Thread: Gratitude List
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Old 11-26-2014, 06:51 PM   #143
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Grateful for another day.
Grateful that although Google isn't performing up to par, I can go back to Internet Explorer. It is familiar and I know it's quirks.
Grateful that my son helped me shop, even though I always spend more when he does. For some reason, he sees my needs so much better than I do.
Grateful that I went into the library and returned a book and didn't take one out. I did go by the express shelf though and took a peek, I must confess. Thankfully, nothing spoke to me.
Grateful that I made it to the Al-Anon meeting. I had full intentions of going for coffee afterward for the meeting after the meeting but for some reason, I found myself calling my son and asking him to meet me to go shopping an our earlier than planned. It is good, I just would have cancelled after going to the chiropractor's and getting the adjustment, sitting through the meeting and by then, the body wouldn't have wanted to get up and go again. Going to the meeting energized me. What a difference a meeting makes.
Grateful I got my Freshly Squeezed Fruit Juice today. I saved it and am drinking it now as I am posting.
Grateful that there are three hours of nature shows on, so I can sit back, enjoy, and let the body do it's survival thing after being on the go. Doing the go, go, crash and burn things is not good.
Grateful I can take a break and come back to do more, just hurting too much to do more at the moment. As I shared with a friend at the meeting today, acceptance is still the key.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me in today.


Love always,


I share because I care.

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