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Old 05-05-2014, 10:14 AM   #235
Junior Member

Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 15

Hi Ricky, sorry that your dad died...I relapsed after my mom died, not knowing how the disease of alchoholism worked, I thought I'd be able to stop when I wanted to. I became a ten times worse drinker within a matter of months and did something horrid in a blackout that cost me my freedome for a while. In withdrawals there I almost died, I had had DTs once before but nothing like this! I'd never been three days out with nothing.I begged for my life, my very soul. For the first time I wanted to live, I wanted to be able to share this with other Alchoholics and addicts to maybe help them prevent from doing something as horrid as I had done. I never in my wildest dreams thought I could do something so horrid-I asked for. "Recovery" . Miracles followed. I got out and a friend put the money up for me to go off to a place that held meetings five times a day. I was there five weeks, I was so grateful! It had gotten to the point where drinkin didn't "work", so even before that horrid thing I wanted to stop but had to keep going to keep from being sick/ through the people and the meetings and the reading and the steps I got free! The single most important thing in my life is what happened then, and that years later the program, meetings, friends, and my Higher Power keep me HAPPY AND FREE one day at a time. I thank you for being here and for loving yourself. I am thankful that you posted here! You are in my thoughts, I will keep you in my prayers. Hope you have a good day today.
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