Thread: Gratitude List
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Old 12-19-2014, 08:35 PM   #150
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Hamilton, ON
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Grateful for a sunny day.
Grateful that my doctor gave me an emergency appointment, even though I am none the wiser after having seen him.
Grateful that he sent me for testing. Will be really grateful if I get the results before Christmas.
Grateful for the specials that I was led to today. (Bathroom stationary $3.99 for 12 rolls 2 ply and paper towels for 59 cents each)
Grateful for my God's Timing.
Grateful that I was able to keep up.
Grateful that I got my library books back and some new ones to replenish my stores for the holidays.
Grateful for the most delicious cheese bread from Denninger's that was my "me" gift, NOT on sale, $4.59 for a small loaf, and I ate four slices of it with my dinner tonight.
Grateful for four cranberry scones that I got from there as well. I bought them instead of taking myself out for dinner.
Grateful that my God reveals Himself in many ways. Some days I wonder, what I missed!
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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