Thread: Gratitude List
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Old 07-02-2017, 07:09 PM   #428
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
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Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that a day is what I make up my mind to be. Unfortunately it is a lazy day for me.
Grateful that someone invented disposable plates, cups too.
Grateful for the gift of meditation. I just realized that some of mine have been too short lately.
Grateful for tennis. I am happy it is grass court time. Much better than the plodding clay, even though it takes less stamina. I like that it plays faster.
Grateful that this is the Lord's day, even though I don't observe the day, I do connect with Him. Lately I have found myself singing some of the old hymns that I grew up with.
Grateful that the sun is shining. That in and of itself, makes it a good day.
Grateful that Wimbledon is starting. Looking at a preview show now.
Grateful that I have a roof over my head, food in my refrigerator, deep freeze and pantry.
Grateful for those who have been praying for me.
Grateful for this site, the friends I have made here, and the people who follow my journey.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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