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bluidkiti 04-29-2020 06:53 AM

Do What You Can Do!
Who [with reason] despises the day of small things? . . . — Zechariah 4:10

Do What You Can Do! by Joyce Meyer

I recently started walking for exercise, and after about ten days I was up to three miles a day. A few more days went by and I started having pain in a groin muscle. It got so bad that I could only walk about three-quarters of a mile. I was tempted to quit altogether because I wasn’t where I wanted to be yet, and I started thinking that walking that small amount wouldn’t do any good. But I was wrong! By doing the little I could do, I eventually worked up to five miles a day.

If you can’t exercise three days a week, but you can exercise one day, then start with that and see what happens. You may find that doing what you can do is an open door to eventually being able to do what you can’t do now! If you can’t study the Bible an hour every day, but you can do 10-15 minutes, then start with what you can do and watch it grow.

Many people never get started with the things they want to do because they want to start at the finish line. If you never get started in the right direction, you will never get to where you want to be. My philosophy is this: “I may not be able to do everything, but I refuse to do nothing!”

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me to see the value in doing things that seem small, and not to get discouraged when things take longer than I wanted or expected. Thank You for the strength to take baby steps of faith, and for bringing me one step at a time from where I am to where I need to be.In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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