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Daily Gratitude Make sure to stop in here and share what you are grateful/thankful for today. No matter how bad our day is, there is always something to be thankful for.

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Old 11-09-2014, 05:19 PM   #136
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I got some posting done.
Grateful that I don't have to post in every section every day and keep every section up to date, although I do try.
Grateful even though I don't always show it or say it, I am very much grateful for this site and for my second chance at life.
Grateful I don't have to cook dinner, even though it is Sunday dinner, leftovers are just fine! We all know what F.I.N.E. means! (frustrated, insecure, neurotic, and emotional). Shouldn't feel that way, I cooked it! No one to blame but myself, sitting here trying to think of what I can do to add the Jo touch to it or should I just have a chicken sandwich. Grateful that I have an option.
Grateful that I got to watch tennis. Not so grateful that our Canadian player (Milos Raonic lost) to Roger Federer.
Grateful that more Davis Cup tennis is on tonight.
Grateful that the Lynsay Sands book I got is a page turner. She is a new author to me and the second historical romance in two weeks. Maybe I am sick, or I just need a break from all the who done its I have been reading.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning and unfolds as it should, not always as I would have them be or as I think they should, yet at the end of the day, quite often they are surprising, comforting, and surprising.
Grateful for a call from my friend S. last night, I was thinking of her and she beat me to the phone.
Grateful for all of you, without you, there is no me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-11-2014, 03:53 AM   #137
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Grateful for a new day, although I am not sure that yesterday has ended.
Grateful that a day can start any time, which means it can end any time too. I have tried to end mine and go to sleep but so far it hasn't happened, so I am still in Monday with a foot in Tuesday.
Grateful for all those who serve this country and for those who have served in the past.
Grateful for a good day yesterday, my feet still want to keep on walking.
Grateful that I found the $40. that I thought I had lost. I kept telling myself it had to be home somewhere and not to panic. I told myself, "You will get by, you always do, even if it is lost. Don't give up, give over." I thought I had put the money in the inside pocket of my coat, only to find it in the pocket of my hoodie that I had worn the day before when I had gone to the pharmacy. So grateful, I didn't lose it, it was not a safe place to put it. Another lesson learned, with my memory getting so bad, I need to be more careful as to where I put things.
Grateful that Dancing with the Stars was on, it always lifts my spirits. I saw some of The Voice but will watch it tomorrow, or catch the rerun next Sunday.
Grateful for the meditation I did tonight, it reaffirmed again, as much as we like to think that it is about others, it is about us and our reaction to their energy and words, and how we allow them to affect us.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-12-2014, 08:39 PM   #138
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Grateful for today and catching up some old posts.
Grateful that I was inside and didn't have to go outside as it is getting close to the freezing point.
Grateful that The Voice result show is on and I get to see what I missed last night.
Grateful that I don't have a lot of pain today.
Grateful that my son came by and is cooking dinner (baked potato with cheese plus steak and onions).
Grateful that my head ache has eased, hoping to get some reading done later.
Grateful for old posts that I can go back to and get some fuel for my soul. I always seem to be led to where I need to go, no matter what section I look in.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-15-2014, 08:53 AM   #139
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Grateful for another day even though some of the flurries stuck to the ground.
Grateful that the sun is trying to shine even though it isn't doing a very good job.
Grateful that it is Saturday. Not so grateful that Housing is shutting the water off in our building for 9 hours.
Grateful that I found the slow cooker recipe yesterday, I can put dinner in and forget it no matter what the day brings. I will have to do the JoAnne thing to it because I don't have their ingredients, but that is okay, the principles are the same.
Grateful that I got more of my book read, hoping to finish it today.
Grateful for the lessons learned, it was my fault I lost the key. I forgot them in my mailbox. I can get angry with the lady for not turning them in, and be grateful to Housing for not charging me for the chaos, yet it all began with me.
Grateful that each day is a lesson. Learned another one this morning. Unplug the heating pad and you won't trip over the cord when you wake up, and it won't jar the table your glass is sitting on, which won't knock over your glass, and it won't roll on the floor and break.
Grateful for the tennis that has been on.
Grateful that the sun came out as I typed this even though it is only 32 deg. F.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-18-2014, 12:11 AM   #140
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Grateful for a new day.
Grateful I got the readings posted.
Grateful my health held up was getting a tightening in the chest and the feet haven't wanted me to sit at the computer, but just coundn't close the day without making an attempt. Wasn't able to make a few posts, but that is okay.
Grateful that I can accept things as they are in today. Even more grateful that I don't have to like it in order to accept it. Especially all this snow that has been coming down for two days, too bad they don't have snow tires for my walker.
Grateful that between my inhalers and my Vicks Vapour Rub I have have a cold but have warded off bronchitis. (Touching wood)
Grateful my son took my library books back and got some groceries for me.
Grateful I found these new mouse images.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-20-2014, 11:11 PM   #141
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Gratitude for another day. A day that started late and one I restarted by going back to bed to feel good and get the energy to do what I needed to do.
Grateful that I got my laundry done.
Grateful that I got some posting done.
Grateful that my son was here to share the chocolate pudding with so I didn't find it necessary to eat the whole thing.
Grateful that I had the thought tonight, that I got out in the country to my sister's last weekend and saw the fall colours before they all disappeared and the snow came.
Grateful that the snow has stopped for the moment. I do like that white stuff when it covers up the gray of the city and all the slush and stuff and makes everything look nice. Nice to look at, but not so nice to get around in.
Grateful that I don't have to shovel it. Have problems pushing my walker through it.
Grateful that curling is on. Now I am good for the whole weekend.
Grateful that my book is almost finished, should have it done in time by bedtime.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-25-2014, 01:45 AM   #142
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Grateful for a new day.
Grateful that my computer seems to be working at the moment.
Grateful that today is a new beginning.
Grateful that it isn't going to cost me anything to get my computer fixed, the adapter cord is free. I just have to pick it up. My bus fare is free because of my walker, so I have lots to be grateful for.
Grateful that the sun is suppose to make an appearance tomorrow. Hopefully the wind will die down and I will be able to get out and about. I have only been out one day in ten days. I will be grateful to be mobile again, having problems again with swollen feet.
Grateful that my son came and did my floors, moved my refrigerator and stove and did a good clean.
Grateful for this program. Grateful for the awareness and the reality it brings to my life and even though I would like to hide under a blanket of denial or crawl under the bed covers and not face the world, I know that my God has a purpose for my life. I pray each day that He guides me and that I have the strength, courage, and the wisdom to follow.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-26-2014, 06:51 PM   #143
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that although Google isn't performing up to par, I can go back to Internet Explorer. It is familiar and I know it's quirks.
Grateful that my son helped me shop, even though I always spend more when he does. For some reason, he sees my needs so much better than I do.
Grateful that I went into the library and returned a book and didn't take one out. I did go by the express shelf though and took a peek, I must confess. Thankfully, nothing spoke to me.
Grateful that I made it to the Al-Anon meeting. I had full intentions of going for coffee afterward for the meeting after the meeting but for some reason, I found myself calling my son and asking him to meet me to go shopping an our earlier than planned. It is good, I just would have cancelled after going to the chiropractor's and getting the adjustment, sitting through the meeting and by then, the body wouldn't have wanted to get up and go again. Going to the meeting energized me. What a difference a meeting makes.
Grateful I got my Freshly Squeezed Fruit Juice today. I saved it and am drinking it now as I am posting.
Grateful that there are three hours of nature shows on, so I can sit back, enjoy, and let the body do it's survival thing after being on the go. Doing the go, go, crash and burn things is not good.
Grateful I can take a break and come back to do more, just hurting too much to do more at the moment. As I shared with a friend at the meeting today, acceptance is still the key.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me in today.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 11-28-2014, 09:42 PM   #144
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that there wasn't much on TV tonight that I wanted to watch and I was able to catch up on some posts on another site.
Grateful that I had a very restful and healing sleep this afternoon, thanks to the treatment at the Holistic Center yesterday.
Grateful for TV dinners.
Grateful I have no need to go out as it says rain, freezing rain and ice pellets on the TV screen when I checked the weather just now. It is -5 deg. C which is 23 deg. F and seems colder with wind chill.
Grateful that Internet Explorer 7 seems to be working if I remember to delete the cookies and not let them pile up. Still finding my way around the formatting.
Grateful that I can go back to old posts and find new blessings and share with new friends.

When we look back, we realize that the things which came to us when we put ourselves in God's hands were better than anything we could have planned.

Alcoholics Anonymous p. 100

Got this from As Bill Sees It* today and it is something that expresses how I have been feeling. There is nothing I can do, other than do the do things each day, put turn things over and leave them in His Hands.

I need to eat properly. I need to get my rest. I need to do my meditation and prayers. I need to meet my daily commitments both in my home and on the internet.

Many years ago, I put my life into God's Hands. I didn't know what my purpose was. I questioned my reason for being. The answer I got was, "Carry the message to the message of recovery to those who still suffer."

So unless He changes His mind, I will be here!

* Never knew that the book was called "The AA Way of Life." It just goes to show how we can be so selective in our vision, hearing, and choices and are often unable to see the whole picture. Every time I open a book, I see something new. The news never becomes old!
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 12-01-2014, 03:27 AM   #145
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Grateful for a new day. Not so grateful that I am not sleeping.
Grateful that I got some sleep in my chair earlier.
Grateful that my pain has eased since I came on line to post.
Grateful that it is true, that when you get out of self, the pain eases. I did my laundry and my sons (he did some errands for me), and my body protested.
Grateful that my God speaks through His Word and that of others when we are prepared to listen. Sometimes we turn things around to make them into what we want to hear or make them into words we consider false and negative and not good for us to hear, yet the truth comes out in the end. I am a firm believer that things are not all negative or all positive. It is about me getting honest with me.
Grateful for a call from my sister today. She called me yesterday to say she had gotten 5 bags of clothes from a sister of a friend of hers. She called to say she had 4 coats for me to try on. Not sure they will fit as she is shorter than me, but very grateful and always open and willing to receive. They will be new to me.
Grateful that Housing is suppose to be coming I the morning. I hope it is early morning, not late morning, even though I have yet to find some sleep. That way I can always come home and sleep this afternoon. Not so grateful that they are shutting the water off again from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Grateful that my computer is holding out and pray that I will be able to connect with John at noon on Tuesday.
Not so grateful that the Hamilton Ti-Cat Football team lost the Gray Cup.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 12-04-2014, 06:52 AM   #146
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Grateful for another day. Not so grateful when I see that I have missed a day, because I know there is always something to be grateful no matter what goes down in a day. When I don't post here it is because I have allowed time to get in the way and that is not good.
Grateful that the holiday specials have started. I especially like the ones on the Food Network even if they make me hungry and a lot of the things I can't have or wouldn't eat if they gave them to me.
Grateful for the music specials, those are special to me. Love my music.
Grateful that my son made the potato salad that he promised. I wasn't feeling good yesterday and laid down and slept for 3 hours. I never heard a thing.
Grateful that less is more. I love the slogan, keep it simple. When I clutter up my mind and start thinking and become a wanna bee and going into wanna haves, then I forget to be grateful for what I have and for what is, and forget what was.
Grateful for those who travelled this journey with me in the past to get me to where I am at in today.
Grateful for those who travel this journey with me in today.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 12-12-2014, 09:10 PM   #147
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Grateful for a day that is almost finished.
Grateful for a week that is almost finished.
Grateful that it is the weekend.
Grateful that I am able to post.
Grateful that I found what I think the problem is even if I can't fix it.
Grateful that I only have to wait until Tuesday to see John. (I think)
Grateful that there is always a tomorrow to try again.
Grateful that there is hope and that a new solution may appear.
Grateful that when I find acceptance of what is in the moment, I can life with what is, no matter what it is.
Grateful that I got to see the chiropractor and the doctor this week.
Grateful that I got out to get some groceries.
Grateful that I got a bonus cheque from the Government called Trillium. It is a bonus and something I am grateful for. I bought myself a Freshly Squeezed juice.
Grateful I have lots of books in case I get snowed in.
Grateful for my son's help, he takes them back as I read them.
Grateful that I can't keep up all the posts, I can do some and I am trying to accept, that that is enough.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 12-15-2014, 03:10 AM   #148
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful to get some posting done, most of yesterday was spent in pain.
Grateful that when I got on line, the hour just seemed to disappear. That might be because I had a 3 hour sleep yesterday.
Grateful that I was able to get some reading done. Starting a series of books by David Baldacci, catching up on some I haven't read.
Grateful for the food specials on the Food Network even though they make me hungry.
Grateful that I remembered that the Barbara Walter's Special was on.
Grateful for Christmas music. It is playing while I post. It is now past time to call it a night.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 12-16-2014, 08:41 AM   #149
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Grateful for another day although I am afraid there is a but attached. I would be much more grateful if the sun was shining.
Grateful that I got some posting done.
Grateful for the new pictures, didn't realize they were so big. I do love animation, hope you don't mind, they lift my spirit.
Grateful for Christmas music, it is playing while I am posting.
Grateful that the month is flying by so quickly and time isn't dragging. Who would ever thought that there wouldn't be enough hours in a day?
Grateful that my book and my bed is calling me, so will see who speaks the loudest.
Grateful I got my laundry done.
Grateful for those of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 12-19-2014, 08:35 PM   #150
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Grateful for a sunny day.
Grateful that my doctor gave me an emergency appointment, even though I am none the wiser after having seen him.
Grateful that he sent me for testing. Will be really grateful if I get the results before Christmas.
Grateful for the specials that I was led to today. (Bathroom stationary $3.99 for 12 rolls 2 ply and paper towels for 59 cents each)
Grateful for my God's Timing.
Grateful that I was able to keep up.
Grateful that I got my library books back and some new ones to replenish my stores for the holidays.
Grateful for the most delicious cheese bread from Denninger's that was my "me" gift, NOT on sale, $4.59 for a small loaf, and I ate four slices of it with my dinner tonight.
Grateful for four cranberry scones that I got from there as well. I bought them instead of taking myself out for dinner.
Grateful that my God reveals Himself in many ways. Some days I wonder, what I missed!
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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