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bluidkiti 10-20-2019 08:14 AM

Amazing Faith
God's Word For Today

Amazing Faith

Read Mark 4:1 through 5:43

When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed” (Mark 5:27–28).

A woman, afflicted for twelve years with a terrible illness, had tried every human means possible to get relief but found none. She spent all her money on physicians to no avail. Then she heard about Jesus and approached Him in the crowd. Her faith in Jesus’ power to heal was so great that she knew just touching His clothes would be enough. In the midst of the crowd, the woman touched Jesus’ robe and immediately her torment ceased.

What an amazing example of faith! This woman not only believed in Jesus’ power to heal but expected Him to respond to her need. When she boldly reached out to Jesus, her life was changed.

Believing is just the starting point of a prayer life. You also need to expect that God will do what He can do. When we reach out to Him, He will always respond to your faith.

Thought for Today: Reach out to Jesus with an expectant heart.

Quicklook: Mark 5:25–34

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