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bluidkiti 07-01-2014 08:41 AM

I meet my life with a bright outlook. Life is good
I meet my life with a bright outlook. Life is good.

Life is good and beautiful. When I look at the world with optimism, my heart is light, my smile is bright, and my day is full of good cheer.

On any given day, the sky may be filled with clouds instead of sunshine, but I decide whether to name the weather “good” or “bad.” Even if clouds are in the way, the sun is always shining!

Similarly, I choose how to view the changing conditions of my life. If sickness appears, wholeness is still my underlying truth. Behind any experience of lack lies an ever-expanding source of wealth. I always look for the good in life, even when it is hidden. I affirm the positive and call it forth. I meet my life with optimism!
A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.—Proverbs 17:22

Daily Word

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