get out. Hoping the rain runs it's course tonight.
Grateful for the sunshine. When I do get out, I like to take time to soak it up.
Grateful that my doctor is sending me to specialists for my heart, tremon disorder and my arthritis. I do not like not being able to get up each day and live it to the best of my ability, and give thanks at night. I do that, but don't always get to do what I would like to do. Haven't been to the mall this week. Haven't played bridge for weeks. Have missed my AA and Al-Anon Groups for the last 2 weeks. Because of a stress test on my heart on Thursday morning, I am not sure I will be done in time to go to my group.
Grateful that I can find a measure of acceptance. Thanks to a lot of prayer, I have even found some patience.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning and that I can start a day any time. I was thinking 4 pm was my morning, but already I am thinking bedtime.
Grateful for all those who share my journey with me. Sorry I have not expressed my gratitude for a week.
Grateful that the old paranoia doesn't raise it's ugly head like it use to. I take it as a sure sign that we do recover.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-22-2017, 10:42 AM   #424
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Grateful to my HP for the GIFT of my sobriety and that I had the wherewithal to accept that gift!
Grateful for the chance to be of service to others.
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Old 06-22-2017, 03:46 PM   #425
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Welcome Wyoming Diva, so glad you took the time to sign in and say hello.

I agree, sobriety is a great gift and we need to be forever grateful for this second chance at life.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-25-2017, 12:04 AM   #426
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I didn't throw a hissy fit, when I fell asleep in my chair and almost lost out on finishing today's postings. I came close, because so much needs editing because I have so many errors in my typing. Not sure if it is me or my computer. I either get more of a letter than I want or it doesn't print at alo. It doesn't help that I have 5 keys that have almost lost their lettering because I have typed so much. It isn't all copy and paste.
Grateful that my son took me grocery shopping, I think! I always seem to get what he needs. Today there was a shortage of funds, so we couldn't get everything. So grateful that payday isn't far away.
Grateful that I walked downtown and back. Coming back is mostly uphill so I don't do it very often.
Grateful that my son put the groceries away.
Grateful that coffee was on special at Shopper's Drug Mart. Maxwell House coffee for $5.99.
Grateful for the strawberries I am eating while posting this. They were on special 2 for $3.
Grateful for the program. I know I was enabling my son by buying him a pack of cigarettes, but the thought of shopping with him or even living with him until he could get his own, was just too, too scary. I did it for myself, not him.
Grateful that I had a big sleep after I got home. The telephone phone woke me at 7 pm. I must have been really tired, I fell asleep watching tennis. I wanted to go to bed, but woke myself up to come and finish posting for today.
Grateful for the sites I go to. I have missed both my groups this week. When I don't have that contact, my thinking can slip. It can slip many times, buts if I don't notice, it slips too far back before it gets my attention.
Grateful for the tools of recovery.
Grateful that I have a desire to use them.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 06-29-2017, 10:18 PM   #427
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Grateful for another day of sobriety. Here I am late again.
Grateful that the sun decided to shine today. We are suppose to get some hot weather in the coming days, so I went and bought me a bigger fan for my bedroom. The little pink one that plugs into my computer, is not giving off much of a breeze. It does a better job of being pink and annoying me (it was the only fan they had left).
Grateful that it has served me in good stead and I hope I didn't hurt his feelings by buying another one. Even though it is pink, I called it him, because it is blowing hot air. Sorry!!! My bad, just couldn't resist.
Grateful that I got my shopping done. Not so grateful that I couldn't get to my group,
Grateful that my son is sharing the chocolate chip cookies I bought him.
Grateful the the bus driver today pulled the bus up to the curb so I could get on. I had to ask, but he complied.
Grateful that I listened to myself. I chose to get off the bus instead of going to the end of the root and take it back to my street, because I didn't want to walk 4 blocks uphill. I would have missed the drama of the guy drive a fancy white car on the wrong side of the street, blocking the street and the fire truck had to back down the whole street. He must have been a very good driver to do that. I think I would have been inclined to move the car.
Grateful that some days are better than others.
Grateful that I have a program and the tools of recovery to draw on in times of stress.
Grateful for the food I have to eat, even if some of it isn't so good for me, like my butterscotch sauce to put on my Vanilla ice cream.
Grateful for those who follow my journey. Without you, there is no me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-02-2017, 07:09 PM   #428
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that a day is what I make up my mind to be. Unfortunately it is a lazy day for me.
Grateful that someone invented disposable plates, cups too.
Grateful for the gift of meditation. I just realized that some of mine have been too short lately.
Grateful for tennis. I am happy it is grass court time. Much better than the plodding clay, even though it takes less stamina. I like that it plays faster.
Grateful that this is the Lord's day, even though I don't observe the day, I do connect with Him. Lately I have found myself singing some of the old hymns that I grew up with.
Grateful that the sun is shining. That in and of itself, makes it a good day.
Grateful that Wimbledon is starting. Looking at a preview show now.
Grateful that I have a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, deep freeze and pantry.
Grateful for those who have been praying for me.
Grateful for this site, the friends I have made here, and the people who follow my journey.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-08-2017, 06:41 AM   #429
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Grateful for a new day of sobriety. Not sure how long the day will last, seeing as I just slept for just over an hour on my chair.
Grateful that I can start my day over again. A day can be any 24 houors.
Grateful that my god is understanding of me and love me and bring about things in my life. I always want to say, in spite of myself. It is certainly on His time table not mine. As they say, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.
Grateful for sunshine. Not sure how long it will last because I have heard thunder rumbles off and on tonight.
Grateful that I have food to eat, although I plan to go out and buy some more.
Grateful that I got some laundry done, but have more to do, so it might be a good job to think about doing after I wake up.
Grateful that I have a Cottage Roll, a sweet pickled ham, which I love, I just have to stay home long enough to cook it. It needs to be parboiled, rinsed, and cooked in fresh water to remove some of the salt.
Grateful that I made it to my AA and NA meetings this week. It is always good when you can share with new people. I leave the meeting feeling filled and overflowing.
Grateful that my medications have been changed. I do have a heart that murmurers, but lately it has been shouting at me. That is why I got a new heart specialist, and have done test, more to be done. I was told I have a weak heart, no blockages. It probably got tired of working and all the stress I put on it each day. Sometimes, I feel it is working overtime.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-14-2017, 01:17 AM   #430
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Grateful or another day of sobriety.
Grateful for a wonderful day spent with family and friends to celebrate the life of my aunt who lived to be 100 years old.
Grateful for a day away from home and out of the city.
Grateful that I made it to my home group today.
Grateful that there were as many members as there were visitors.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner. I came home and slept the afternoon and evening away.
Grateful that I was able to catch up, hopefully I will have the energy to do what I need to do tomorrow.
Grateful that my God supplies my needs. It is amazing how those little things add up to big things.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Found some delicious cinnamon and raisin bagels that are calling to me in the moment.
Grateful for the internet and the friends I have made on line.
Grateful for all those who follow this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-17-2017, 01:03 AM   #431
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I wrote this out before and lost it, because of my own foolish action because I was impatient. Whoops!
Grateful that I can go back and do again.
Grateful that it is a one day at a time program. My God and I are going to be working on that impatience.
Grateful that my fever seems to have broken, maybe it is because my small pink fan is trying to cool me off. I just realized that it often slows my computer down if it is on too long. Another Whoops!
Grateful for the food I have to eat, even though I don't like eating it. I would probably eat it if someone else would could it. My dear son lucked out and got pizza after finishing work. A very nice boss he has.
Grateful that my feet and ankles haven't been swollen. They have been hurting off and on, but for the moment it is off.
Grateful that I was able to post, almost forgot yesterday. As it was, I did forget a couple of posts, the ones I think are important:- The Lighthouse and The Elder's Meditation.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. Have yourself a good one.
Grateful for the people who walk this journey with me. God Bless.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-22-2017, 09:35 PM   #433
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Grateful for a day of sobriety. Sobriety according to my NA sponsor and spiritual advisor when I came into recovery, means soundness of mind. I try for that each day. Which means I have to work on my emotional sobriety daily.
Grateful that I didn't have to pick up today. A grateful alcoholic doesn't have a reason to pick up. I didn't go looking or a rhyme or reason, or any kind of excuse.
Grateful that I made it to my AA meeting on Thursday and my NA meeting on Friiday. Don't always get to do that. Last week I missed both Al-Anon and NA, this week just my Al-Anon meeting. Not sure two meetings are enough, I have made arrangements to go to a NA meeting next Tuesday.
Grateful for when enough is enough. Most times I feel that way because of all the posting I do on line. Sometimes I need that extra, and that is OK. It is one day at a time.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Haven't done any cooking this week, so I am grateful to my son who cooked two of the meals.
Grateful for my son's help although I didn't appreciate his comment today. He says, "Why worry when you don't eat much any way?"
Grateful to my Higher Power, who has made His presence known each day. It is important for me to remember to say thank you, when I see and feel those little things.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. I can try a little harder to do things right. Like today, there were times I was a bad girl, not always in action but in thought too.
Grateful that when I write these post, it keeps me honest.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-28-2017, 11:44 PM   #434
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Grateful for another day of sobriety, up until about 6:45 pm then I got ticked off at my son. I tried to phone him, he didn't answer, I redialed and called him 3 times and then I realized that his phone was ringing in my living room. He had left it here. The joke was on me.
Grateful I made it to my NA meeting.
Grateful that I am an addict. Without knowing about this disease I would have died years ago. As they say, I may have another relapse in me, but I am not sure I have another recovery. Mainly because for me to use is to die, especially if I picked up a cigarette.
Grateful I had the fall, it has made me aware of some things. 1) You aren't as young as you like to think you are. 2) Something is affecting your day to day living, and I need to find out what is making be lose my balance so often. 3) Prayer works, as I said I couldn't have hurt if I wanted to, too many people were praying for me.
Grateful that I got some grocery shopping done.
Grateful that I remembered that I had to go for a blood test.
Not so grateful that I forgot that I needed a urine test. It never fails, I forget, go before I go out like I always do, and some habits are hard to break.
Grateful that my program is applicable to all areas of my life.
Grateful for the prayers that came my way. Gratefully received.
Grateful for the treat I had today. I went to Nation's Food and had their buffet. It is $4.99 after 4 pm.
Grateful that the sun was shining today, at least the times I looked at it. There was a beautiful sunset I hope you all caught.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-01-2017, 07:27 PM   #435
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Grateful for another day of sobriety although the heat, has me trying to be more accepting. It has to cool down sometime. As they say, "This too shall pass, the good and the not so good."
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Grateful that I had the energy to cook it even if I don't want to eat it.
Grateful for my little pink fan. I may hate pink, but he is working like a Trojan to keep me cool.
Grateful for my other fan, it is too strong for me to have the air directed onto me. I would be really crippled up. It is like having air conditioning even though it is only about a foot in diameter.
Grateful for the guy who invented them. "2017 marks the 135th birthday of the electric fan, invented in 1882 by Schuyler Skaats Wheeler." Thanks to Yahoo.
Grateful that I had a good 7 hours sleep. Sleep sure makes a difference in your life.
A counselor in treatment said, "Lack of sleep won't kill you." I beg to differ, it can sure make you feel like stopping the world and getting off. I get sick and tired of being tired and sick when I have no sleep.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning, even if my day starts between 2-5 p.m. my body seems to have a mind of it's own. I just have to accept it as it is and remember that it has 75 years of wear and tear. LOL!
Grateful for my Higher Power. He must have a sense of humor to put up with me.
Grateful that I am learning to speak American, I don't have so many red lines under my worlds.
Grateful for the fellowship of the spirit that links us together as One.
Grateful for all those who follow me on my journey.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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