Thread: Gratitude List
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Old 02-17-2015, 12:40 AM   #162
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Grateful for another day, it is truly a new day.
Grateful that I can look at a new day with hope and thanksgiving.
Grateful that yesterday was a good day, even though I didn't feel all that great.
Grateful that an afternoon sleep helped me get the energy to cook dinner.
Grateful that I felt like eating it, even though it wasn't until 10 p.m.
Grateful for an intuitive and creative mind. Life would be so, so boring without it.
Grateful that I remembered the tribute to Stevie Wonder. It was two hours of awesome music. My soul was enriched and better for it.
Grateful for music. At the moment I am listening to "The Light" station on digital TV.
Grateful that there is no snow and it is suppose to stay away until Tuesday. Hope to get out and get some exercise tomorrow.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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