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bluidkiti 07-24-2022 08:17 AM

A Confident and Determined You
A Confident and Determined You

Thought for the Day

"With God by our side, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. He gives us the strength, determination, and self-confidence to believe that we can move mountains. It is this trust in God that we need to draw on in order to not give into feelings of self-doubt and defeat."

Today's Word

"Though an army besiege me, my heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident. One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life" (Psalm 27:3-4 NIV)

Today's Prayer

Father, with You I can accomplish anything. Nothing can stand before me that cannot be conquered. It is with You that I have the confidence to face anything with courage and determination. Amen.

The Whisper Of God

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