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Old 03-31-2018, 06:14 PM   #1
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Default Change what you can

More Language Of Letting Go
Change what you can
There are times when it’s best to say whatever and times when it’s best to say enough. Be aware of the difference in these times, and be ready to say both.
Are you being abused or merely annoyed? Is your anger based on a legitimate hurt, or has someone just not lived up to your expectations? Be aware that there’s a difference. Then learn to apply the strategies, as needed, for that particular situation.
Are there any rules for knowing? No, there aren’t. You need to decide and choose what’s best for you at any given time. Trust yourself and your Higher Power. You’re wiser than you think.
Seek balance in your life. Learn when it’s time to let go, and learn when it’s time to act.
God, help me let go of situations that are out of my control and help me take action, when it’s time.
We don't have to do things all at once. Sometimes we deal with things and they come back up and that is okay. For me, I had buried things for so long and so deep, that it took a while for things to surface. It wasn't that I did a bad Step 4, I did it to the best of my ability at the time. The first one was just to take the surface off. My sponsor said, "If you have recovery show it.'


Love always,


I share because I care.

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