Thread: Gratitude List
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Old 12-04-2014, 06:52 AM   #146
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Grateful for another day. Not so grateful when I see that I have missed a day, because I know there is always something to be grateful no matter what goes down in a day. When I don't post here it is because I have allowed time to get in the way and that is not good.
Grateful that the holiday specials have started. I especially like the ones on the Food Network even if they make me hungry and a lot of the things I can't have or wouldn't eat if they gave them to me.
Grateful for the music specials, those are special to me. Love my music.
Grateful that my son made the potato salad that he promised. I wasn't feeling good yesterday and laid down and slept for 3 hours. I never heard a thing.
Grateful that less is more. I love the slogan, keep it simple. When I clutter up my mind and start thinking and become a wanna bee and going into wanna haves, then I forget to be grateful for what I have and for what is, and forget what was.
Grateful for those who travelled this journey with me in the past to get me to where I am at in today.
Grateful for those who travel this journey with me in today.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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