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Old 02-14-2014, 04:26 PM   #2
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How true, especially dealing with chronic pain, a lot of which was caused from hurt buried feelings that came out physically. I had to heal inside and out and learn to love all parts of me.

This is a WE program. My God utilizes people, places and things to show me the way. I learned it wasn't all about me. As I am gifted, blessed, enlightened, etc. I am responsible for sharing it and paying it forward. If I isolate, I can't do that. When I shut down the negative, it blocks me from the positive. Life for me is made up of both and learning and acknowledging, so I can let it go, accept, and/or apply it to my life. All things are not negative or positive, there is always goodness to be found in anything and some things are not all good, there can be something in it that is not good for you, even if it is good for others. That is when I need my God, to show me the way.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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