Grateful for another day clean and sober. I was really grateful that I had a program to apply to my day. It was not easy being me.
Grateful I got a ride even though I was way early, but they took me early. Glad it was good for them, not so good for me as I had to waited 5 hours to go back after the dye did it's things, so I could have my picture taken, my feet that is, not the rest of me. I would have broke the camera.
Grateful this was a stroll in the park compared to next Wednesday, I think it is suppose to be a white blood cell test which will take 8 hours from start to finish. Grateful that I was able to book Darts for a ride there.
Grateful that I had a meeting tonight. Went over and opened up early, only no one was available because of ORCNA. Ontario Regional Conference of Narcotics Anonymous.
Grateful for a memory or two of when I was Zone Sports Officer and put on bowling, darts, euchre and cribbage tournaments. Seemed like every time I went to Collingwood, I got wasted. Glad I don't have to do that any more.
Grateful for the newcomers who remind me of the way. They remind me to get back to basics.
Grateful for the opportunity to share my journey with you.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.