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bluidkiti 08-15-2013 09:09 AM

Managing Tough Times
Managing Tough Times
by Max Lucado

How we handle our tough times stays with us for a long time! When you’re tired of trying, tired of forgiving, tired of hard-headed people, how do you manage your dark days? With a bottle of pills? An hour at the bar, a day at the spa? Many opt for such treatments. So many, in fact, we assume they reenergize the sad life. But do they? They numb the pain, postpone the pain, but do they remove it?

Is there a solution? There is. Be quick to pray. Stop talking to yourself. Talk to Christ, who says, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. (Matthew 11:28).”

God, who is never downcast, never tires of your down days.“Come to Me,” Jesus says. “I’ll give you real rest!”

from Facing Your Giants

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