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bluidkiti 07-01-2024 07:37 AM

Be Still
Be Still

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

We lead such hectic and chaotic lives these days. It is rare that we slow down and even rarer that we are totally still. We miss so much because of the pace of our lives. We miss the small miracles that are always around us, the miracles that were placed there to remind of us our Creator. We miss the astonishment of how a spider spins its web, perfect and symmetrical. The wonder of how the leaves change colors each fall and spring forth to life again after the dead of winter is past. We let the awe of the world that surrounds us sneak by us, totally unaware that if we are still, if we will take a moment to stop and listen, we will realize that reminders of our Creator surround us. His presence will become a reality in our lives, if we can just be still for a moment. We're traveling at high speed and our lives are high stress and high impact, but our hectic lives are meaningless without Him. Hit the brakes; don't miss this incredible opportunity to see God. Be still and look around you. Be still and listen. Be still. You will witness the beauty of His creation: listen to the birds singing, take time to smell the fall leaves, thrill in the beautiful fall colors and you will know that He is God! Take time today to be still. Thank God for all He has placed in your life that is awesome and beautiful. Be still and know He is God

Thank you, Father, for how your have surrounded my life with all that is beautiful. God, help me to slow down. I am so caught up in the hectic pace of life and I know how much I miss. Forgive me for allowing my busyness to keep me from you. Teach me how to be still. Help me to look around me and to listen for your still small voice. Remind me to stop and smell the roses, because when I do, I know I will see you. Amen
Quiet Waters

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