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Old 12-12-2015, 10:39 PM   #480
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
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Thanks for sharing, I went back to playing bridge. Sadly, because of my disability, I didn't think I could be a good partner, so haven't played for almost 4 years.

For me it has been reading, have read for years. I read a lot of recovery material and then I heard a woman say, "I relapsed because I was looking outside of myself and the program. I read every self-help book I could get my hands on. I came back to recovery and found that everything I needed in the Big Book of AA."

I am an avid curling and tennis follower. Not an active participant, just a couch potato when the games come on TV. My favourite player was Stefan Edberg from Sweden and now he is coaching Andy Murray from England. Now we have our own Canadian hopefuls, who hopefully will come into their own in the coming years.

I like Glen Howard's team, although he didn't qualify this year. He plays out of the arena of my old home town Coldwater, Ontario. Our women's champion is from Ottawa, which isn't too far from me and I have been there, so it is a little link that I have to the game and the people in it.

I use to play darts. I was an avid player and a good player. I had 9 trophies for high double ins and outs, most double ins and outs. My arthritis got so bad that the dart no longer sticks in the board. I went through a grieving process because I could no longer play a game I loved. I had a board in my home. I didn't like going to the bars to continue playing when I got sober. I couldn't stand the noise in the room after 10 p.m., I guess that means I am getting old. It isn't a safe place to be, but there was no reason to not get with friends to play cards, to play darts, or play board games.

I use to paint, but I have a tremon disorder and can no longer do that. I use to like colouring in colouring books. I found it helped ease stress.

I played several games on the internet, but now all I do is play Bejewelled 3. I have a link on my desk top, it takes me to the game, I don't interact with others, I just play the game, whether I get 3,000, 30,000, 300,000 or over 3M. It became an addiction, and I had to turn it over to my Higher Power. It is no longer an obsession. It is just a game I play at night before I got to bed, when I want to take a time out from what I am doing, and it seems to ground me. It is okay as long as I don't let it piss me off and laugh instead of cuss when I crash at a small score. It is about me and my attitude and what I bring to the occasion. Just like all things in life.

As long as I don't become compulsive and obsessive about something, it is good. I use to call myself a bridgeaholic. I love cribbage. When I first learned, if someone sat down, they found a crib board in front of them. The program is applicable to all areas of my life.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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