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Daily Motivator - October
October 1
Be there Great value exists in the immediate physical presence of other people, places, and activities. Although remote, virtual experiences can be quite rich, they are never the same as being there. From thirty thousand feet the world looks one way, and at ground level it looks significantly different. It’s useful to see the big picture, and also good to get in close. High resolution video and clear, crisp audio connections enable you to quickly and easily reach across the world at negligible cost. As amazing as that can be, it can never replace the deep resonance of sharing the same space with another person. Even when you don’t have to be there, especially when you don’t have to be there, it can mean a great deal to be there nonetheless. You are an embodied creature, a social creature through and through, and many benefits accrue when you act on those truths. A photograph of the forest is nice, yet a walk through the forest is superior by orders of magnitude. As thoughtful as a phone call can be, a personal visit could end up being life changing. The time and trouble necessary to be there serve as powerful signals to yourself and others. Look for opportunities to actively express the truth that life is precious, and be there to live it in person. — Ralph Marston |
Happy New Month Tammy.
Thank God for getting us though the month of September one day at a time. I pray that this month will be full of peace, joy and Thanksgiving. In Jesus Name. Amen. |
October 2
Ability to imagine Imagination is not a trivial thing. Give it the seriousness it deserves. When you imagine, put time and effort into it. Imagine in specific detail, with feeling, purpose and depth. What you create, what you accomplish, starts with what you imagine. To achieve excellence, begin by imagining all the particulars of the excellence you seek to reach. Your imagination can give you significant power over your thoughts, your perceptions, your actions, your life and your world. Employ it responsibly, respectfully, soberly, and with the highest of expectations. A whole lot of failures are primarily failures of imagination. And every success rests firmly on the ability to imagine. There are infinite possibilities you have not yet considered. Activate fully your imagination, and bring the best of them to life. — Ralph Marston |
October 3
Going through the motions Going through the motions is not a good habit when you’re trying to avoid the work. Yet it can be very useful when you are learning to do the work. Athletes go through the motions over and over again, and by doing so learn to integrate those motions into competitive play. They call it muscle memory and it is a real thing. It’s an approach that works well to develop all sorts of genuine behaviors. By going through the motions often enough and long enough, you get good at what you seek to do, or to be. On the surface, pretending may appear to be disingenuous. On a deeper level it can serve as effective training. Whether it’s public speaking, pickle ball, leading a group, writing stories, playing an instrument, or just about anything, relentless practice pays off. It is by doing the work that you learn to do the work better and better. Before you master a skill or habit, get yourself to go through the motions. Keep it up, and improve your performance with every iteration. — Ralph Marston |
October 4
Challenges you choose There is no overwhelming need or financial incentive for people to climb mountains. Yet plenty of people do so, and often pay handsomely for the opportunity. That’s because challenge itself has value that’s independent of having the challenge met. There’s much more gained from ascending a mountain than just standing at the top. Challenges are enticing even when they’re not particularly daring or adventurous. For example, the worldwide market for puzzles and games of logic is valued at about twelve billion dollars. Life is filled with challenges you don’t choose. An excellent way to equip yourself for them is with challenges you do choose. Just the act of deciding to subject yourself to challenge will give you increased confidence. By working your way through that challenge, you boost your confidence even more. The challenges you choose will positively impact your skills, your sense of purpose, your resourcefulness, and many other qualities. Challenge yourself often, adding strength, effectiveness, resilience, and wisdom each time you do. — Ralph Marston |
October 5
How you respond The results you achieve do not come from the situation. Your results are determined by how you respond to the situation. From identical circumstances, two different people can achieve two vastly different results. The outcomes are not based on what they’re given, but on what they do with it. If the results you’re getting are not the results you desire, stop looking for someone or something to blame. Instead, open yourself to possibilities you have not yet considered. View everything that happens through the filter of your most positive and compelling purpose. Adopt a perspective that illuminates new, powerful possibilities. The world around you is constantly changing. There is always a way to harness the energy of the ever-changing landscape to suit a worthy purpose. Look closely at the situation in which you find yourself. Then step forward with confidence and gratitude, making something beautiful, valuable and meaningful out of it all. — Ralph Marston |
October 6
Make new meaning Meaning in life is not something you find by stumbling across it or searching for it or having it handed to you. The meaning in your life is the meaning you actively bring into it. Life becomes filled with meaning as a result of time spent, activity you genuinely engage in, effort you put forth. Curiosity, struggle, connection, faith, joy, challenge, and achievement are but a few of the ways for giving meaning to life. If you’re worried that not enough meaning will result from some particular choice, stop worrying and start doing. Meaning comes from being actively involved, not from analyzing and strategizing to capture it. Sincerely care about the various aspects of what you’re doing and you cannot help but create meaning. Let go of the pretenses and let the meaning flow from your authentic actions. You live a whole lot better when you have something to live for. That makes meaning more valuable than just about anything else. Understand that every situation is an opportunity to make new meaning. The richness is yours to continue creating. — Ralph Marston |
October 7
Flow of inspiration Embrace opportunities to be inspired. Then pass along that goodness by putting forth the effort to be inspiring. Live so that inspiration flows through you. Tap into its life enhancing energy as it does. Inspiration puts thoughts and values into action. It transforms time and resources into achievements. Feel inspiration as it reaches into your awareness. Allow its benevolent energy to fill your spirit and animate your efforts. Focus that energy in a productive, useful, loving direction. By so doing, you feed inspiration to reality itself and magnify its positive power. Inspiration can extend far beyond a sentimental good feeling. When you facilitate the flow of inspiration through your own life and others, it makes the whole world a better place. — Ralph Marston |
October 8
High hopes Your hopes may be high, but hopes alone will not bring results. Hold on to those high hopes, and act on them. Expect the best, and do the work that those expectations demand. You deserve a positive outcome, so follow through with all that’s necessary to make it happen. Moving forward with hope is much better than wandering around with no hope. Yet as important as hope can be, actually moving forward matters even more. Give motion, energy, and persistence to your high hopes. Allow those hopes to encourage you and push you into effective action. With your hope, motivate others to join in the effort. Position that hope to keep you focused on where you intend to go. Fill your awareness with genuine hope. And feel the power as your hope continues pushing you to achieve. — Ralph Marston |
October 9
Do what you can do You don’t have all the answers. Nonetheless, there’s something good you can do. You’re short on time and resources. Yet you have plenty of ways to make a positive difference in the world. There are all sorts of perfectly reasonable excuses for not taking action. Even so, you have multiple options for getting good work done. Rise above the excuses, the doubts, the challenges and shortcomings. This is a day when you can create results. Breeze on past those who say it can’t be done. This is your opportunity to do it anyway. You can sit on the sidelines and complain, but your time is too precious to be wasted on that. Here and now, with what you have, do what you can do, and watch as life reaps the benefits of your sincere love for it. — Ralph Marston |
October 10
Pushing you in a positive direction Let fear inform you, motivate you. But don’t let it control you. The object of your fear does not align with your interests. Know it well, while also keeping your distance. Fear will destroy you and everything you care about if you let it take up permanent residence. The fear itself becomes worse than what originally gave rise to it. You are strong enough to benefit from your fears without letting them take you over. Use that strength and it grows even stronger. Look closely at what you fear, learn deeply, draw energy from it. Then transform that energy, set your own path, and go your own way. Fear is a powerful gift as long as you don’t let it become who you are. Do the difficult work to get each fear pushing you in a positive direction. — Ralph Marston |
October 11
Formula for improvement You only need to notice once that something is wrong. After that, invest all your thoughts and actions in doing what’s necessary to correct it or render it irrelevant. Complaining over and over about the same problem, doesn’t solve the problem. Working to solve the problem is what solves the problem. Yes, it’s much easier to complain, and also necessary to complain. But after complaining once, the second complaint, and third, fourth, fifth, add no value. A productive, focused effort does add value. Then the second effort adds more value, as does the third and fourth and so on. Based on that reality, the formula for improvement is quite simple. Complain once, then act as many times as necessary. You’re skilled at repeating yourself. Apply that skill to taking action rather than to complaining, and great improvement comes forth. — Ralph Marston |
October 12
Worth the trouble It will be okay. Take one breath, then another. Life continues, the world keeps going. All that you love, you still love. As each new moment arrives, more goodness becomes possible. From one day to the next, moments of peace, joy, and fulfillment arise and linger for a while. As troublesome as it sometimes can be, life is always worth the trouble. It is by doing what you can that you’re able to live as who you are. You will always be thankful, and always be well served, by the times you live in authenticity. Today is your opportunity to create more of those times. Take up whatever burdens you must, and live the genuine experience of being you. Discover again and again that you, your life, and all of life, are very much worth the trouble. — Ralph Marston |
October 13
Power of transformation Even when the world feels like it’s falling apart, you can marvel at its beauty and wonder. Even when chaos and tumult are all around, you can carry peace in your heart. From that potential for peace and beauty come hope and positive possibility. Again and again, such hope arises to do its magnificent work. In the midst of utter confusion and disarray, you can construct a small sanctuary of order. Little by little, you can build upon that order to create reliable structure, meaning, and opportunity. In even the most futile situation, you are capable of acting with grace, integrity, love, and joy. It’s an astonishing power you can exercise every day. When you do, it makes a difference, for you, for those around you, for your world. Nothing is more fulfilling, nothing is more deeply desirable than that. Whatever the time, whatever the circumstance, you harbor within you the power of transformation. Every time you make good use of it you add your own special richness to life. — Ralph Marston |
October 14
Give life to excellence Nothing equals the satisfaction of a job well done. Create some of that satisfaction in your own life today. When you’re engaging in effort, proactively put your competence into it. Whatever it is you’re doing, you have the opportunity to do it with excellence. You live every moment with yourself. Do all you can to advance the quality of that time. Excellence is its own reward. And it produces benefits that extend far beyond you. Seek to discover some of the excellence you’re capable of bringing to life. Build upon that excellence to inspire and drive even more. Whatever you find yourself doing, do it well. Give life to excellence, and give excellence to your life. — Ralph Marston |
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