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bluidkiti 11-26-2018 08:58 AM

Begin each day with God
Start the day with a fresh infilling of His love

Begin each day with God.

Enter alone into His Presence in secret and start the day with a fresh infilling of His love.

His love is a feast for our souls as food is for the body.

Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that precedes forth out of the mouth of God."

Let us then ask God each day to send us the Spirit of truth to teach us all things and cause us to hear by the Spirit of Remembrance the Voice of God.

As it is written, "All who hear the Voice of the Lord, though they be dead in their graves shall live."

It is by hearing of the Voice of God that life and salvation is imputed to us.

Let us than pay heed to God's Voice, especially when you are alone with Him in secret.

As Jesus said, "When the Father sees you getting alone with Him in secret He will reveal Himself openly to you.
Jim Welch

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