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Daily Gratitude Make sure to stop in here and share what you are grateful/thankful for today. No matter how bad our day is, there is always something to be thankful for.

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Old 03-30-2017, 01:24 AM   #406
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I was able to get out into the sunshine yesterday.
Grateful that I got to my chiropractor's appointment. He never forgets my birthday, but it is hard to forget that it is April Fool's Day.d
Grateful that I got to my Al-Anon meeting. I saw 4 new faces, so that was good. It was also bad, my bad. I haven't been to the group for several weeks.
Grateful that I was able to walk from Walnut and Young, to the Go Station and from there I walked to my group and Main and MacNab. I was really pushing it.
Grateful that day is Thursday. It is my home group today.
Grateful that I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I am leaving it in my God's Hands that Dart's doesn't screw it up. The guy asked me what building the Holistic Center is in. I said, "You have taken me twice before and picked me up, why should it be a problem now. They want the building name. I gave them the address and the Suite #, and it worked before, because I always met the driver at the door. When I think of it, I have to say the Serenity Prayer and tell myself, "Acceptance is the key and This too shall pass."
Grateful for this site. A special place that I can come and share my story and tell you how the program works for me.
Grateful for the days that my defects of character don't become shortcomings.
Grateful that when I make a mistake, it doesn't mean I am a mistake.
Grateful that this is a one day at a time program.
Grateful for the food I have to eat.
Grateful that in today, I can eat it, even if I can't always cook it.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-07-2017, 06:09 AM   #407
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Grateful to wake up to a new day. Not sure if it is the beginning of a new day or the end of yesterday as I didn't sleep the night before or all day yesterday.
Grateful that I was able to re-establish some boundaries and reinforce some that had been ignored, and set up some new ones.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Just trying to find a time free of pain and accommodating weather, to go out shopping.
Grateful that I have an appointment with the foot specialist today and a treatment at the Holistic Center on Saturday.
Grateful that there places to go to help me with my health and well being. I am thinking I may have to go see my chiropractor before next Wednesday.
Grateful for these people in my life. along with the people in my group (had to cancel Darts as I wasn't able to go to my group on Thursday), and the people here at this site and the other ones I go to.
Grateful that I managed to snag two James Patterson express book the other day. I need to get reading them as people are waiting for them.
Grateful that I have been able to follow our Canadian team at the World Curling Tournament. They are in first place. I believe that U.S. has a chance to get into the medal round too if they can continue winning.
Grateful for the fact that I can record programs I want to watch, when I am not able to sit and enjoy them. I have a back log, but they are not going any where. The Nature of Things are reruns of reruns, so it doesn't hurt for me to wait to watch them. LOL! That is how I feel about myself these days, a rerun of a rerun, and trying to get my body to catch up to my mind.
Grateful for all of you, thank you for being a part of my recovery.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-13-2017, 09:14 AM   #408
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Grateful for another day of sobriety. My sobriety has been sorely tasted lately and I wondered why. I haven't been doing a gratitude list.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. I have enough to last me to the end of the month.
Grateful that my rent is paid. I have a rental receipt and I keep forgetting about doing my taxes. I don't get money back, but they need to be done. I generally remember on Thursday the office is closed.
Grateful that I got some sleep last night, even though some of it was found in my chair.
Grateful that I had the words to ask my son to leave again. I have been asking for months, but he hasn't been hearing. AA Thoughts for today says is well. DENIAL, Don't even notice that I am lying. It is an Alconym that works for both of us. I told myself that I could stand to have him around when he was using and taking money from me.
Grateful that we have freedom of choice and we can choose again.
Grateful that I don't have to put myself through mental and emotional abuse, been there done it, wore the T-shirt for years. I don't have to keep putting it in the laundry and wearing it again.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning.
Grateful that I get to work this program one day at a time.
Grateful for all those who share this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-15-2017, 10:23 PM   #409
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I have had two very busy days.
Grateful that I could get together yesterday with my family to celebrate Easter.
Grateful that there was bountiful food stuffs and I didn't have to cook at thing, although I did supply the two bags of the baby carrots.
Grateful my sister outdid herself again and her daughters contributed.
Grateful that a friend invited me to go to a Spiritual Center today for a healing ciircle. I can honestly say, that I am sitting here with no pain. I had lots going in, my neck, a head ache, my shoulder, upset stomach, and my legs and feet. The Pastor asked what I needed and I told him, "The Works!"
Grateful that my meatloaf was one of the best I ever made, but not sure if I even want to put what is left in the freezer. I do have some beef gravy, in a sealed container, but not sure if it will keep until tomorrow.
Grateful that when the time is right, I will know and be given the answer.
Grateful that tomorrow is a quiet day. Except for catching up on curling and finishing my book, I have nothing to do, that is anything that I want to do. I do have laundry and I do need to do my floors.
Grateful that we are suppose to get some warmer weather. I was grateful when the sun came out today. I was looking out the window at come birch trees and all of a sudden the sky lightened and the sun came out.

According to the Shaman Wisdom Cards: The birth tree is the growth of understanding the inner self, other and the world, and all our relations. I can use some of that.

Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-20-2017, 10:31 PM   #410
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Grateful for another day of sobriety. It has been tested, but so grateful for the Serenity Prayer.
Grateful that my computer is still working. I think it is the operator who is tired and the machine is getting mixed messages.
Grateful that I made it to my group today and had the opportunity to chair. I did volunteer. When I am in pain, it helps me to stay focus and it is easier to listen to others.
Grateful that the pain isn't as bad as yesterday. I will be glad when the rain goes away though. I told the Dart's Driver Joe that is seemed like an angry rain. It just came down so hard and it seemed to have a violent energy. It is hard to explain. I was thinking a few people must have pissed off their God and they all got together and decided to wash away all the BS.
Grateful that I have been able to post. Did get some dishes done and dinner cooked. Now I have more dishes to do and the feet are too bad to stand on. Sometimes it is a losing battle, but I am grateful that I have feet. I had a fear that I was going to lose them.
Grateful that they got to the root of my sister's problem. I was able to go today because of the rain. If it is clear tomorrow, I will try to get up there to see her. I will have to take the bus as I am getting low on Dart tickets. I just arranged to go see her using Darts as I am not too sure the rain is going to stop by then. Taking Darts means I stay dry.
Grateful for my sobriety, my home, and my family. My immediate family and my recovery family, so glad you are a part of my journey.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-24-2017, 09:14 PM   #412
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I just got up from a much needed 2 hour nap.
Grateful that they are continuing to test my sister and they may be sending her home with health care to continue the antibiotics she needs until her blood and bone infectiions clear and she can have her gall bladder operation.
Grateful that God puts people in your life to make you feel grateful You realize you never had it so good.
Grateful that I have food in the house even though I don't have the energy to prepare it. It seems an effort to chew.
Grateful that my son washed my floors for me yesterday. I was wondering how I was going to do it.
Grateful that I am going to see the heart specialist tomorrow and my family doctor on Friday. I have a few words to say to both of them.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. Anxiously awaiting the next 24 hours. I plan to watch some Iron Chef America.
Grateful that I have some recording of the tennis from the Monte Carlo Classic, I will probably be lucky to watch them before the next tournament starts.
Grateful that the sun has been shining even though I haven't been able to get out in it. My feet were so badly swollen today, I couldn't put my shoes on. There has to be a solution.
Grateful for this site that allows me to share with you. Reccovery works when I work for it.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-29-2017, 12:59 AM   #413
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got to see the eye doctor and got my left high test. I get the right one done in July. It was tested for perifinal visiion. I don't think that is spelled right. They have you stair at a light and light up spot around the board. I got 83% which to me wasn't good. I realized about half way through that I wasn't sitting properly and couldn't see the bottom lights. I wanted to start over.
Grateful that I saw the intern instead of my family doctor. I was worried about the words that would come out of my mouth if I saw him. I told her that I couldn't have codeine that my kidneys have been bothering with takiing the extra extra-strength Tyenol. He ordered a prescription for pure codeine. I told the pharmacist to tell him to shove it up his a$$.
Grateful that I saw an old friend from NA in my eye specialist office and got a big NA hug.
Grateful that I met an old next door neighbor who I met at my bridge club when I started there years ago. He dated the woman who got me into AA and later my AA sponsor.
Grateful for the connection I get when I go out and about. It feels good to be with people of like mind. This is what my meditation card said to do.
Grateful for philly steak Pita Pit, small pita with fried mushrooms and onions, hold the green pepper, add spinach, swiss cheese, and red onion with Donaire sauce.
Grateful for fruit. I can't buy a whole lot of several fruits, so once in a while I buy small containers of mixed fruit. I ate berries (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry) and saved my pineapple and strawberries for tomorrow.
Grateful that I have been able to eat more salads later, I just have to be careful of what dressing I use and what I put in them.
Grateful for healthy choices in today. God and I are working on the honey bun issue. I gave my son the one I had today, so figured that was the 1st Step, at least a start.
Grateful for the sun and the warmer weather.
Grateful that the thunder storm was short in my area, and the rain quit before my day began. More rain is forecast for the weekend, not too sure I am grateful for that, except for the fact it will make the grass grow and my son will be called to work, and the leaves will come out on the trees and the flower will bloom. There were two beautiful trees outside of my heart specialist's office on Wednesday. Don't know what they were called, but they sre were beautiful name or no name.
Grateful that I went to the NA meeting tonight. I made the decision to join and I told them to call me if I was a no show, because with my head I might forget. Somedays Friday seems to go missing.
Grateful there was a newcomer coming back. I am so grateful that he lived to come back. He is very young and a great future ahead of him if he stays clean and sober.
Grateful for a good kind of tired. My gratitude is overdue, don't like going 4 days without sharing.
Grateful for my God's Blessing each day. When I see something like green traffic lights all the way to where I am going, I say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Grateful for all those who walk thiis journey with me. God Bless.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 05-03-2017, 10:09 AM   #415
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for some sunshine, haven't seen it for several days.
Grateful for bacon. It has been calling to me since I woke up.
Grateful for the food I have to eat.
Grateful that my friend came up to my place and we had a meditation of our own as we had to cancel our Dart ride because it arrived to late to get us to the meeting on time.
Grateful that I had the voice to speak up. He had another passenger to pick up, so we would have been at least 15 min. late.
Grateful that today is Al-Anon day. I do hope to make it. I will if I get off this computer.
Grateful for my computer, it is just a notebook and the lettersare wearing off te keys, so if I don't look at the keyboard, I don't get lost.
Grateful tht tomorrow is my home group. Hopefully the pain eases and I can make it there. Even if I had known about the anniversary last week, I couldn't not have gone.
Grateful that I joined the NA group on Friday, something to look forward to.
Grateful for my recovery. With all the pain I have been experiencing, I would have done something crazy. To make the tremon in my left hand go away, all I would have to do is take a drink. I don't want to think of the pain in my whole body, think of how many drinks that would take. So grateful that I don't have to go there.
Grateful that I have a place to come and share.
Grateful for those who share this journey with me. God Bless.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 05-14-2017, 04:58 AM   #416
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I could find some gratitude. Every time I thought of typing a list my brain said no. I don't think it was so much lack of gratitude, but a lack of connection. My brain has felt like it has been drained and put out to pasture. The fluid pills are taking the fluid out of my head, my skin, and my internal organs, but not my feet.
Grateful that I can walk although my left him and right knee have been acting up and I had to go get a four prong cane. I see it as gormless, not sure if that is spelled right. In other words totally ugly and I am sure I won't want to use it outside of my apartment.
Grateful that my son went grocery shopping on Friday.
Grateful for the food I have to eat, even though I haven't felt like eating it. Cooking it seems like a real chore that I don't have the energy to do. Last night I was thinking pita with chicken, lettuce, tomato, cheese, and onion. I even thought of making my own dressing. I ended up eating 3/4s of a TV dinner. Shame on me, especially when I followed it up with a honey bun.
Grateful that my friends have called me. I missed my Al-Anon and AA meetings because I was in the hospital. A visit to my chiropractor and to my family doctor on Friday, left me with no energy to walk across the street to my NA meeting.
Grateful that I have the many tools of recovery. I can impliament them into my day. What I put into my day is what I will get out of it. If I go through a day of anger, I put myself into danger of slipping, not necessarily physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Grateful that tis program is one day at a time.
Grateful that this too shall pass. I have to remember that it means the good as well as the not so good moments.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 05-19-2017, 10:47 PM   #417
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Grateful for another day of sobriety. I almost lost it, but it was a good thing I was heading to my NA meeting.
Grateful that I stood up for myself and didn't allow someone to play games with my head.
Grateful that I made the decision to go back to NA on a regular basis. The meeting is across the street from me, so I have no excuse.
Grateful that I got my potato salad made tonight. I have beeen thinking potato salad for a couple of days. I am glad I found the energy and the direction to make it.
Grateful that my hamburger turned out. It was stuffed with cheese and thick and I didn't want to see any pink let alone red when I bit into it. The fried onions and mushrooms that I had on the side made it go down just a little bit better.
Grateful that I got some of my book read today. I have been getting behind in my reading.
Grateful for another day of sunshine.
Grateful for recovery. I was remembering being introduced to NA literature while I was in treatment. I chose to go to AA because of my denial, but I did go to one or two meetings a week to NA for identification. I always knew I was an addict. Some is good, more is better.
Grateful that the neurologist is setting me up at the hospital to go for an MRI and an ECG. The way I have been feeling, it will be good for me to have my head read.
Grateful that I go to see my new heart specialist on the 24th.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 05-21-2017, 08:14 AM   #418
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Thanks Jo

I love your Gratitude lists
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Old 05-26-2017, 01:05 AM   #419
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Grateful for a new day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got to start my day again when it with fatigue after going to my group.
Grateful that my sponsee was at the meeting.
Grateful for Dart's considering it rained for most of the day.
Grateful my son brought over two pizzas, which we had for a late lunch and dinner.
Grateful for them, especially the lunch one. It was delicious first time around, not so grateful that I was still tasting it when I went to eat pizza #2. Thankfully #2, was just cheese and pepperoni.
Grateful that I have no appointment tomorrow. I have some tests and appointment coming up in June. Today I got a referral to a rheumatolgist. Pardon any errors, my spell check isn't working.
Grateful that I made it to my group today.
Grateful that we had 4 other members there. Woman power!
Grateful that I have been able to do some catch up in my posting. I have lots of material, but post of it is packed away at the moment.
Grateful for the cooking channel. I have been having a marathon of Kid's baking, grilling, and chopped would be champions.
Grateful I caught up on my tennis, now I have to catch up on my reading. I would probably do so, if I didn't keep ordering and picking up new ones.
Grateful that I am willing to go to any length for my recovery. I picked up a book on Diabetes Dieting. Want to see what I should be eating and look at what I am eating that isn't good for me, including my love for honey buns.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 05-30-2017, 10:02 PM   #420
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for TV and the ability to watch the French Open Tournament in France. The Internet makes the world a small place.
Grateful that I can record shows while I take the time to post. i.e. Jeopardy, American's God Talent, and The World of Dance.
Grateful that I got the energy and initiative to get to the noon meeting. It was good to see two other group members there.
Grateful that I got the thought to go to the Black Forest Inn, I have been thinking schnitzel for a couple of days.
Grateful to go to Denninger's, I have really missed the store that was closed in the mall.
Grateful that I found some specials this week.
Grateful that I have been getting more sleep. I think it is good. Don't like to think it is due to the new pill I take at night. I can be awake hours after I take it because pain will wake me up or keep me from sleeping.
Grateful that my feet haven't been badly swollen during the day. My ankles are beginning to swell, but not like before.
Grateful for dinner which turned out to be quite tasty. I used Denninger's mushroom soup with milk to make the sauce for my hamburger to make Stroganoff.
Grateful that I found spell check, even if it was by accident.
Grateful that I was not tempt to go to the mall to see if that vest I saw a week ago is still there. It is still on my mind. Hoping it is on sale.
Grateful that my God has a sense of humor. As I have shared before, "I am sure He is sitting up there, shaking His head and going "Tsk! Tsk! Didn't she learn her lesson last time."
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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