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bluidkiti 08-09-2019 04:40 AM

Of Prodigal Sons and Forgiving Fathers
Of Prodigal Sons and Forgiving Fathers

When we read the story of the Prodigal Son many times we place our focus on what the Son did, and rightfully so. How many of us can relate to the prodigal and his rebellion and sinful arrogance? I can, and I bet you can as well. What we sometimes loose our focus on is the actions of the Father.

In Luke 15:20 we see the Father who "... saw him from a long way off and was filled with tender love and mercy... he ran to him and kissed him and threw his arms around him." What this verse implies is that the father was actually looking for his son. His son had wandered far off, so far that I am certain the father and all his wealth and connections could not track him to where he had gone. I am sure that if he could have, he would have stuck close to his son to be there when he was so low he was feeding pigs (Luke 15:17) he could pick him back up again. To a Jewish person feeding pigs was an insult to them and their abilities because pigs were unclean according to Jewish dietary laws and custom. Feeding pigs was something a "gentile" would do.

How many times do we feel that we have committed that sin against God that we think finally closed the door on God and his grace. How many times do we approach God as the son did to his father saying "...I am no longer fit to be your son." (Luke 15:21) I know that after I struggle with a sin again and again and do not get mastery over it this is how I am tempted to approach God. We are told in Hebrews though "... come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most." (Heb 4:16)

I encourage you to come closer to God and the throne of his grace today. Ask God to weed out the weak spots that cause us to sin again and again. Ask God for his grace and forgiveness, then consider the case solved. Forgiven, finito, gone for good, and so on. Whatever metaphor you choose, it will serve as a demonstration of God's undeniable grace.

--Daily Wisdom

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