How would today look if we completely detached from the behavior of others and accepted them for who and what they are? That is simple to say but not always easy to do. In life, sometimes we forget that each one of us is a unique individualization of the one life of God.
Each one of us is on our own journey of discovery. We look at another and think that we know what that person "should" do or how his or her life "should" look or how he or she "should" or "shouldn't behave. Many
times we think we know what is best for another.
The truth of the matter is, no matter how much we care for or love another; we really do not know what is best for them. We are called into being to live our life, not anyone else's. We are here to walk our own path, not that of another.
MEISTER ECKHART expresses, "He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing, detachment."
(Antestian Newsletter)
Originally posted in 2004
A friend of mine suggested that I pray and ask that they get what they needed. Not what I thought they needed or was best for them, but what THEIR God thought was best for them.
I am powerless. As I have said many times on the site, I had to substitute the word 'control' for powerless and then I could comprehend the true meaning. Control is an illusion. To think I can change anyone else is an illusion and a big ego trip.