Thread: Gratitude List
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Old 08-11-2017, 10:39 PM   #437
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the tools of recovery.
Grateful for the sunshine, it always puts a smile into my day.
Grateful that I got some housework done today.
Grateful that I made it to my AA meeting on Thursday.
Grateful that I made it to my NA meeting tonight.
Grateful that no matter what is going on in your life, when you go to a meeting, you will hear what you need to hear.
Grateful for my food and my home.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. My days are sometimes longer than others, while others are short and seem to disappear.
Grateful that I don't have to use to make the hours disappear. All I wanted to do was shut down and make the world go away.
Grateful for all the people who share this journey with me. Hoping your angel is watching over you.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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