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bluidkiti 06-26-2021 06:32 AM

What Do You Trust In?
What Do You Trust In? by Gail Rogers

Kathy dropped to her knees. She did the only thing she knew to do in a challenging difficulty and that was to pray. Oh she hadn’t always turned to God when things were hard and she didn’t know what to do. It had been a slow journey but God was teaching her and she was so grateful for His patience.
Kathy poured her heart out to God and asked for His strength to hold her through this day. As she rose up from her knees and wiped a tear from her cheek, she felt His peace flood her heart. Nothing had changed outwardly yet she knew God was holding her hand and He would walk with her through each step as she found her way through this challenge. She actually found her weary body and mind refreshed from her time in His presence.
Before understanding how God cared about each struggle in her life, she had tried so many other routes to peace. She had put her trust in other things like money, good wits, the right connections, even spiritual rituals and religious ornaments.
But since she had invited Jesus Christ into her life, it was different. She had a relationship with Him that allowed her to approach God’s throne and receive His strength and His peace when she was overwhelmed in a difficult place.
She read in her Bible the verse that says, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7).
What do you trust in today to help you through the challenge you are facing? Trust fully in the name of the Lord our God! No matter what those around you may be putting their trust in, remember God is the only one who is truly trustworthy. Trust in Him and in Him alone today and He will strengthen your heart and carry you through your difficult time.
Father God,
I confess to You that often I have put my trust in so many other things. Today I declare that I will trust You to give me strength. I will trust You to give me wisdom and insight. I will lean hard on you to keep my anxious heart and mind at peace. Remind me to trust You completely when I want to run ahead and borrow tomorrow’s problems today. Thank you that You are trustworthy. I now place my concerns for this day into Your hand and trust You to help me and guide me. Remind me to stay close to You and show me when I turn my trust to “horses and chariots” rather than trusting in the name of the Lord my God. Thank you for strength for today and for the confidence that tomorrow we can face together. In Jesus’ strong name I pray, Amen.
Questions: What do you trust in to help you through the struggles you are facing today?

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