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bluidkiti 07-10-2019 11:02 AM

Focusing on God’s Purpose Leaves Little Time for Envy
Focusing on God’s Purpose Leaves Little Time for Envy BY RICK WARREN

“Let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us” (Hebrews 12:1b TLB).

When you start to get concerned about something God is doing in another person’s life and envy starts to build, focus on the plan God has for your life. Don’t get distracted — center in on God’s will for your life.
There’s a simple phrase in the story of the vineyard workers that the owner says to those who were grumbling about not getting what they deserved: “Take your money and go!” (Matthew 20:14a GW). He’s basically saying to those who can’t get past their envy, “It’s time to move on now. Quit having a pity party. Just get over it!”
Sometimes we get stuck in the past. Maybe you still envy the person who got to be prom king or queen. But why should you let what someone else got keep you from God’s plan for your life right now?
Hebrews 12:1b says, “Let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us” (TLB).The “particular” race means your unique race — the race that is only for you. God has a plan that he wants you to pursue that is unlike anyone else’s. He planned it for you before you were even born, and it includes better things than you could ever dream for yourself.
Once you begin to discover and pursue the unique purpose that God has for your life, you won’t envy anyone anymore. You’re released from the tyranny of having to be best all the time. You just have to be the best you can be, the person God made you to be.
When you get focused like this on God’s particular race for you, you’ll be so caught up in what he wants you to do that you won’t have time for envy. You’ll be living your life for an audience of one.

Talk It Over:
Why is there freedom in living life for an audience of one?
How do you know what God’s purpose is for your life?
What experience from your past may be keeping you from pursuing God’s will for you right now?

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