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MajestyJo 01-25-2014 08:02 AM

Life Lines to Sobriety
Lifelines to sobriety, be they tenuous or strong
May often take a simple form, but are never proven wrong,
Openness and honesty; a willingness to change
May seem like such a simple task, yet so difficult to maintain.
For only you can take that step, that is needed to be free
Because that step is to turn to God, and to accept His Will, you see.

Once in touch with spirituality, cold reality will set in,
And the footwork to recovery is upon you to begin
So seize the opportunity to open up and share
Your strengths, hopes, experience with those who really care.

Remember gratitude and humility are essential qualities
That are greatly needed in your life, so you may always lead
An honest, structured program, filled with the steps that you must do
Service, meetings; above all, to thine own self be true.
Prayer and meditation, to begin and end each day
I highly recommended, a small price indeed to pay.

So live according to the Big Book; take it one day at a time.
Keep it simple. Easy does it; this will bring you peace of mind.
But the lifeline to sobriety that you will absolutely need,
Is the belief you have within yourself; for recovery to succeed.

- Lois Stargratt

MajestyJo 01-25-2014 08:05 AM

There is a big difference between sober and sobriety. For me, that was the 12 Steps of recovery that are applicable to all areas of my life, no matter what my belief or disbelief in God is. It doesn't matter what substance I use, it all leads to the same soul sickness.

MajestyJo 01-25-2014 08:09 AM

The first step to freedom; A difficult task
Can only be taken if you lower the masks
That hide all the shame, the pain, and the fears
Held deep down inside you for so many years.

do you think that you're ready to take that first step?
The first step to freedom; to life at its best.
It may seem so easy, so simple a test
to let go of deception; to let go of the rest.

Step one - to admit, to surrender, to dare
To face who you are and openly share
The person within with all those who care
Family and friends; the support that is there.

Honesty, hard work and prayer will prevail
In achieving a victory clear
Over denial and self pity, anger and fear
If openness, willingness, and acceptance appear.

So hold out your hand and patiently wait
For the moment you enter into God's loving gate
One step at a time, for it is never too late
To walk into freedom, to determine your fate.

Once this step has been taken, and freedom yo find
Hold tightly the promise of a live so divine
Not a life of perfection, please keep this in mind
but a life through good choices,
Has gained peace of mind.

- Lois Stargratt

MajestyJo 01-28-2014 02:17 AM

Have always liked this. I put up so many barriers and blocks, it was hard to find self-honesty.

Where was I, who was I, and how did I get myself into this state of being.

Even in today, I need to go back to basics when I find things a little off in my life, be it caused by my pain, my lack of working the program to the best of my ability in today.

My life line was my group and my sponsor and they loved me back to goo health and loved me when I couldn't love myself.

For me the life line that I had to hang onto were the 12 Steps. They were a tool that I had to utilize each day, to get through my life clean and sober.

MajestyJo 05-25-2014 12:18 PM


Step Two: The insanity of our disease. Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

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