None of us can see it but we all know that it's there when it soars or gets broken we all know then, that we have it. What we don't know and all realize is that this is always with us, it's there to help and guide us. This has been given to all of us and we all have it no matter who we are and it doesn't matter what any of us have done we still have this and it always stays with us no matter what, and it's a good thing that it does because this is what's going to save all of us. The program of recovery is about all of us being able to use this so that it does for all of us what none of us could do without using this. The hardest thing for all of us when it comes to us being able to use this is that none of us know how this works. But from now on after we all have come into recovery none of us have to worry about that because it's already been figured out what works and doesn't work when it comes to us using this so it will work for all of us. What's unfortunate for all of us is that for some reason most of us don't want to use this. We all want to find something else, and some other way of doing what this does for all of us. So we're all free to look elsewhere for something else that will work for all of us like this does, and we're always free to come back to using this when we can't find anything else that does work. If we're all lucky enough we'll all make it back, but we all know some of us won't be so lucky, and they're the ones that are not coming back, and we all hope that we're not going to be them, one of those that won't be able to come back to what we all already know works, that we didn't want.