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We are all souls temporarily utilizing our bodies, which are our vehicles for the journey. The engine of the vehicle is the energy pprocessing system. Emotions are the instruments that tell us how the engine is functioning.
Scannng your energy processing system at each location, moment to moment, is emotional awareness. Ignoring that information will eventually cause your vehicle to break down. No illness is sudden. The more distressing the emotion, the more painful are the sensations in your body, and the more compulsive are your thoughts. If you think you are a person who feels nothing, or very little, think again. Everyone feels physical pain. If pain is continually present, it begins to feel normal. (How true that statement is!) It took me a long time to get in touch with my emotions, to recognize them for what they were, and where they came from; because from the age of 3 years old, I started shutting down when I saw my brother killed. Thought's from the Heart of the Soul - Meditations for Emotional Awareness by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis |
The difference between not feeling pain and believing that you do not feel pain is the difference between being able to enjoy yourself, create freely, and live without fear, or not.
People who think they feel nothing are especially bound by the fears they think they don't have. If you feel nothing, know wthat painful sensatiions are there whether you feel them or not. Keep looking. If you don't make this effort, the sensations will eventually break down the barriers you've constructed. You cannot create a life of fulfillment, joy, and meaning while you are barricading yourself from others and from the opportunities Life offers you. Walking through your emotional landscape without paying attention to what's there is like walking through a meadow without paying attention to what's growing. Before you become aware of your emotional landscape, all you can see are the intense emotions that grip your attention now and then. The more familiar you become with your emotions, the more easily you will be able to see how they remain the same, even though the circumstances in which they appear change. The circumstances that trigger your anger, for example, may change, but your anger does not. Energy leaves your energy processing system in ways that are specific to you. As you practice putting your sensations and thoughts together, you will recognize repeating combinations, enabling you to connect the dots and plot the map of your emotional landscape. Thought's from the Heart of the Soul - Meditations for Emotional Awareness by Gary Zukav and Linda Francis My apology for all the typos you may find as I am not doing copy and paste, but typing from a book. |
Put your trust in God and don't forget to pray. - Nina Strege
August 1
You are always in the present moment. If you are not aware of this, you have no power because you are under the control of external circumstances. August 2 When you are aware ofr the present moment, you have access to all possibilities than the present moment offers. August 3 It is not possible to become aware of the present moment by examining, studying, or thinking about extended circumstations. The more you become absorbed in these activities, the less aware of the present moment you are. August 4 Your inner landscape is the anchor of your experience. It is richer than your outer landscape, no matter how magnificent the sunrise, how awesome the night sky, or how immense the turbulent ocean that is rushing toward you, Gary Zukav and Linda Francis from Thoughts from the Heart of the Soul Meditations for Emotional Awareness |
Don't be an imitation,
Be yourself! (your best self) |
Sometimes you don't feel the weight of what you're carrying until you feel the weight of its release.
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. - Walt Disney
1. Remember, love isn`t really about touching someone -- it`s about reaching someone.
-- Sean Covey 2. Temptation usually comes in through a door that has deliberately been left open. -- Unknown 3. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -- Albert Einstein 4. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. -- Charles Dederich 5. You don`t do drugs; drugs do you. -- Unknown 6. Where there`s a will, there`s a way. -- Unknown 7. There are two things you don`t want to be: a user or someone who is used. -- Michael Josephson 8. If you`re going to spend your life climbing the ladder of success, be sure it is leaning against the right wall. -- derived from Stephen Covey 9. Other people`s opinion of you does not have to become your reality. -- Les Brown 10. Necessity is not a fact, it`s an interpretation. -- Friedrich Nietzsche 11. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. -- Sally Berger 12. The problem with the rat race it that even if you win you`re still a rat. -- Lily Tomlin 13. Experimenting with drugs is like target practice where your head is the bull`s-eye. -- Michael Josephson 14. If you don`t have time now to do it right, when will you find the time to do it over? -- derived from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 15. If you change your mind, you can change your life. -- William James 16. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes These were shared on another site in 2004 Always good to look at again. They say stay in today and some would say this is an old post, but to my way of thinking, if it is brought to your attention in today, it is applicable and there is something there that you need to address. If you can't get a message from it, perhaps it is something you need to pass onto someone else. Words like these never grow old. It is about me remembering them and applying them to my life to make for a better today. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/christmas-balls/0093.gif |
If you want to be strong, be patient, thoughtful and understanding. Anyone can be rude, but it takes real strength to be kind and polite.
If you want to be strong, be persistent. Enduring strength does not come in an instant, but is steadily built over time. If you want to be strong, get in the habit of taking action. The strongest people are those who act while others only talk or wish. If you want to be strong, be humble. Put your focus on doing, rather than worrying about getting credit. If you want to be strong, be joyful. When you enjoy what you're doing, you are far more effective. If you want to be strong, be yourself. The real strength you have is in the authentic person you are. -- Ralph Marston http://www.angelwinks.ca/iq/chqc32.jpg |
Anyone can feel more at peace and more energized through the process of forgiveness. This process reminds me of throwing off weights when riding in a hot air balloon so you can go higher up. Old anger, fear, and resentment are dead weights that slow us and drain our vitality. When you forgive the world—including yourself—you become lighter and much less fearful.
Doreen Virtue http://files.fbwallpics.com/content/...7j51W2e66G.jpg |
When I see a bunch of "I's" it is a good chance I am acting out in my Ego and leaving God out. |
"A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while on a detour". — Unknown
http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/d...AAAAAAAAA_.gif |
A hug is a great gift - one size fits all, and it's easy to exchange.... unknown
~~~True ambition is the deep desire to live usefully and walk humbly under the grace of G-d.~~~ You know you are healing when you are feeling. BW http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/q...iontranspa.gif |
...and in the stillness, say the Serenity Prayer. Step Three |
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