Grateful for a new day. Not so grateful that I am not sleeping.

Grateful that I got some sleep in my chair earlier.
Grateful that my pain has eased since I came on line to post.
Grateful that it is true, that when you get out of self, the pain eases. I did my laundry and my sons (he did some errands for me), and my body protested.
Grateful that my God speaks through His Word and that of others when we are prepared to listen. Sometimes we turn things around to make them into what we want to hear or make them into words we consider false and negative and not good for us to hear, yet the truth comes out in the end. I am a firm believer that things are not all negative or all positive. It is about me getting honest with me.
Grateful for a call from my sister today. She called me yesterday to say she had gotten 5 bags of clothes from a sister of a friend of hers. She called to say she had 4 coats for me to try on. Not sure they will fit as she is shorter than me, but very grateful and always open and willing to receive. They will be new to me.
Grateful that Housing is suppose to be coming I the morning. I hope it is early morning, not late morning, even though I have yet to find some sleep. That way I can always come home and sleep this afternoon.

Not so grateful that they are shutting the water off again from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Grateful that my computer is holding out and pray that I will be able to connect with John at noon on Tuesday.
Not so grateful that the Hamilton Ti-Cat Football team lost the Gray Cup.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.