Grateful for a sober day that fell far short of sobriety.
Grateful that to slip emotionally, doesn't mean I have to physically pick up.
Grateful for the tools of recovery, they can help us not fall when we have a slip and fall back into an old behavior.
Grateful that I have had a lot of practice trying to get this program right one day at a time.
Grateful that I got some grocery shopping done.
Grateful that I remembered to take my blood pressure before I had my nap. I have been calling myself the walking dead. 118/42/pulse 51.
Grateful that I treatment myself to fish and chips today.
Grateful for my next door neighbor, she gave me two chocolate macaroons after my group. Couldn't just have one, but did stop at two, even though it was offered.
Grateful for her dog, Spencer. He had his coat on, I wasn't the only one feeling the cold.

Grateful for my AA home group who had a celebration for me on Thursday. I celebrated in NA last week.
Grateful it is one day at a time. Today was a hurting day and all I can do is push through the pain, and remember that picking up doesn't make it better or take it away. It compounds the interest.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.