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Grateful for a day of sobriety, even though it was a very long one.
Grateful to get to my chiropractor for a body alignment. Grateful they used the other arm when they did my blood test. The regular one has a big purple bruise. Grateful I got up to see my sister. Surprised to see her sitting up in a chair reading. Grateful that she looked so good, and is mobile with her walker. Grateful that she is able to right, hopefully tomorrow when they remove the tube, she can talk. Grateful that I got to the market and the mall. Went to the library too, but walked out and didn't get any books. Miracles do happen. Grateful for my computer. I can't seem to relax after my long day. So glad I can come here and unwind. Grateful for my weigt loss, almost 30 lbs. I have room in my skinny jeans. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://cdn.mdjunction.com/components...c80bf424a7.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Gratitude is long overdue, and it is hard to believe that it is almost a week behind. Grateful that I got up to see my sister today. She was waiting for a bed to move out of ICU, she was discharged from the ward at 9 a.m. and still waiting when I left at 3 p.m. Grateful that I made it to my group. Apologized for missing the meeting last week. Grateful for my meditative thought today. "Focus your attention on the many blessings that surround you. By doing so, youll let go of depression, poor self-esteem, and excess weight." This surprised me because I have lost weight, but then I remembered, every time your feet swell you look at it as fat, not fluid. Grateful that I connect with the women in my group, all for a different reason and in a different way. Grateful that each day is a new beginning. Grateful that a day can start any time. My pain is bad, so going to sign out of this one and start it again. I don't have time for this. I want to go see my sister at the hospital tomorrow. Grateful that my God is so good to me. When I look back on my life, there were many times I could have died. I am so grateful that He gave me a second chance at life. I sure did a number on the old one. Grateful that my God is loving, caring and forgiving. He is a great Teacher! Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.M...=0&w=193&h=192 |
Grateful for a new day of sobriety.
Grateful the sun is shining, but very tired of all this hot!!! Grateful that I woke up and was able to take my morning medication in early morning instead of late morning, although I feel a start of a new day coming on. I have been up over two hours and this day is already dragging. Grateful that my sister is out of ICU. Grateful that I have freedom of choice. Not sure I am going to choose to go out in this heat to see her. Grateful for the little things, they often build up to big things. I know I get a lot of big appreciation and a thankful heart. Grateful that my son cleaned my apartment for me. So crippled up after my long and busy day yesterday, that the body is on slow, I don't want to go mode. Grateful that my laundry is caught up. Grateful that I got a couple of strawberry cheese cake muffins. While I was eating them, I was thinking, "I just about had enough of these." Time to go back to Fruit Explosion. Grateful that an obsessive/compulsive mind can change with a little help from our friends and the Man Upstairs, or wherever He decides to reside in today. I know He is to be found in our hearts if we but look for Him. Grateful for freedom of choice. See picture below. Grateful for all of you who follow my journey. Thanks for being a part of my recovery. http://i2.asntown.net/h4/13/animals/...s_facts_01.gif |
Grateful for a new day of sobriety. I can remember what happened yesterday, and will try to do better today.
Grateful that my sister is out of the hospital, would have been more grateful if someone had called me before I went up to see her. It was a real trigger, although I knew she was much better, I was reminded of the time I walked into the hospital and found my Mom's bed empty, only to be told by a candystripper that she died 3 hours before and no one had been able to reach me to tell me the news as I was in transit. Grateful that things like this happen so we can have that extra bit of healing we need. I was only 20 years old then and there was a long rode of my addiction after that and I didn't know how to heal a lot of the grief. Grateful for the rain last night and the sunshine today. My body is still hurting, so I am hoping that it means more rain. Grateful that it is breakfast time because I just realized I am hungry. I am actually thinking of an omlette instead of a sandwich. Grateful that I have a doctor's appointment today. I have a couple of things I want to speak to him about. The last two times I have had a student and I want a face to face with my doctor. Grateful that I have food to eat and a place to lay my head at night. I was only one step off the streets when I found recovery, so I have much to be thankful for. I don't have a lot, but what I have is mine and the gifts of this journey have been priceless. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qckittenhappinessis.jpg |
Grateful for an almost day of sobriety. When I heard that I had shingles about an hour and a half ago, I didn't have too much serenity.
Grateful for a day full of sunshine and it didn't rain. My son said it rained in Burlington, a city next door to us, but I didn't see any. Grateful that I cooked dinner. I had a yearning for fried rice so bought some bean sprouts in the grocery store today. Grateful that I met up with my unofficially adopted daughter and her daughter. Grateful that 3 of the books I ordered came in. Grateful that I bought a beautiful long tunic style top in avocado green for only $4.95. I am glad it fit, because all sales were final. Grateful that I found another long dress I liked for $25. it was once size fit all, just the size I need. Grateful that I made it to my AA group. I am so grateful that I found this group, there are people new in recovery, so I feel that is where I belong. Grateful for all my God's Goodness in today. Consider yourselves part of that and I thank you for being here for me. http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/1128633...24896/name/n_a |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I don't have shingles. Grateful that awful itch is gone and I have very little pain. Grateful the doctor gave me some hydrocrotisone cream for what he called heat rash. Grateful it was cooler this morning, I came back for my hoodie because was cool and the buses have freezing air conditioning. Grateful there wasn't a big line up at the lab when I got my blood taken. I have to get another requisition if they want me to continue the test. I have had so many blood test that I am beginning to feel like a pin cushion. Grateful that I got some good buys, a dress that only cost $11.30 (80% off) and two tops and a pair of short, one top lilac and the other yellow lime, and they have the same colours as what are in my Miss Kitty shorts. 3 pieces of clothing for $11.99 plus tax. It was my day for bargains. Chicken and pork were on sale too. Then I turned around and bought two pints of raspberries for $7., a quart of peaches for $5., and a head of cauliflower for $3., which is the lowest price I have seen them in a while. Grateful for all the little things that add up to big things. I thought this is pay day, so stopped and bought $5. worth of Nevada Tickets and won $25. that is why I had money to buy new clothes. Grateful for this day. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://www.beautifullynutty.com/wp-c...abc05be321.jpg |
Grateful for another day clean and sober. I apologize for lagging in my gratitude lately. I don't always remember to express it.
Grateful for a sunny day. It is 26 deg. C today and suppose to go up to 32 deg. C by Friday. (79 - 90 deg. F) Grateful today is a holiday. Nothing special I need to do as I am not feeling very good. Seem to be running a fever, chills, aching, and a headache. Not the way you want to feel when you want to go out and have fun. Grateful that my son is here and hopefully he will help me cook dinner. Grateful that tennis is still on. I recorded to shows and haven't been keeping up daily. Grateful my books aren't due to the 11th of August or I would be having some overdue fees. Grateful that I had a good sleep even though the body is saying "More"! Grateful that the newcomer is continuing to call. If my toe hadn't been hurting, I would have walked with her to a meeting. I would probably try her patience because I don't walk very fast, but I am so grateful that she keep going to meetings and continues to call. Grateful my God leads and directs my life. I got some papers sorted out and a little job that I have been procrastinating on, finally got done. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/j...tDayTurtle.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I had the thoughts this morning to pray and ask my God to be with me through out the day and asked for his Love and Care. Grateful for what I have when I see so much sadness, death, and evil around me. Grateful for this day, but I would be much more grateful if it rained; but I don't want it to come until AFTER my appointment with a dietician. Grateful to be going to see her in part, but part of me doesn't do keeping dairies and records very well. I bought the material to list my food intake and did it for two days and forgot the rest. :( Something my God and I have to work on. I will have to start praying for the willingness to be willing. Grateful for the food I have to eat. Tonight it is corn on the cob and lemon pepper chicken burgers. Grateful that I came straight home and didn't stop off at the mall. I was tempted but really didn't have a reason to go, unless a book came in, but it will keep until tomorrow. Grateful for those who follow my journey, God Bless you in these troubled times. We can do what I can't do alone. Sorry I have been so lax in posting my gratitude. You are important to me. http://www.gifmania.se/Animerade-GIF...isar-76911.gif |
Grateful for another sober day, hasn't quite reach the sobriety point today.
Grateful that I got some more sleep. Grateful that the newcomer is still calling me. Grateful, I think that my heart specialist called me to remind me of my appointment tomorrow. They have moved to a place that is not very accessible by bus for me. Then I was informed that their elevator was broken and could I do the stairs. I said, "No, where would I put my walker, I need it to get there." As a result, my appointment is moved to the 20th. I told her that I had been having chest pains and she suggested that I get it checked out if it continues to bother me. Grateful for the food I have to eat, just about to put two double chicken legs and a small chicken breast in the oven. Plan to have small new potatoes and a creamed cheese sauce over cauliflower with it. Grateful that my God is very good to me. Grateful that we have freedom of choice. Just for today, I choose not to use. Grateful that I have my eye sight. I have a lot of books to read. I ran into a couple of new authors lately. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IkG3Dsgbxt...site+blogs.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got a good sleep. I hurt when I wake up and it is hard to get out of bed, but once I get up and get going, things are good. Nothing worse than being a couch potato, once I get down, I don't want to get up. Grateful that dinner turned out, skin was crispy on my chicken, the garlic spiced up my new potatoes, and I always love carrots. I think they have iron and my body is low in that commodity, so need to eat foods that give it to me naturally. Grateful that the Olympics are on, sorry to hear a cyclist died today. I love it when the world comes together. Grateful for the sunshine, but the hot is getting to be too much. It is suppose to be 42 deg. C on Thursday. That is 108 deg. F and a bit much to be out and about in. I only have to walk about 3 blocks in it, so hope to get there. I wanted to do a meeting today but shut the alarm off and went back to sleep for another 3 hours. Grateful that my God is caring and forgiving. Grateful for those my God has put in my path. Grateful that the newcomer is continuing to call me. I told her to take the body and the mind will follow. She has often done 2 meetings a day, a girl after my own heart. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. May your God continue to bless you. http://i476.photobucket.com/albums/r...MATED/frog.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I didn't have that much pain. Just a few twinges that got to me a couple of times, but I didn't allow my pain to dictate my day. Grateful that my dinner of roast beef, carrots, mushrooms, and onions with mashed potatoes turned out to be good. Grateful that I was able to eat and not think more, until I wanted dessert. I decided to have some maple syrup, a Canadian thing, with a slice of bread. Grateful that I made it to my group today. Grateful that we had all the chairs filled. Grateful that I got plans done for my anniversary. I made a deposit of $10. toward any expenses. I suggested Timbits from Tim Hortons instead of a cake. Grateful for hugs. They just make a day special, especially when you see somone who really needs one. Grateful that my friend Bert is celebrating 33 years on Friday and he said yes when I phoned to invite myself. Grateful for the Olympics and the work all the athletes put into the events. Grateful for the rain we got, it didn't make it cooler in my apartment, but hopefully it did some good outside. Grateful that every day can be one of thanksgiving. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://davidkanigan.files.wordpress....ving.gif?w=600 |
Grateful that I had a sober day. My gratitude has been in short supply when I look at the last time I shared on it.
Grateful that I didn't drink today. I was catching up on sleep and watching the Olympics, didn't do much sharing with others on the internet, but have been talking to a few friends on the phone and the newcomer I met a few weeks ago, still calls me every day. Grateful that we have this wonderful land called Canada and they are making a good showing at the Olympics. As we like to say, the failure is in the not trying and reaching your personal best, is winning in my eyes. Congratulations to the U.S. for all their medals. Grateful that I got my other book finished and read another one. It was a new book by Iris Johansen called Night and Day. i have a James Patterson book sitting in the wings called Bullseye, a new book to the Michael Bennett series. It was calling me, but decided to put first things first and argue with my mouse and come here and post. Grateful for another day of sobriety. In a few more days August 25, I will be celebrating my 25th anniversary. It will be a gratitude meeting instead of a speaker meeting. So grateful to be clean and sober, although today, I felt like I used my bed, and yet I felt justified because I had lost some sleep the last few days. Grateful for all of you who follow my journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/singlecard/singlecard61.jpg |
Grateful for another sober day. Sobriety was come see come saw! ;)
Grateful for my recovery. Celebrating 25 years yesterday, makes me very grateful. Grateful that the key word that keeps coming up in today is 'believe.' Grateful that my son wasn't killed or paralized. His cheek is broken in four places. Grateful for the food I get to eat. Today was baked chicken, noodles, and mushy peas. Grateful that my feet are not swollen. They haven't been swollen for two days. Ironically, I had an appointment to see my doctor about the swelling at the request of the dietician I saw a couple of weeks ago. Grateful that the dietician is calling me tomorrow to do a follow up. Grateful that I can change my mind and change the channel. I keep hearing the word 'Trump' and I change the channel. I use to watch shows like The View, The Talk, and Ellen, and I ended up canceling the recordings of their shows. To me he is like the Anti-Christ they speak of in Revelations in the Bible although I don't like to give him that much importance. Grateful to be a Canadian even though politics is politics, and I don't want to have anything to do with it. Grateful for my own space and the right to make it safe and the best it can be in today. Grateful that it is almost bedtime, even though I had an afternoon sleep. I am reminded that the dietician is supose to call at 8:30 a.m. That is generally my sleep time. Grateful for the slogan, "How important is it?" When it comes to my sobriety, it is very important. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/faithpod/faithpod4.jpg |
Congratulations from the South Coast of England on 25 years Jo, it clearly works and gives those like me hope and belief.
Thanks also for all you do here. Johnx |
Thanks John, much appreciated. Very much done one day at a time, that is what I had put on my medallion. My son even called me from work this morning before I left for my group to congratulate me. I was surprised he remembered. Between the two of you, you made my day.
My anniversary was special too. Several people who were a big part of my recovery were there. My best friend gave me my medallion. I had a gratitude meeting. So grateful for the program, it helped me to find myself and taught me a new way of life. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcdaisy367.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that my son is alive and that he doesn't need plastic surgery. Grateful that I remembered to go to get my blood work done. They said I missed a couple of weeks. I said, One week, I went on the following Monday because I had a doctor's appointment and the other Friday, I forgot it was Friday and was busy on the Monday. Grateful that I have a memory, even though some days it seems to be getting shorter and shorter. Grateful that my God sees me through. Don't you just love those days that go with the flow. For me, it is going in the direction of the green light. Don't let anything stop you, go where you need to go. So many times I have taken an alternate route, only to find someone I had been thinking about, someone I hadn't seen for a long time, or I meet a new friend. Grateful that my God is very good to me. God is good. Good is God. Grateful that I have my eye sight. I do love to read. Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me. God Bless you as much as He has Blessed me. http://cdn.mdjunction.com/components...a03eae759a.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I had a day withoutpain. Not so grateful that it caught up to me today. Grateful for a good dinner, even though I could eat much. Grateful for ice packs. There was a time I couldn't put them near my body. Grateful that I went to the pharmacy and found things on sale that I needed. Some were not needed in the moment, but the bargain was so good, it was too good a buy to pass up. Grateful that the sun was shining, even though I didn't go out in it. I hope that will change tomorrow. Grateful that the 1st of September is getting close. I get to see my foot specialist. Grateful that the newcomer is still sober and calls me every day. Grateful that I heard that the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament is on. I didn't find out in time to record some of the games. I have been to sick today to watch them, but they are there when I am feeling better. Grateful for frogs. They remind me that I need to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. Get rid of the old to make room for the new. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. God Bless you and much as He blesses me. http://animated-gifs.org/wp-content/...o-frog-ag1.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got to visit with my friend Theresa. Grateful that my favourite grocery store had a 99 cent sale. Not so grateful that they didn't have more of what I like on sale, but did get some bargains. Grateful that there are still generous souls walking this planet. I bought us dinners from Nation's Foods buffet only to find that the interact machine was broken and I didn't have enough to pay. I just paid for my pineapple juice and told her to keep the dinners. A man behind us in check out pulled out a $20. bill and paid for our dinners. Wasn't that awesome! Grateful that I took 3 books back to the library and only walked away with one. Grateful that I made the decision to go into Tim Horton's, they have a new fruit chill drink $1.99 for a small. It was very sweet, but when I got home I added some of my pure pineapple juice to it. I treated us to a Fruit Explosion and a Strawberry Shortcake Muffin. My friend had never had the strawberry one before and like me, she swooned and fell in love. Grateful that I did a lot of walking today, but my body isn't showing it's gratitude for the exercise. Wanting to rest and put the feet up, but the body is screaming at me and pulling a hissy fit. Going to have to give it a talking to, maybe soak the feet and maybe it will feel better. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://www.graphicsfactory.com/clip-...ith-Hearts.jpg |
Grateful for a new day. Not too much serenity when I think I keep missing a few days here and there without stating my gratitude.
Grateful that I got some laundry done. I had procrastinated, and finally just told myself, "Do!!" I always seem to go to do it after I have had a busy day out and about. I have the energy, and then I over extend myself and crash. Grateful that I got two new pair of pants. I think they were the motivation behind the laundry. I bought a pair of pants and a skirt the other day, and I had to wash them all before I wear them. Grateful that my son didn't eat all my goodies that I bought. I was bad and bought plain butter tarts. So thick, runny, and oh so good. I also bought a white chocolate and cranberry scone, just one because I know he doesn't like cranberries. I bought two pieces of cheese cake, I hope to have one for tomorrow before he finds them. Grateful that peaches were a little cheaper at the market. Grateful for my home away from home, I picked up 5 books at the library today. Grateful that each day is a new beginning. Grateful that even though it is beginning, I haven't ended yesterday, so it is time to call it a night. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://animationsa2z.com/attachments...a/hanuka15.gif |
Sorry, it looks like I have been short on gratitude again. In truth, I am not, just never got time or had the thought to post here. At least, not one that I heeded.
Grateful for another day of sobriety. Grateful for this program using the 12 Steps to a better state of being. Grateful that I no longer have to live in my dis-ease. Grateful for a God who directs my path. Grateful for His Good Orderly Direction each day. Grateful that my computer is still holding up, even though it has been giving me problems. Grateful that I got to share, not so grateful that my feet are swollen like balloons because I have been playing catch up. Grateful that I finally felt like eating. It is just a little bit late, and two peaches are probably not all that good for me. I think I will try a pineapple Activia before going to FB to see what my family is up to. Grateful that I can communicate with my sister and niece on line. Grateful for the food I have to eat. Tonight two 3/4" pork chops, fresh from the market. I plan to cook what a woman in treatment called "Dutch potatoes." Carrots, cut finely, I put them on to cook first, then I add potatoes. When they are cooked, I drain, add butter, milk, and cheese. Yum, Yum! Grateful for my day yesterday, truly a day and a half. Grateful that I was able to crash today, even though I missed my Al-Anon group. Grateful that a member of my group called me to say hello and see how I was and would I be able to go to the meeting this week, seeing as I missed it last week because I messed up my alarm. I told her I would be there unless it is pouring down rain, lightning and thunder. A little rain won't bother me, I won't melt, but I can't push a walker and carry an umbrella too. The wind is another factor, it generally likes to carry my umbrella away. ;) I don't have the strength in my hands to argue with it. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcgirl480.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got some dishes done. Phoned in a complaint to maintenance about the fact that when I want and or need hot water, most times it is not there. Grateful that I got to the office to put money on my laundry card. Grateful that I got to the library. Even more grateful that I told myself "No!" to more books. Grateful I didn't do the buffet at Nation's Foods. Picked up fruit, cheese, and orange juice, along with some spareribs, to small beef roast that will fit in my slow cooker, and some extra lean ground beef. The chicken wasn't on sale, so will pick it up later. I still have some in the freezer, so no need to stock up if it is not on sale. Grateful that I was able to connect with friends today. It always makes my day extra special. Grateful that I can catch up at the site, watching my tennis, I am behind a couple of days, so that is my goal, to check out what I missed. Just sorry that Andy Murray lost and is not in the final. Grateful that I got my Dart's I.D. card and I was able to go for taxi script today. $40. worth of fare for $24., it works for me, especially when I go to the Chiropractor's. I have to take 3 buses and still walk 2 blocks or take two buses and walk 4 long blocks. When I go to see him, I am generally hurting, so it is good to take a taxi there and a bus back. It is for rainy days. I have an appointment with my foot specialist on Thursday. I will be able to take a taxi to my group and not be late. Grateful for days that go with the flow and gives me smiles, blessings, and gratitude at the end of the day. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/thoughtp...ghtpod1093.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. It always amazes me for some reason to see how many days have gone by since I last posted a gratitude list. I don't even remember what happened three days ago.
Grateful that it is a one day at a time program. I haven't felt the greatest the last few days, but so grateful that I didn't have to use because of it. Grateful for the food that I have to eat, even if I don't feel like cooking it or have much of an appetite to eat it. Grateful for the goodness to be found in each day. I always try to say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for each blessing that I find and say a prayer for those I missed. Grateful for the people who my God has put in my life. Some very special people have been put in my path the last few weeks. Grateful that I have been able to do some catch up on posts. I am the loser for having not been here. When I come here, I always find food for my emotional sobriety and my spiritual well being. Grateful that my God is good and Good is my God. I look for the goodness in all things and in all people. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://www.webweaver.nu/clipart/img/...s/bluebird.gif |
1 Attachment(s)
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I am feeling better and able to post a list that is long overdue. Grateful for a beautiful sunshining day, about 70 deg., just the kind of day you need when you have to go somewhere. Grateful that I remembered it was Friday and went to the lab to get my blood tested. Grateful that I have had two busy days with lots of blessings. Grateful for my friends, they make my day just a little bit better. Grateful that I got my shopping done and there were a lot of savings and 99 cent sales on items that I liked and needed. Grateful that I made it to my group on Thursday. Grateful that I met up with the woman who introduced me to AA. She is the third person that I have seen in the last 6 weeks who were alive and I thought them dead. Grateful that while my A is breathing, there is hope. Grateful for the message he carries to me. It isn't any better out there. Grateful for those who share my journey. God Bless. |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. I am on my second day, had to start my day again twice already.
Grateful of each day, even though I didn't post it. Wasn't too grateful for the pain, but grateful that I know that when I get it, I have to look at me and see what is causing it. Grateful that I was able to go to the mall downstairs yesterday. Plan to make another trip down when I finish posting to take last week's Blister Pack back to be filled for next week. Grateful that my cold isn't as bad as my son's. Grateful that I don't have his attitude. Grateful for the food I have to eat. Just not too grateful for the dishes and the clean up. I do not like doing dishes. Grateful that I got an appointment with Bill at the Holistic Center. He is such an awesome man who just oozes serenity. Grateful that I see my doctor tomorrow. Not sure I will be done in time to get to Al-Anon. Perhaps I can meet them at Tim Horton's for the meeting after the meeting. Grateful for my group. So grateful that I was led to it. I renewed my Dart membership, and now I don''t have to worry about getting there in bad weather. I will probably use taxi script more than I will Darts until the snow comes. I just don't like waiting for them. I always try to have a book along for the ride. Grateful that the sun is shining, may even take a walk around the block. Grateful that my God has a sense of humour. He has to, to put up with me. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://i1068.photobucket.com/albums/...readytaken.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. There is such a big difference between being sober and having sobriety. My sponsor said it was soundness of mind.
Grateful that I had nothing planned for today because it is raining and I don't have to go out in it. Grateful that tonight is leftovers, I don't feel like cooking. Grateful that I feel like eating though, I only ate half my sandwich at lunchtime. Grateful that the new show Macgyver is on. I hope I am not disappointed, I was such a big fan of the old show and the actor. His name was Richard Dean Anderson. Grateful that my Higher Power is there for me, especially on doom and gloom days like this. I don't like it when the sunshine disappears. Grateful that I am able to do some posting. The head doesn't seem to connected to the rest of the body, so not having many thoughts of wisdom. ;) I will have to do a meditation later and ask for some clarity of thought. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/nostalgi...algicpod99.jpg |
Grateful for another day sober and for having a great if somewhat boring summer
Grateful for another sober day. Not too good on the sobriety part, in a lot of pain.
Grateful for the sunshine, not too grateful for the rain that isn't here yet! ;) My body is telling me it is on it's way. There is suppose to be at least 3 days of it. Grateful that I got out today and went to a noon meeting. Grateful that there was a new newcomer, a girl at her very first meeting. Grateful that there were two who are newly back in recovery and only have a few months of recovery. They have such a strong message to carry. Grateful that I got to the meeting. I felt like I needed it so badly that I took a taxi there. Grateful that my dinner is cooked, even if I don't feel much like eating it. My KFC Tooney Tuesday is getting in the way. I had a late lunch. Grateful that KFC allows me to switch legs and fries to wings and coleslaw. :) Grateful that this is a we program. Without you, there is no me. Grateful that tomorrow is pay day. Grateful that I still have taxi script to get to the mall to go shopping and I can take a bus or a taxi to the terminal to get another book, from there I can take a bus to the mall. Now I just have to wait to see if God and are on the same page. Grateful for the good things in life. They can be found in the not so good things, if I but look for them and remember to be grateful for what I have, instead of looking at what I don't have. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/mot23.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I was able to post. My feet aren't swollen. Ironically, they hurt more when they are NOT swollen, it is a different kind of pain and more intense. I like the not swollen part though. Grateful that I got into the Holistic Center today. They have saved my sanity over the years. I wouldn't be walking today if it wasn't for them. Grateful that my son went with me to shop. He went to the market and then to the bank, to get a phone card for his phone, and then he disappeared. LOL! He went for cigarettes and I went to the Holistic Center. Grateful that it is only two blocks from the Center to the mall. I didn't have to dodge too many drops. Grateful that I got a toaster to replace my old one. I should have looked in the box. It is pretty basic. Toast, don't toast, although it is suppose to pop up on it's own. Grateful that I got myself a big pillow to put under my feet and ankles to see if they will help stop the swelling. Grateful that the market was open. I prefer to support our local farmers. Many have suffered as a result of the grocery store being put in at the other end of the mall. Grateful that it stopped raining long enough for me to get home on the bus instead of taking a taxi. Grateful for a kind gentelman who helped lift my walker onto the bus. I had it loaded down with 8 bags. I didn't even have library books on it like I normally do. ;) Grateful he was thoughtful. My thoughts were "He wants me to hurry up so he can go home and drink the 26er he had just bought at the liquor store." My bad! Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://media.giphy.com/media/qLEDGdMoyTT9e/giphy.gif |
Grateful for another sober day. Can't say that I have sobriety today as my son is sick.
Grateful that my intentions are good. I hope to clean my kitchen. Grateful that the sun came out and the rain has stopped for the moment. Grateful that things work out in the long run even when things seem bleak. Grateful for the food I have to eat. Lately I have gotten pickier than usual, food is just not tasting right. Grateful that I got two loads of laundry done. Even more grateful that no one else was in the laundry room and I had quiet to read. Grateful that I could renew my book on line as it was due yesterday. Grateful that I can find something to be grateful about. Things have been up and down the last couple of days. Grateful that prayer is the answer to my resentments. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://angelwinks.ca/images/greeting...tingspod14.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the blessing sent my way in today. Grateful that a day can start any time. Again, I am behind in my gratitude. Grateful for the Good Orderly Direction I got today. I lead me to where I needed to be. Grateful for the message that I received at my home group today. Grateful that my group is tomorrow. Hoping and praying that it doesn't rain to hard. It is suppose to rain, but more will be revealed. Grateful that I have choices. Just for today, I choose not to use people, places, and things. Grateful for the program. The 12 Steps are a way of life. Words mean nothing if I don't take them an apply them or take them to heart and learn from them. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. Without you, there is no me. http://angelwinks.ca/images/lovepod/lovepod17.gif |
I am grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that the sun was shining. Grateful that friends and acquaintances seem to pop out of the woodwork today. Grateful that we had a great meeting. So grateful for my group, each week is a blessing. Grateful that I met up with someone who had gone out west and was back after being away for 5 years. Grateful that my friend Lea made it to the meeting, we go way back to early recovery for us both. We got sober together. Grateful that I ran into a friend who I had thought of and said a pray for and met her in the hall at the mall today. We had a good talk and I got a good hug. Grateful that I met up with a member of my Al-Anon group and got another hug from her. Grateful that I saw so many people, I am not sure how many I saw. I think after 9 I lost count. Hamilton is a big city and to see that many people in the space of the hour I was there before my meeting and an hour after my meeting, it is pretty amazing to my way of thinking. God must have thought I was needy and put these special people in my path today. For that I am very grateful. Grateful that when I took myself off for breakfast, my friend Barb was already there. I treated myself to Tobey's special of 3 eggs scrambled, homefries, 3 slices of bacon today, normally only 2, two pieces of toast and jam, along with a coffee that got topped up twice, all for under $10. with tax. Grateful for those "That's not odd, that's God" moments in my life. Grateful that there was only one other person in laundry and I got two loads of laundry done when I got home. I had a wee visit, but the person went back upstairs and I got to read my book. Grateful for all those who follow me on my journey. God Bless. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/smallcandle.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. I feel peaceful and then I ask, am I at peace or am I just numb? Not too sure today.
Grateful that I got to talk to my pharmacist and go over my medication. She feels as though the swelling is a result of my heart, so sending a recommendation through to my family doctor. Grateful that each day is a new beginning. What you see is what you get. Don't be putting a whole lot of extras into the day, just stay in the moment. Grateful that I have choices. At the moment having problems with choosing what to have for dinner. If that is the most difficult decision I have to make in today, life is pretty good and I have a lot to be grateful for. Grateful that tennis on. Love my tennis. Also enjoying Monfils from France playing Simon a fellow Frenchman. Grateful that I have found a new series to read. I have been into spy and espionage books along with murder and mayhem. I turn the page when they get into all that mush and slush. Grateful that I got complimented again today on my fancy pants. Never wore floral print for years and all of a sudden I have two pair in bright colours. Don't do pastels. Grateful that my laundry will wait until tomorrow if I don't find the energy to do it today. I have too many clothes, but then I often change my clothes 2 or 3 times a day. Grateful that my God is very good to me. Grateful that the sun is shining. It is about 68 deg. F and 18 deg. C, so if I decide to go for a walk, I will need a light jacket. Glad I washed up everything anew last week. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/kidpod/kidpod1137.jpg |
Grateful for a start to a new day. I pray I will find peace and serenity along the way.
Grateful that I day can start any time, already went to bed but my night didn't last too long, so going to try to catch some more Zzzzzs. I will be very grateful if I can make it to the noon AA meeting. Grateful that I have a cheque coming in from my landlord, which is a rent rebate which is almost $200. and hope to buy some things that I didn't have money for this month. Grateful that this has been a month of gratitude. So many gifts are priceless and to be cherished. Grateful that my God directs my life. It is so much more interesting and rewarding when I hand the reins over to Him. Grateful that my son was with me on Sunday and Monday clean and sober. Grateful that I was able to be with him clean and sober. Grateful for all the food we had to eat. Grateful for my TV shows that I recorded but haven't been in a TV mood. I am not sure I will ever have enough hours in a day to play catch up. Grateful that I have been able to read, although I think I need to call my eye doctor for an appointment. Grateful that each day is a new beginning and a new blessing is sure to be found along the way. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/pooh/pooh37.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. I lost my soundness of mind after a confrontation with my son about 10 p.m.
Grateful for this program. So glad I made it to my Al-Anon meeting today. Grateful for the book that I am reading, I need to put it down, turn off the TV, and quit posting and find some sleep. Grateful for eggs. I didn't feel like eating my casserole and made myself an egg sandwich. Feeling like another one. Grateful that each day is a new beginning. So glad that the Serenity Prayer is applicable to all areas of my life. Grateful that it is my home group today. I hope I can wake up in time to go. I said a prayer asking to be woken up in time to go there if it is God's Will for me in today. I have been praying and asking for healing of my foot. Grateful for the people who keep the site going, I need this site as it gives me food for my body, mind, and spirit. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/i...NyGzP76B39H54J |
1 Attachment(s)
Grateful for another day of sobriety. Tonight, no so much! I was sober but the emotions took a few steps backward.
Grateful that I finally cashed my winning prize from last year's New Year's party. It was for a free meal put on by the Tenent Committee. Grateful for the good food. As a friend of mind says, "Anything that someone else cooks, always tastes better, even if it is just a grilled cheese sandwich." We had a bit more than that, juice, cheese, dinner roll, pickles, roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, carrots, and stuffing. It was followed with pie and ice cream for dessert, along with a frozen dessert which tasted like Dream Whip and fruit. I had pumpking pie. They also had cherry and apple. To top it off, I got served first. I thought I would hide in the corner and be out of the way and I lucked out. Grateful that I was able to get a good night sleep, or should say morning, because I didn't wake up until 1:11 p.m. Had a late start to the day, but got everything done. I got myself a little batter operated alarm clock for $2.00. Grateful that the sun was shining today. My body is saying that we are going to get lots of rain. Grateful that I was able to do grocery shopping yesterday and only had to pick up the ones I forgot today. When I got home, my son informed me that I needed Ketchup! Oh well, a good reason to go out and shop again. It depends on the weather and how much rain we get. Grateful for all the food I bought. I just have to remember that it is there. Grateful for a busy week. My feet are not as swollen, so the medication must have been the problem. It is important to take it as prescribed. It is even better to remember to take it, which I hadn't been doing. Grateful that my God is loving, caring, and forgiving. Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me. |
Grateful for another day of sobriety, although my actions haven't shown it, I just never thought of posting it.
Grateful for the sunshiine that I woke up to this morning. It is suppose to disappear for two days. I will miss it. Grateful for the food I have to eat. It is nice to have choices. Grateful that I have a program. It works for me. That is why I try to share it with you. Take what you need, and leave the rest. What you don't need, you can put on a shelf and you can take it off if you need it later or pass it on to someone who does need it. Thanks Gord for that thought you gave me many years ago. Grateful that I have a doctor's tomorrow. I just hope it doesn't rain too much that I will have problems getting there. It is difficult to push a walker and hold an umbrella at the same time. These days it is hard to hold an umbrella up for any period of time. If it is meant to be, I am sure I will find a way to get there. I found infection in my toe yesterday, so have a double reason to go. Grateful that I can come on line and share. I will not be able to go to the meeting, over and above like feeling a cold coming on. My feet are so swollen, it is hard to walk. Grateful that a day can start any time. I am going to end this one by going back to my bed and when I wake up, I will start again. Hopefully by then, I will feel like doing laundry. ;) Grateful for my pain, it keeps me conscious and aware. It tells quite a story. Some times I like to block it out and ignore it, but for the most part, I try to listen to what it says. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qcflower422.jpg |
Grateful for another day of sobriety so far.
Grateful that I can ask for forgiveness. I said I was doing laundry after posting. I lied! I think I am going to take my body back to bed. My computer is slow, just like my body. Grateful the sun isn't shining, so I can justify going back to bed. As the song says, "Rainy day Mondays get me down. Rainy dail Fridays do too. Grateful I don't have to cook dinner, I have left over meatloaf. It was a good one, so have no problems eating it second time around. Grateful that I got some posting done. Can't always do all I want, but today the thoughts are there, so going with the flow. Grateful for friends and family. Some people are not so fortunate. Grateful for my recovery family, they (for the most part) can understand and identify with me. Grateful that it is alright to http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/k...nimatedBee.gif you. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://i519.photobucket.com/albums/u...e16033ec-1.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. Not sure my mind has been present too much of today to say that. ;)
Grateful that I was able to go down to the mall and pick up some things I needed even if I couldn't get to the mall. Grateful for my computer. I wasn't feeling very grounded and connected until I started posting. Grateful that my headache has eased and my arthritis isn't screaming too loud today. Grateful for the healing power of prayer. I do think I have the flu, so I know this too shall pass. I just have to be more patient and not push myself. Grateful that I was able to rebook my eye doctor's appointment. Really bummed out that I missed it today as my sight has been worsening, and being diabetic, I need to get it checked. I am praying that it means more laser surgery instead of glasses. Grateful for the food I have to eat, just which I felt more like eating it. Grateful for friends. Where would we be without them. Grateful for libraries. I would be lost without them. I have some catching up to do, I find an other and then I want everything that they have written. Grateful for my God. He has to have a lot of patience and understanding to put up with me. He definately has a sense of humour. Why not, we are made in His image. Sometimes when I think of that, I find it a little bit scarey. Grateful today for Bears. They mean Introspection and according to Jamies Sams, you are invited by the Power of Knowing to enter the silence and the Dream Lodge. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://www.animatedimages.org/data/m...image-0021.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. A few days were tested, but so grateful that in today, I don't have to pick up in order to live my day.
Grateful that I no longer feel the need to abuse myself or others. Grateful that a thought is a prayer. Have had to watch my thoughts a few times lately, but my God has always been there. Grateful that it is finally raining. I do not like the rain, but my pain has eased now that it is here. I just wish it didn't tell me it was coming three days before it gets here. Grateful that I can work through the pain, although there are days that I have to accept my limitations. Grateful that it is payday. This has been a long month and it isn't over yet. Grateful for the food I have to eat, even though I don't always feel like eating it. Grateful that it is the end of the month, and there are still choices left in my refrigerator and pantry. Grateful for friends, some who have been sick and are still under the weather. I am a firm believer in Echinacea. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. God Bless. http://angelwinks.ca/images/iq/qc2huggingcats1.jpg |
Grateful to be alive and sober today!
Grateful for a granola bar and a cup of coffee today. Grateful for my friends and family who support me on my journey. Grateful for the AA meeting tonight. |
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