Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got to see my doctor. I asked to see him specifically and he listened.

Grateful that I found out that I had a cyst on my kidney. It will help me to be more watchful, don't want another one. They said it was benign, so I am grateful for that.
Grateful that it rained yesterday. It was my excuse for not making it to my AA meeting.
Grateful that I had more of an appetite today.
Grateful that I haven't gained back all my weight. My bagel binge hasn't added any more bulges.
Grateful that it is a one day at a time program.
Grateful that it is progress not perfection. Some days I do have to admit to not too much progress, other than I am aware and do it any way. Not so good, God and I are working on that.
Grateful that I had a good book to read while putting up my feet. Have book will travel, especially when using Darts.
Grateful for my sense of humor, even if it is a bit sick at times.
Grateful that I made it to the business meetings and my regular NA group meeting.
Grateful that I always feel better after a meeting. If I didn't, I would have to ask myself, what am I doing wrong. I was told many years ago, it isn't about what your group can do for you, it is about what you can do for your group.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.