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Praying Each Day - May 2014
MAY I come into your presence, Father, and ask that you help me to be as trusting and close to you as many little children are with their parents. May my life today reflect that you rejoice in my company. May I rejoice in yours. Let us pray: On this day, Lord, we can celebrate many achievements of humanity as a whole, but never let us forget that each and every individual needs to be held in respect. We pray today for the unemployed and for those unable to work, and we ask you to give success to the work of our hands. Amen http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1078.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod27.jpg |
Let us pray: God our Father, open our eyes to see the vision that you have for each of us, and lead us to grow in confidence in who we are, and in the faith that you call each of us by name. Show us how to live in such a way that we respect and accept others for who they are, and do not judge them as we ourselves do not want to be judged. Inspire us to be generous in praising others and in showing appreciation for their achievements. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1079.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod28.jpg |
Into your hands, O God,
I commend the whole of my being, for you have redeemed me body and soul O God of truth and Peace. Keep me Dear God as the apple of of an eye, hide me under the shadow of your wings. Dear God, the Source of the whole world's gladness and the Bearer of its pain, may your unconquerable joy rest at the heart of all our troubles and distress. THANK YOU GOD |
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, we read in the Gospels that you brought healing and acceptance to many people, In your love stretch out your hands and touch me and bring healing and wholeness in my life. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1080.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod29.jpg |
Let us pray: O God, we are conscious that many centuries of blindness have blinded our eyes so that we no longer see the beauty of your Chosen People. Across the centuries our Jewish brothers and sisters have lain in the blood which we drew or caused to be shed by forgetting your love. Forgive us for the curse we falsely attached to their name as Jews. Forgive us for crucifying you a second time in their flesh. For we knew not what we did. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1081.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod30.jpg |
Let us pray: Lord, lead us to be peace-makers, building connections between individuals, focusing on what unites people rather than on what separates us and highlights our differences. Lord, it’s easy to harm relationships; instead, give us the power of your Spirit that we may build up and make new the bonds between people. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1082.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod31.jpg |
Let us pray: Lord, each of us has different talents and abilities. We ask you to inspire us to discover and develop the best within us. Lead us to be both humble and generous in praising others for the good use of their talents. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1083.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod32.jpg |
Let us pray: O God, give me strength to be victorious over myself. O guide my spirit and raise me up from these dark depths, so that I may fearlessly struggle upward in fiery flight. For it is you alone, Lord, who understand me and can inspire me. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1084.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod33.jpg |
Let us pray: Lord, God of peace, we thank you for the hopes, the efforts and the achievements which your Spirit of peace has inspired in our days - stirring up love where there was hate, sympathy where there was suspicion, care where there was indifference. Open our minds and our hearts even more to the specific demands which love for others makes upon us, so that we may be more truly makers of peace. Remember, God of mercies, those who are oppressed, those who are suffering and dying for the birth of a world in which all people will be more truly a single human family. May your kingdom come for all people of every race and language - your kingdom of justice, of peace, of love, and may all the earth be filled with your glory. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace. Amen http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1085.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod34.jpg |
Let us pray: God of all nations and all people, inspire us to live in your presence each day. On our journey through life lead us to choose the right direction, and show us how to respect and value others, even if we do not agree with them. May we find other people as willing to help us as we are willing to help them. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1086.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod35.jpg |
Let us pray: We know, Lord, that throughout our lives each of us will experience problems and difficulties. Give us courage and strength at those times and prevent us then from looking only at ourselves. Keep our vision wide so that, even in times of difficulty, we may still be of help to others. Help us not to be bitter towards people or situations, but empower us to take the initiative and break the cycle of hatred, bitterness, and evil actions. Help us to transform the difficulties that come our way into opportunities for personal growth and service of others. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1087.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod36.jpg |
We’ll use as our prayer today some words used every day by A.A. members. This prayer is often said together at their group meetings. Let us pray: 8 God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1088.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod37.jpg |
Let us pray: Lord, remind us that, along with our rights, each of us has duties and responsibilities towards others. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1089.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod38.jpg |
Let us pray: Lord, we pray for justice and peace in our world. We pray, too, that those who use violence as a weapon may be touched by the reaction of people who have been hurt by violence. Influence each of us, Lord, to bring justice and peace to our own part of the world this day. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1090.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod39.jpg |
7 Let us pray: Loving Lord, I often see on the TV news examples of inhumanity to others - people being tortured, abused, injured or killed. I need to remind myself that the commandment “do not kill” also refers to my attitude and what I do each day, because it is in smaller ways that I can destroy people if I ignore them or cut them off or do them down. Loving Lord, inspire me to take care of the smaller things of life as well as the bigger issues. Amen. http://angelwinks.net/images/thought...ghtpod1091.jpg http://angelwinks.net/images/faithpod/faithpod40.jpg |
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