Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I don't have to go outside to get to the Internet Cafe. There is a connecting door between the mall and my senior complex.
Grateful that I was able to get out and about and get my shopping done before we got hit by all the snow and blistering weather. Will be even more grateful if roads are cleared before Thursday and Friday when I have to go to two doctor's appointments.
Grateful that I have John to bring my computer to, unfortunately, last Tuesday was almost over before I realized it was here and his time and the cafe was over. Duh!!!
Grateful for my Notebook, but I think it has bit the dust although I am trying to keep a positive positive attitude.
Grateful for all the books I have read and all the tennis and curling I have watched while it has been down.

Grateful that on the whole my health has been quite good.
Grateful for friends and family, food, fun and fellowship. Don't get too much frolic any more, but went out and bought myself a new comforter and have had more time to take myself to my bed and gotten more sleep.

Grateful for those who walk this recovery road with me.