Grateful for a new day.
Grateful to be grateful.
Grateful that even though nothing much is happening, I can just allow myself to just be and I don't have to make it happen.
Grateful that I have freedom of choice today. Today I choose not to use. Today I choose not to go out in the cold.
Grateful that someone is only a phone call away.
Grateful that I have recovery people who live in my building.
Grateful that my son has gone for a walk and has left me to the pleasure of my own company, instead of watching football. (Yesterday he came by to watch wrestling)
Grateful that I know I have freedom of choice and can tell him no, even though most times I don't say it often enough.
Grateful that I have a choice as to what I am going to eat and what I am going to prepare to eat. Some people don't have that choice. For that, I will be eternally grateful. There were times in my life, I didn't have that choice.
Grateful for all of you who walk this recovery road with me.