Getting The Power
Knowing powerlessness is something we're all familiar with even though none of us usually use that term to describe what we all do know without anyone having to tell us all about having what we all have. Our dilemma for all of us is one of lacking power and we're all looking knowingly or unknowingly for this and where we all can find this is in recovery and is what recovery is all about us being able to find this, but this isn't the only place that this can be found, but it is the only place where we can find where it has been tailor made to meet all of our needs so that none of us have to die or lose it all in the process of finding this. As newcomers the only thing that stands in our way right now of us having this power is our own believes that we all bring with us into recovery, and if we can just suspend those believes just long enough so we can experience having this power all of us will be willing to let go of what we all once believed in in order for all of us to be able live with not having to be powerless any longer.