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bluidkiti 04-24-2018 09:33 AM

Precious Promises – Day 24
Precious Promises – Day 24 by SGLY Ministry

Today’s Promise: REWARDS

“Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” –Jesus Matthew 5:11,12 (NKJV)

Today’s Thought:

Are you going through persecution right now for your faith?
Are people accusing you falsely because you have taken a stand for the Lord?
Do people mock you when you try to live by the Scriptures or when you witness to them about Jesus?

Be happy ! Be very glad! You have a Precious Promise from God! Don’t compromise.
Don’t accept tolerance. This life is just temporary. Be in the world, but not of the world, “For a great reward awaits you in Heaven.” Hallelujah !!

“But I [Jesus] say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,”
Matthew 5:44 [NKJV]

Today’s Prayer:
Dear God, I am so glad as I read this scripture to know that I will have a reward in heaven awaiting me for each persecution that I endure now for You. This encourages me, strengthens me, and causes me to rejoice, as I focus on eternity and not on the present.
Thank You God for Your Precious Promises! Help me to always keep them in my mind daily as I walk through this world. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

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