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Daily Gratitude Make sure to stop in here and share what you are grateful/thankful for today. No matter how bad our day is, there is always something to be thankful for.

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Old 07-31-2014, 02:09 AM   #76
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Grateful for a new day even though I haven't finished with yesterday. Somewhere I lost some sleep, only found 2 hours.
Grateful that I got to the chiropractor. My hips are better. It feels like he missed a spot. Hopefully this too shall past.
Grateful that I got to watch my TV shows and got some of my book read.
Grateful that I got to talk to a couple of friends.
Grateful that there is going to be a lot of tennis in the next two months. It has always been something I enjoyed even though I never played a game in my life.
Grateful that I have freedom of choice.
Grateful that the people who travel this road with me has the same freedom. Do something that brings you pleasure.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 07-31-2014, 10:52 PM   #77
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Grateful that this day is almost done.
Grateful that prayer and meditation works, I have been fighting a migraine all day. Tried to post twice.
Grateful to be able to watch my tennis, because I sat with my feet on ice packs. The two Canadian players won their game.
Grateful that I got some dishes done and made hamburger with onions, spices (thyme, rosemary, ginger (helps with heartburn and helps the stomach if you have problem with spices), chili peppers, salt and pepper) and mushrooms, with garlic and herb spaghetti sauce, and added small and narrow elbow macaroni, mixed, simmered and then added yellow and white cheddar chesse and parsley flakes. It was good, but it didn't like me.
Grateful that I listened to myself and went down to the pharmacy to get my blood pressure taken. It was 157/83 and then 161/88, which is high for me.
Grateful I got the thought to phone the pharmacy, and she sent a fax to my doctor to get strips for my meter to test my blood. It is cheaper than buying two batteries.
Grateful that my God sends me the good orderly direction I need each day. Even more grateful that I listened and acted accordingly.
Grateful that darts are on, that just tops my day.
Grateful that I got some sleep today after having only 5 hours in 3 days.
Grateful that the pain has eased so that I can post. Hope it will continue to 1 a.m. when the messages change for tomorrow.
Grateful that I didn't lose my post. With the help of my tremon disorder, I ended back two pages from where I was typing. (gulp)
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-01-2014, 08:44 PM   #78
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Grateful for another day, even though it was a bit humid.
Grateful for the humidity because the storm hasn't got here yet and I got to do what I needed to do.
Grateful that I had two books to take home to replace the two I took back. With tennis being on, I am getting behind schedule and may have to renew.
Grateful for the services offered to us in today. The library didn't have the book I wanted in their area, so they put out a request to other branches. More will be revealed, if not, it wasn't meant to be.
Grateful for the food I was able to get. I have an ice cream bar by Magnum that cried to me so loud, I just got up and took it out of the freezer. The outside is dark chocolate but the inside is a dark chocolate mousse.
Grateful that my God connected me to a couple of people, because I didn't see anyone I know.
Grateful that I am 20 day shy of my 23rd recovery birthday, God Willing!
Grateful for you all who walk this recovery road with me.
Grateful that I learned very early in recovery, don't forget how you got sober, who helped you along the way, and don't forget where you come from, and don't forget why you have a good day in today.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-03-2014, 02:41 AM   #79
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Grateful for a new day, even though I slept most of it away.
Grateful for the sleep, every time I woke up I rolled over and went back to sleep.
Grateful that I didn't miss tennis. Ever so grateful that two Canadians will be playing in the final. Canada #1 and Canada #2 players playing for the Citi tennis tournament cup in Washington, D.C. They are making history, it has never happened.
Grateful that even though I didn't feel hungry, I grazed all day.
Grateful that I got my book almost finished.
Grateful that the storm hasn't arrived yet, it is suppose to be 27 C which is 81 deg. F., hopefully I will be able to do most of my posting.
Grateful that my pain has eased and although I had other issues with my stomach, my feet didn't hurt until I sat down to post.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.



Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-05-2014, 03:09 AM   #80
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Grateful for a new day, even though in my mind it is still Monday.
Grateful that my pain was decreased and my ankles were not swollen when I woke up from my big sleep!!!!
Grateful that the pain hasn't gotten too bad after doing all the posting I did, even though my feet and ankles are swollen again.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner, it is a holiday here and he didn't have to go to work.
Grateful for all the blessings and new awareness I received as a result of posting in the Spiritual Meditation. Sometimes I have trouble getting to the spiritual because of the religion, yet I know if I look deep, I will find both.
Grateful that the program of recovery is spiritual and that people of all religious beliefs can walk through the doors and get recovery.
Grateful for the hymns that came to mind tonight. They are ones I grew up on. The words come to mind, but I need to search on the internet for all the words. I am so grateful that they are still available.


Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.
Grateful that no matter what space I am in and where I am at, my God is always attainable. I know He is there, and it is up to me to acknowledge Him.



Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-06-2014, 03:34 AM   #81
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning.
Grateful I got to do lots of 'stuff' yesterday because I wasn't too mobile and I couldn't sleep. (Watched tennis for 12 hours, grazed on what I had instead of what I had to cook, watched three hours of country music Summer Festival that rocked.
Grateful I got my book finished and started on a new one.
Grateful for the readings and the posts today.
Grateful every day, but most of them that I read spoke loud and clear.
Grateful that I got a call from my sister yesterday and a call from my b/f S. today.
Grateful that I have an appointment at the chiropractor's and an appointment at the Holistic Center, and if time goes well, I might be able to go to Al-Anon in between appointments. The group is called the Lunch Bunch. Hope to grab some lunch in the mall first.
Grateful that they ask me to chair when I haven't been around for a while. It is a real blessing. Taking part in a meeting is a great gift.
Grateful that I have books to take back and then I will look to see what I can talk myself out of getting, or find one that speaks to me and is a must have.
Grateful for those who travel this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-07-2014, 11:41 AM   #82
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Grateful for a new day.
Grateful that I can start a day any time. Thinking of going back to bed even though tennis on.
Grateful for prayers. I am hoping and praying that my son is open to receiving what he needs.
Grateful that my pain is emotional pains, so I need to get off the computer to have a wee talk with my God and deal with them.
Grateful that I remembered to take out my roast of beef. Hoping I will wake up in time to cook it for dinner.
Grateful that I have been able to post. I was disturbed that I couldn't stay awake to post at 1 a.m. and went to bed at 10:30 p.m. Even more grateful that I listened, instead of forcing myself to stay up because I SHOULD do what I feel I need to do for my recovery. I had to accept that the readings aren't available until 1 a.m. and I have to wait until such a time it is good for me. I can't share if I am not all there.
Grateful for the 3rd and 7th Step prayers, I always say them before I post, along with the Serenity Prayer.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey. Without you, there is no me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-08-2014, 04:25 AM   #83
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Grateful for another day, wondering what will be put in front of me today.
Grateful that yesterday was a good day, although I expected it to be a do nothing day, because I have been hurting.
Grateful for the days that I can work and think through the pain.
Grateful that I got things done I needed to do. Even more grateful that I got a Government check to help toward the cost.
Grateful for a delicious roast beef dinner, even though I made it myself. I find for the most part, it tastes better when someone else makes it, as long as they know how to cook, that is, then I am not so grateful, but I would eat it if it is edible. LOL!
Grateful that our Canadian player made it to the Quarter finals.
Grateful that I can channel surf and watch the games in Toronto and Montreal.
Grateful for another day of sobriety. Some days are sober, other days there is lots of sobriety (soundness of mind).
Grateful for those of you who share this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-09-2014, 01:47 AM   #84
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Grateful for a new day, for a moment, didn't think I would start it awake.
Grateful for a good day, at least a productive one.
Grateful for the Good Orderly Direction that lead me through the day, getting little things accomplished around my apartment, some dishes done, got my nap because I was in too much pain to go out and about.
Grateful that I listened, now I should be able to go out and about after resting like the reading in the section for Family and Friends of Alcoholics and Addicts.
Grateful for some good tennis, even though our Canadian player lost.
Grateful for sports, I may be a couch player. Today all my favourite sports were on, tennis, golf, and curling.
Grateful that I got hungry enough to eat. Made myself a roast beef sandwich and a Sockeye salmon sandwich, with blueberries to follow.
Grateful that isn't suppose to rain for a few days.
Grateful for temperatures in the mid to high 70s F.
Grateful that my God is very good to me.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-10-2014, 04:35 PM   #85
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Grateful for a new day. In fact, I had two mornings because I chose to go back to bed and try again to get out of bed.
Grateful that the weather channel says a storm is on the way, wouldn't want this pain for nothing. It always tells me about 3 days in advance to expect it. I would rather not know, but then again, that is acceptance of what is.
Grateful that tennis and golf is on.
Grateful that my God is forgiving because I am watching them instead of doing much needed laundry.
Grateful for my home, my food, and all of the day's blessings.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning, a lot of days I wouldn't want repeated or continued.
Grateful for those who travel this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-12-2014, 05:16 AM   #86
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Grateful for a new day even though it is raining and we are going to get thunder storms later. It helps to make the grass grow and it turns it green and keeps nature beautiful. It also keeps my son in Work.
Grateful that the pain in my feet has eased someone, but it decided to run away and go up to my neck.
Grateful that I got downtown yesterday.
Grateful that I returned some books, and only came home with one express book.
Grateful I got some groceries, I forgot things, but that is good, because I can go tomorrow when I go to the chiropractor, Al-Anon, and the Holistic Center.
Grateful that there was tennis, darts and a curling skin game, which I ended p sleeping through most of it.
Grateful that God is and I can go to Him any time through the day.
Grateful for those who walk this recovery road with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-13-2014, 03:35 AM   #87
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Grateful for another day. My days are all muxed ip, and each day is one of acceptance as well as gratitude.
Grateful though I am technically a dud, I am grateful a few thing sunk in over the years. It took me a year to learn to copy and paste and now I know how to do it 5 ways.
Grateful that I had a respite while I rebooted, my computer was getting slow. My picture window didn't pop up, so had to put the pictures manually, by typing [IMG][/IMG] and type the link in between the brackets.
Grateful for pictures. To me they speak louder than the words sometimes. Sometimes my sense of humour shows, but they speak volumes to me.
Grateful I got 3 loads of laundry done. I wanted to do the other 2 but just 2 2 tired and sore.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning.
Grateful that you can start a day any time.
Grateful a meeting starts and end when I get there. I always tried to make it for the meetings before and after the meeting/
Grateful for music. Tonight it is Old Country Classics.
Grateful for those who share this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-14-2014, 02:42 AM   #88
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Grateful for today, I am sitting here wondering what it will bring.
Grateful that yesterday is gone, I slept through most of it.
Grateful that my treatment left we with no pain after I woke up.
Grateful that it is telling me to take a break and I don't have to do it all at once. When the pain starts making itself known, I know it is time to put the feet up.
Grateful that the weather was clear. The sun hasn't been bright enough to wear my new sunglasses.
Grateful for each new awareness and lesson learn and looking for the new ones in today.
Grateful that although my life isn't very big and exciting, it suits men just fine. Must not forget I have a date tomorrow night, helping my friend celebrate 31 years of recovery, is worth celebrating and being grateful for.
Grateful for all of you. You make my life worth living and give me purpose.

p.s. Taking a break and tennis is over. LOL!

Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-15-2014, 05:48 AM   #89
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Grateful for a new day.
Grateful for yesterday, even though I slept through most of it.
Grateful for the phrase, "You must have needed it." In part it is true, and I know it can be healing and my body can adjust and change.
Grateful that I have had very little pain the last two day. Only pain comes when I sit too long on the computer.
Grateful that my son cooked supper. Fried up ham steaks to go with left over salads that he made.
Grateful for my God's gifts of awareness and spiritual experiences each day.
Grateful that my God is. I like the post I made "Let God be God," which reminds me that I can't play 'god' with my life and that of others.
Grateful that I can listen to the words that come to me, like now that are saying, "It is time to take a break!"
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. Yesterday seemed like a crawl day, and that is okay. Sometimes it is "Just be still and be open to what comes your way." I am sure I would hear my God calling, even though I missed 3 calls while sleeping.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 08-16-2014, 01:55 AM   #90
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Grateful for a new day, even though it isn't very old.
Grateful that the tennis game I thought I missed by going to my friend's anniversary, is now being shown and I missed 45 min. of it while posting.
Grateful I got to go to the meeting, I went for me as much as I went to support my friend.
Grateful to be at a meeting where the total of 61 years was being celebrated between two men. I have known the other gentleman the longest.
Grateful for a speaker with 2 1/2 years sober who has a powerful message. I went to him to let him know I was grateful for his message and he reminded me of a couple of remember whens and a couple of spiritual experiences.
Grateful I got a ride to and from the meeting. There were two sets of stairs, so I know I will hurt for a couple of days, but that is okay. I needed to be there.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.

Always remember to 'breathe.'


Love always,


I share because I care.

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