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Topic of the week, words that begin with the letter "K"
K is for Kindness. Be kind to yourself and you would be kind to others. Be your own best friend and give yourself a hug.
It is kind of nice to come here each day to post and share my recovery with you. My God has been very good to me and blessed me many times over. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcbaby493.jpg |
K is for Keep coming back or as I like to say, "Keep coming so you don't have to come back. Don't keep playing Russian Roulette with your life. Stay! I'll keep praying for you.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/suemiller/suemiller3.jpg |
K is for Know
Know that it is okay to be human...just don't drink over it. We strive for progress not perfection. |
K is for Knowing. I pray and ask for the inner knowing that I need in today. Within life's cycles, there are many cycles. Lessons always start in the east which means clarity and spiritual direction. When the time is right, you will know. If in doubt, wait for the knowing to appear.
https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M...=0&w=300&h=300 |
K is for Key. The key to recovery is willingness. I often have to pray for the willingness to be willing. Things can't change unless I find acceptance and the willingness to change. I have to be willing to be willing. I can't keep fighting things, if I don't deal with what brought me to the doors of recovery, it will take me back out.
http://rs794.pbsrc.com/albums/yy228/...-bear.gif~c200 |
K is for KISS
Keep It Simple Spiritually |
K is for Kill. Alcohol kills. It is a depressant. It may be legal, but what it does to our body, mind, and spirit is a crime.
Keep coming so you don't have to come back. Smiles can hide a multitude of sins. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/specsmilescard1.jpg |
K is for Knowledge
There is much knowledge that can be obtained at AA meetings if you open your ears, your mind, and your heart. You can learn tools of recovery to keep you sober 24 hours a day. |
K is for Kind. Be kind to yourself and others. Kindness goes a long way to becoming the kind of person you want to be in recovery.
http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/angel9.gif |
K is for Koodos. Give yourself a pat on the back. Endorse yourself. We can do all things through Him, and we can give ourselves affirmation, even if we can't take the credit.
https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.d...=0&w=300&h=300 |
K is for Kite. You can tell us to go fly a kite or you can find the freedom of recovery and fly like a Kite on a natural high.
We can rise above our problems, we can find ourselves challenged, and we can overcome them, because we know we are not alone. Our Higher Power goes with us and all things are possible. We can transform the old into the new. http://animationsa2z.com/attachments...ite/kite25.gif |
K is for Keep Coming Back. I like to say, "Keep coming so you don't have to come back. Keep coming to meetings. Keep calling your sponsor. Keep working the Steps and applying them to your life.
Keep in mind where you came from. You wouldn't have what you have in today, if it wasn't for the program of recovery. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qckids426.jpg |
K is for Kind. Be kind to yourself, keep coming back to meetings and do yourself a favor. Don't set yourself up for a fall. Keep working your program and applying it to your life. Go back to basics, they keep you on the right path.
http://angelwinks.ca/images/faithpod/faithpod27.jpg |
K is for Kit. The song from WWI had a song that said, "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag....
Hope you have a bag holding the tools of the program in it. Keep them handy, they are numerous, so you need a big kit to hold them all. Steps, Slogans, Literature, Sponsor, Meetings, Members of your Fellowship, Nature and Gods creation and the God of your own understanding may not fit in a bag, but He/She is always near. When you see this, how can you not know there is a God. http://angelwinks.ca/images/naturepod/naturepod28.jpg |
K is for Keep. Keep coming back or as I like to say, "Keep coming so you don't have to come back."
When you get to Step 12, that doesn't mean you are finished. You have to keep working the Steps. We start back at Step One, because if we have worked our Steps honestly, we will have found a new awareness and we grow in our recovery. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qc2bearsblanket.jpg |
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