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bluidkiti 10-10-2018 10:07 AM

Rest for the Weary
God's Word For Today

Rest for the Weary

Read Matthew 10:1 through 12:50

For many people in the current live-fast society, the thought of rest seems too good to be true. The thought of taking a break from work and home projects is simply more than many people think they can plausibly do. However, continual work with no rest makes people more prone to errors, and the quality of their work goes down. Even though an old saying states that there is no rest for the weary, Jesus promises the opposite.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Personal problems can be just as wearing as work, maybe even more so. Fortunately, Jesus can take those too.

Imagine unloading whatever weighs you down, work or personal, and letting someone else take it. Jesus has promised that He will take your heavy burden from you. The burden He gives in exchange is light and easy to manage. When you are renewed, you will be able to do even greater things.

Prayer Suggestion: Ask Jesus to give you rest from a wearisome burden.

Quicklook: Matthew 11:25–30

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