Welcome Hippie Girl. Thank you for signing in and sharing. The fact that you are looking for control and wanting to be in control would be the key, we need to surrender to the program and to the God of our understanding in order to win over this disease of addiction. Control is an illusion. It is already out of control if we have to control it. When we surrender and turn it over, we are empowered to do what we need to do each day to stay clean and sober each day.
It is a one day at a time program. It isn't forever. It isn't for a year or a month or even 3 months or ten years. It is just for today, I choose not to use.
It is a program of suggestions (go to meetings, get a home group, get a sponsor, work with others, work and apply the steps, take your program out of the rooms of recovery and apply it to your daily life at home, at work and in the community), or you will go back to where you came from, and for me, that was not an option. For me, that was not an option. For me, to use is to die.
All you have lost is your dry date. It is up to you as to whether you want to lose more. You said you thought you could handle drinking again. I am sorry that gave me a little smile. It was my thoughts that got me to the doors of recovery in the first place.
Hope you will choose to stay. It is not easy, but it is so much better than going back there.