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Daily Gratitude Make sure to stop in here and share what you are grateful/thankful for today. No matter how bad our day is, there is always something to be thankful for.

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Old 04-02-2015, 12:51 PM   #181
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Grateful for another day, feeling extra grateful today. Just watched Oprah show and watched twins joined at birth, separated at the age of four, each with one leg, learning to walk with an artificial leg and doing physio therapy.

Grateful for a wonderful birthday yesterday, even though I am tired today. It was a good day with lots of gifts, some of them priceless.

Grateful that my son came by today. He just took my recycle down to the basement.

Grateful for the sunshine. A little sad that I am too tired to go out and soak some of it up.

Grateful that tennis and curling is still on today. Canada is tied for 1st place at World's.

Grateful that I got an invite to go to my sister's for Easter.

Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-05-2015, 10:41 AM   #182
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Grateful for another day.
Not so grateful that my computer is slow and giving me a hard time and making it difficult for me to post.
Grateful for some patience and tolerance and hope everyone will bear with me.
Grateful that I am going to my sister's for Easter dinner although I have yet to find out when that will be.
Grateful that my son is going with me.
Grateful that I have a willingness to do laundry, now all I have to do is get it from here to the 3rd floor to accomplish it.
Grateful that life is subject to change. I don't always like it when others change their mind, but it also give me an option to change mine.
Grateful that I managed to walk downtown and BACK yesterday. I was really pushing it and had to stop several times, but I missed my bus. I took it as a sign to walk rather than take a bus and walk half way. The bus was pulling away from the curb as I came out of the mall.
Grateful that I was able to get some sleep last night even though I missed watching some curling.
Grateful for those who travel this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-08-2015, 11:50 PM   #183
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Grateful that I got through this day.
Grateful that I got a lot of posting done although a lot of sections look a little lonely.
Grateful for my dishpan of soya beans that I have my feet in while I am posting. Thought I was going to have to stop and get off the computer, but they have helped with the circulation and have lessene d the pain.
Grateful that it is sometimes those little things that help, sure beats popping a pill.
Grateful that my pillows are dry, now I can make my bed. Didn't want to spend another $1. to dry them.
Grateful that I remembered to take out my ham before I left this morning. Even more grateful that I had the thought and followed it up with action before I forgot.
Grateful that I had my lunch with an AA member in the food court today.
Grateful that I could share part of my lunch with her. I didn't want my apple sauce, so gave it to her. I questioned putting it in my lunch bag this morning, but something told me to put it in. It isn't something that I normally do. I was in the mall for 4 hours waiting for the rain to stop or slow down so I could dodge the drops and not get soaked getting home. I managed not to get wet and make a good bus connection, oh so grateful.
Grateful that I got my two loads of laundry done before Jeopardy.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.
Grateful that I got this done before midnight, didn't want to go 4 days without showing my gratitude.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-09-2015, 07:26 PM   #184
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that the fog lifted. Lifted from my head and from outside my window. The fog didn't lift until 4 p.m. this afternoon. I couldn't see two blocks away. I was wondering if there was a spiritual message, couldn't do anything but look within yourself. Couldn't see to far outside of myself.
Grateful that I didn't fall asleep for too long, sat watching the opening of The Masters and only slept for 40 minutes.
Grateful that a woman can change her mind. I didn't feel like cooking chicken. Had the left over salmon from yesterday and lunch on toasted cheese bread and french fries. Going to top it off with some pralines and cream ice cream when Jeopardy comes on. I have been grateful for Jeopardy for many, many years. Not good at it, but I credit it for a few extra brain cells that have been nurtured over the years.
Grateful that I got some of my book read. Nothing on TV that I want to watch other than The Nature of Things, so will put on the music and try to finish my book.
Grateful for prayer. I fire truck just went by. I always try to say a prayer when I hear one.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-12-2015, 05:55 PM   #185
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that my son came by today and did some heavy lifting for me.
Grateful that I was able to watch some curling, tennis, and golf.
Grateful that I got the thought to answer a 1-877-number yesterday. It was from Bell and I got a new combo for my TV, telephone, and internet service for less than $180. a month, which includes my music, sports and cooking channels.
Grateful that I still have cookies left, even though they are addictive. Even more grateful that my son didn't want any because they were not peanut butter or chocolate.
Grateful the sun is out. Hope to go out tomorrow, hoping chest pains ease and the wind dies down and I can get more mobile. I would be grateful for your prayers. Grateful that more sun is promised for the rest of the week.
Grateful that the temperatures are suppose to warm up.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-14-2015, 08:49 PM   #186
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that the sun was shining and the weather was much warmer.
Grateful that I could bring out the spring coat and put the winter one away.
Grateful that I ran into my "unofficially" adopted daughter and got a hug. We don't see each other very often. I met her before she got married and before I came into recovery. I introduced her to Al-Anon and her husband to AA.
Grateful for the gifts of recovery. Her middle child is a reflection of my inner child, I saw myself in her. I found out today she is going to be an exchange student and going to England for three weeks. She is doing what I always wanted to do, travel. She is a cadet and keeps rising in rank and doing well. I am so proud of her.
Grateful that I came home because my son was looking to give ME some money. Felt bad that I was in too much pain to stay downtown and visit with her. I went to do my taxes and returned a book to the library. On the bus, I thought "I should have phoned Patti she doesn't live too far from here." I met her in the mall just outside the library.
Grateful that when my knee gave out on the bus, I fell on the seat. I felt bad and wanted to push myself and kept telling myself I should have stayed downtown. Yet the bus came when I got to the stop, and the connection was there.
Grateful my son showed up and paid me back some money he borrowed.
Grateful that I felt like cooking my roast chicken dinner, even though I only ate half my chicken.
Grateful that I have a new book to read The Perfect Witness by Iris Johansen as there is nothing I want to watch on TV unto 10 p.m. when a new Chopped program comes on.
Grateful for all the blessings today.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-17-2015, 09:14 PM   #187
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I got some sleep today.
Grateful that I have a balcony that I could go out and stand on and get a whiff of fresh air (not easy to come by in this steel city).
Grateful for the new stations on my TV. I am watching "That's Entertainment" although I have seen it before.
Grateful that my computer has been working better, have had to upgrade and do some downloads.
Grateful that I got into my old e-mails and cleaned out my inbox. I have lost two addresses because I didn't keep them current. These went back to 2012. I joined Care2 many years ago. I forgot my password a long time ago. They still send me a birthday card. It was nice to open it today even if it was 15 days late. They were on time, I was late.
Grateful that the temperature hit 70 deg. F today, sorry I didn't get out but there is always tomorrow, God willing.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-21-2015, 09:47 AM   #188
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that the sun has finally decided to shine.
Grateful even if it only shows for a short time.
Grateful that I got some sleep, hope to get some more.
Grateful that my bean bath worked and my pain eased and I can go back to bed and get some more.
Grateful for the new channels on my TV although I am still trying to figure them out. Ended up recording a couple of show and a tennis match and didn't know I did it.
Grateful I finished my book so I can start a new one. I love to read, I wish more people did.
Grateful my cookies turned out. I made oatmeal cookies from a mix and added my peanut butter, nutmeg and cinnamon.
Grateful for each day's blessings, big and small.
Grateful for each of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-24-2015, 09:10 PM   #189
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Grateful for a new day.
Grateful that I got some posting done, overdue for some gratitude.
Grateful that even though I have a not so good day, I can still find something to be grateful for.
Grateful I finished my chicken stew.
Grateful that I have some peameal bacon to cook to go with the tea biscuits that are waiting for me to bake when I get off the computer.
Grateful that the Gaither Gospel Hour is on, going to close up shop and go and listen to it.
Grateful for all of you. Without you, there is no me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-26-2015, 10:30 PM   #190
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful it was a day of sunshine, even though I didn't go out in it.
Grateful to touch base with a friend. We made arrangements to meet on Tuesday.
Grateful that she confirmed, that if I slept as long as I did, I must have needed it.
Grateful that I woke up with less pain.
Grateful that the weatherman has forecast warmer weather, even though it says rain and possible snow tonight and tomorrow.
Grateful that it is one day at a time. I thank my body for telling me it is coming, yet I am not sure why I need to know three days in advance.
Grateful I don't have to go anywhere until Tuesday.
Grateful that my son ate my brownies and took temptation out of my path, even though I had my share.
Grateful that I have lots of books to read. Hoping to find some concentration and focus to be able to read.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

~~A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-29-2015, 12:38 AM   #191
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Grateful for a very busy day.
Grateful that I finally got some relief from pain so I could get some posting done.
Grateful that I got to the market to pick up my monthly pay day treat, Chelsea buns.
Grateful that a James Patterson book that I ordered came in.
Grateful that I got some grocery shopping done, had to come home twice, had no room left on my walker.
Grateful that I got to meet up with my friend Marilyn. Was grateful that she came home with me for lunch. I always liked to entertain, and I was grateful that I felt having her here.
Grateful that my friend Herb came up this evening, he hadn't been here for a while. We use to belong to the same AA group and have been long time friends and I was at his wedding. His wife Kelsey is a very good friend.
Grateful that I was able to touch base with my sister today too, a very good day.
Grateful that I got a big t-bone steak $4. off. A cottage roll for $4.99 usually $8.99 on sale, along with several other good buys, things that make me realize that my God is looking out for me and I am in the right spot at the right time.
Grateful for those little blessings, they make me smile and give me the warm fuzzies. When you go with the flow, everything falls into place, and life is just good.
Grateful that even though I had a lot of pain, it was earned and expected, I always seem to overdue on pay day trying to get everything done; but better to be mobile, then unable to get around. I missed two buses today and ended up walking 8 blocks to catch an express bus home. I am my own worst enemy. I am also grateful that I have learned to laugh at myself and the rod that I beat myself up with isn't as big as it use to be.
Grateful that I got to watch the 10 year anniversary of Dancing with the Stars.
Grateful that I have been remembering to ask for what I needed, and I been following up thought with action. i.e. Recording The Chew and The Talk while I was out today.
Grateful that my friend reminded me that I needed to be grateful for my scenic view. There was a sail boat out on the bay today. The sun was shining, and there were some beautiful big fluffy white clouds sailing across the blue sky.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 04-30-2015, 10:44 PM   #192
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Grateful for another full productive day.
Grateful that I got most of my posting done, hurting but that is okay. It is my neck not my feet that is sore. LOL!
Grateful my son came by and had dinner with me. The steak when I bought it was done with him in mind, much too big for me.
Grateful that he is working now. Even more grateful his case of nasties he arrived with because he was tired and sore disappeared, when he was fed and rested. Just not acceptable in my space, no way are they to be acted out and projected onto me.
Grateful for some more good buys today.
Grateful that I remembered the things I forgot yesterday. I don't like putting out money for things I can't eat or drink, like toiletries, cleaners, probiotics, freezer bags, etc. although I did by some flower Power Thought Cards the other day and just now opening them tonight. I hope to use them as affirmations. They are by Louise Hay.
Grateful that my God just puts these special little gifts in front of me and gives me the awareness to see them. I had the thought and followed the thought with action. Like today, I had no intentions of going into the store Harmony. It was there, got the thought to go in, went in and thought of looking at stones, no thought of a ring, and ended up buying two for $4.50 each. The last two I bought were $10. each. They may even turn my finger green, but that doesn't matter. I am allergic to gold. She said I could put nail polish on them if I needed to. I know that my hands aren't sore after posting, and that is a first for several weeks. So that is a thank you, thank you, thank you. One is a Tiger Eye for my right hand and the other is an Amethyst for my left.
The Amethyst is called the Sobriety Stone.
Grateful for a good day and going to close it up with some music and hope to finish my book.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 05-03-2015, 12:01 AM   #193
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Grateful for another busy day.
Grateful that I don't have a lot of pain as a result of all my walking about.
Grateful that I could put my feet up, not so grateful that I didn't get my dishes done.
Grateful that my son said he would try to get over to help me tomorrow.
Grateful he phoned, so I will wait and see.
Grateful that I had a good visit with my neighbor. She lives two doors down from me on the same floor. We seem to get along and neither one of us is short on words.
Grateful that I made it to the library. There is a little story there, a go with the flow kind of incident. The washroom was closed so I had to go to the second floor. When I got to the second floor, someone was using the unit for the disabled, so I went to look at the books. There was a book by Janet Evanovich on the large print new arrivals. It listed author of another book of hers I hadn't read, so I looked and lo and behold, it was there. As they say, "Everything happens for a reason." I was to meet my friend at the market. When I got there, she just came out of the elevator from downstairs and I didn't need to go down there. All round good stuff, things that tell you are where you are where you are suppose to be and for me, my God is directing my life.
Grateful for all those little things, including the kittens on "Too Cute," on Animal Planet tonight.
Grateful for the posts that I was lead to tonight, things that I needed to read for my own recovery.
Grateful for those who walk this recovery road with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 05-05-2015, 11:28 PM   #194
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that my pain has eased and the swelling has gone down.
Grateful that my son came by after work. I heated up leftover for him but didn't feel like eating them myself.
Grateful that I finally figured out how to record the shows I want to watch. I sure missed out on a lot of shows in the past. I am not much of a techie. I am quite pleased with myself.
Grateful that I got caught up on some lost sleep.
Grateful for the old Chopped shows that are old, shows that I had missed and now able to catch up on.
Grateful that I got some laundry sorted by my ankle wouldn't let me walk on it to get my go down to laundry room. Grateful that tomorrow is another day.
Grateful that it rained. That means the grass will grow and my son will continue to work. It is suppose to go up to the mid 70s this week.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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Old 05-11-2015, 12:16 PM   #195
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Grateful for another week, hard to believe that it is a week since I posted here. I am grateful that my God is forgiving, I am not so lenient with myself.
Grateful for the ability to record shows, but can't let that take away from my posting time or my reading time. I have a backlog of reading material at the moment due to tennis being on. I am use to not being able to sleep and having to fill up my hours, so am grateful for the sleep I have been getting.
Grateful that my son came by and cleaned my apartment and cooked me dinner yesterday. I chose the cottage roll, not so sure I chose for him to take it home for his lunch this week, but that is okay, I have chicken to cook today.
Grateful that we got some rain, it means he will be able to continue to work full time. My son not working is a negative energy that isn't pleasant to be around.
Grateful that the sun is trying to shine today, maybe if it keeps trying it just might find it's way out from behind the clouds.
Grateful that it is Monday as it means that Dancing with the Stars is on.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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