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MajestyJo 03-22-2016 11:10 PM

Grateful for a day of sobriety.
Grateful for a good visit with my friend.
Grateful that I was able to connect with two other friends when I got home.
Grateful that I met up with my friend, even though my original plan was to go to an AA meeting. We had a meeting of the minds, we are good reflections of each other.
Grateful that my TV is working tonight. Last night I talked to 2 operators, got disconnected, had to call back again and it took a while, but they had to reload my TV.
Grateful that my computer is working. I am trying to practice patience and tolerance. Waiting for something to download is not one of my strong points.
Grateful for the sun today. They are calling for stormy weather for the next couple of days. Do you remember that song?

Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

dwmoeller 03-23-2016 09:37 AM

Grateful to be alive and sober today!
Grateful for Rooibus Tea
Grateful for my tulips coming up.

MajestyJo 03-23-2016 12:02 PM

Grateful for a new day! Sobriety makes such a big difference in life. It is good to get up and face the day.
Grateful that I don't have anything pressing to do today.
Grateful that Canada's curling team is doing well and World's.
Grateful that I can still read. I have three books on my computer and more waiting on the shelf.
Grateful for this program every day. The gifts of sobriety are priceless.
Grateful that I got a call from my sister inviting my son and I to dinner for East dinner on Sunday.
Grateful that I can go somewhere and not have to cook. It seems to give me more of an appetite.
Grateful my sister is a good cook and baker. She will have homemade pies and bread. A lot to be grateful for and when you add chicken (they don't do turkey) and ham, potatoes and at least three vegetables, I will be rolling home.
Grateful that I don't have to go out, the wind is picking up and all that freeing rain and snow that is forecast for the next two days. Doesn't sound like spring to me. March sure is going out like a lion.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 03-26-2016 08:55 PM

Grateful for a new day, even though it hasn't been all that great!
Grateful that each day is a new beginning.
Grateful for Easter, I look at is a rebirth for myself and a time to renew my understanding of God and look at where He has brought me to in today.
Grateful that if I have strayed away or been complacent, He always welcomes me back.
Grateful for the food provided and a safe place to rest my head each night.
Grateful for this site, that when I am not feeling well, I can come here and share and go away feeling better.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 04-03-2016 08:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It looks like my gratitude has been lagging and I have some catching up to do. I have been having problems with my computer and am trying a new server, to see if things will be easier to post. I am not too sure about the pictures, I know how to do the ones from my computer, but have to find a site yet, that gives me my animated animals.

Grateful for another day sober, even though the day started before 7 a.m. I don't do mornings well.
Grateful that the power is back on. My alarm was flashing at 2:30 a.m., so it looks like I might be able to cook today if they don't turn it off again.
Grateful that I have food to eat that doesn't need cooking; because the water is shut off, possibly until 4 p.m. today.
Grateful for a good birthday. It was so nice to hear from friends wishing me Happy Birthday.
Grateful that I got out to my doctor's appointments. I took a taxi because it was raining too hard to dodge the drops. On the way home, I had a big umbrella that kept getting me stuck in doorways and cubicles and was more trouble than it was worth. I kept saying, "You should have left it at home, you won't melt."
Grateful for the sunshine today. It took all the snow away. A day of snow is a bit much, it took away any illusions of spring being just around the corner.
Grateful for my God who sees me through each day.
Grateful that my God sends you to share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 04-07-2016 06:00 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the friends in my life.
Grateful that I have chocolate pudding to top off my left over stew (which didn't taste as good as it did yesterday).
Grateful for the sun that shone today.
Grateful for the gift of being able to read.
Grateful for those little things in life that pop up and make you think, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Grateful when I look at my clock and it says: 5:55 p.m. The other day it was 1:11 and 3:33 p.n. and 12:21 a.m. It makes me think that all is well in my world and I am connected to the God of my understanding, and I am exactly where I am suppose to be in the moment.
Grateful that my computer is working better. It has been acting up to par, but I have been the one that was off.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 04-11-2016 08:10 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. Even though my computer wasn't doing what it was suppose to do, I was able to keep a sense of serenity, especially when I met my friend John who fixes my computer on the way out of the library.
Grateful that it is one day at a time. When I was at the library, I had to fill out a form at the computer help center and I had to look to see what day it was. I didn't have a clue. I found that I can lose time, even days when I live in the moment.
Grateful my son cooked dinner. I was too tired and would have just made a sandwich. He cooked chicken wings and legs, broccoli, and noodles with white cheddar sauce and broccoli.
Grateful that my favorite shows are on tonight. Dancing with the Stars and The Voice.
Grateful for the curling, Canada won World Gold trophy.
Grateful that it is over, now I can catch up on my Too Cute shows. I had 22 shows saved and I am down to 8. ;)
Grateful that my computer works well enough to come to the site to post.
Grateful that I am not living by my computer clock, it is slow and out by 10 min. I thought I had corrected it a few days ago. Another job for John!
Grateful for friends in my life and for those I meet on line.
Grateful for all those who follow me on my journey. Remember, what I do may make you go out and drink. Hoping to share my experience, strength and hope with every one, so that you can get an idea of what worked for me over the last 24 years.

dwmoeller 04-14-2016 09:44 AM

Today I am grateful to be alive and sober!

MajestyJo 04-14-2016 07:23 PM

Grateful for another sober day. Like Dave says, that is enough, even if I had nothing else.
Grateful that I got to see the doctor today. Wasn't so grateful that when I got to the x-ray department to find that they had given me a form with someone else's name on it. The receptionist knows me and booked my mammogram anyway, but asked that I get the form is changed when I go back on the 25th.
Grateful I got it changed in time to catch my bus, they were on lunch hour.
Grateful I needed to go back, I forgot that the heart specialist wants me to go on a blood thinner. I don't know if he sent a letter to my doctor or not. Will check at the pharmacy tomorrow. Grateful that it is just downstairs and I don't have to go outside.
Grateful that I was able to eat my dinner tonight. It wasn't much, a steak and mushroom pie and an apple danish that my son brought to my place this morning.
Grateful that I can record things on my TV. Wasn't so grateful that I missed the American Country Music Awards. I sometimes forget to look at what is on in the present, besides the series I record. I think they have the best award show, even if you don't particularly like country music.
Grateful, even though I don't make it here every day, that each day is a second chance at life.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 04-17-2016 05:55 AM

Grateful for a new day of sobriety. It doesn't look like I have had any gratitude for the last three day, but it is not true. Every new day clean and sober is a reason to be grateful, even if I don't get here to express it.
Grateful that our weather is warming up, I haven't been out to enjoy it, but it means that I haven't had a lot of pain.
Grateful that I could come to the site today and catch up on some posts.
Grateful that I always feel better as a result of doing so.
Grateful that it is okay to be my night and your good morning. I already had my morning at 3 a.m. and ready to say goodnight, and start my day again. Planning to end my day with a roasted chicken, stuffing, gravy, potatoes, and spinach. God thank you for this food.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 04-19-2016 01:56 PM

Grateful for another day sober. Can't say that I have had a lot of sobriety. Not easy when you don't get proper sleep.
Grateful I have the antibiotic and whatever has been ailing me, can be healed and I will hopefully feel better soon.
Grateful that this program is one day at a time.
Grateful that I still have some chicken soup to eat.
Grateful that my son ran the errand for me. He can be annoying at times and yet at other times, he can be a real dear.
Grateful for music. Listening to Guy Penrod's music from his solo album "Guy Penrod Live" made since he left the Gaither Quartet.
Grateful that I got a call from my friend Pam who wants me to go to her 23rd AA anniversary next Sunday. Her sponsor use to be my sponsor and she said that she is hoping that one of us will make it to her group to present her with her pin. I have never been to her group at that location, which isn't easy to reach by bus. I hope it will be sunny and if needed, I can walk a few blocks if needed.
Grateful for this special lady in my life. I think she has heard me share my story over 20 times over the years. She is Native American and got in touch with her roots and I identify a lot with her culture and so glad that we can identify and share with each other even though I am English/Irish.
Grateful for all those who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 04-21-2016 07:45 AM

Grateful for a new sober day, even though I woke at 6 a.m.
Grateful that I got some healing sleep since I came home yesterday.
Grateful for kind and caring friends.
Grateful that I have choices. The nice thing is that you can always choose again!
Grateful that I woke up to sunshine even though it is to pass by noon. The rain will bring out more of the buds I saw on the trees yesterday.
Grateful for music. I am listening to it as I post.
Grateful I have nothing planned for today. If I continue to have stomach pains, I do plan to call my doctor. Perhaps another set of antibiotics can be ordered.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 04-22-2016 05:41 AM

Grateful to wake up to another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I am feeling better.
Grateful that the body is keeping up to the mind so far today, even though it is starting to think it is about time to go back to bed. After all it has been up for 2 1/2 hours, it is still dark out, and who wants to be awake at this unGodly hour (to me).
Grateful that even though I may feel that it is an unGodly hour, that God is still there and all I have to do is call on Him.
Grateful for spreadable, aged, white cheddar cheese and Vegetable Thins crackers, they sure hit the spot.
Grateful for music, today I am listening to classic country. At the moment Loretta Lynn and the Oak Ridge Boys are on deck.
Grateful my God gave me a sense of humor. I know, sometimes it is a little sick, but it is something God and I work on daily. It is much better than it use to be.
Grateful for all of you who follow me on this recovery journey.

MajestyJo 04-30-2016 09:27 AM

Grateful for another opportunity to have a day of sobriety.
Grateful for the 12 Steps of AA, which helps me to find soundness of mind in today.
Grateful for a refrigerator, freezer, and pantry that are full. I am truly blessed.
Grateful for friends and family.
Grateful that I found a new AA Group called Four Directions.
Grateful that the sun is shining today. Now it just has to warm up.
Grateful that I have lost weight although I am suspect as to how come as I haven't exactly been dieting. 146 lbs. is sure better than 176 lbs.
Grateful that a day can start any time. My body is trying to catch up on rest after 4 days of busy, busy, busy.
Grateful for all those who travel this journey with me.

MajestyJo 05-03-2016 11:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Again, I am overdue for some gratitude.
Grateful to be clean and sober in today.
Grateful that my doctor finally ordered the medication the heart specialist prescribed.
Grateful that after making myself known to a new pharmacist and told him I did not want to take it, he said the alternative is a stroke.
Grateful that I am seeing the heart specialist on Wednesday and can express to him that I don't like his choices. When you hear, if your stool is dark and your gums are bleeding, call 911.
Grateful that I do have freedom of choice. I do want to go out in the sunshine and go to a meeting. My body is hurting and it is the only day off from a busy schedule of appointments this week, so God and I are still working on this. I am thinking my will is going back to bed seeing as I only had 2-4 hours sleep.
Grateful that once you make a decision, you can make another decision.
Grateful a day can start any time. Thinking seriously of going back to bed and starting again. I have my Al-Anon tomorrow and my AA meeting on Thursday. Not sure if that is rationalization or justification, but if it is about self-care, I am all for it. ;)
Grateful my son cooked steak for dinner last night, not sure what is on the menu for today.
Grateful that I came home yesterday and he had washed my floors, cleaned my bathroom and kitchen, and had dinner started.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. May your day be blessed.

MajestyJo 05-04-2016 09:12 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. It felt like a day and a half.
Grateful that I got to my chiropractor's appointment. He was please with how things came together. He commented on my loss of weight. Still not sure if it is good or bad, but grateful to not be carrying the extra poundage.
Grateful that I got to the library and only came away with one book.
Grateful for the special at Freshly Squeezed today, Blueberry/Banana, even though the raised the price.
Grateful for my Al-Anon meeting today. Three ladies I hadn't seen before.
Grateful that I made the meeting after the meeting at Tim Horton's. I bought 6 Fruit Explosion muffins. I was disappointed when I ate two of them, not to find any gooey filling inside. The addict in me wanted to eat them all to see if they were all like that.
Grateful that I had time to go home, go to the pharmacy, and catch the bus for my 3:45 p.m. appointed to get fittef for my heart monitor.
Grateful that I have a loose pair of jean pedal pushers to wear to bed, so I can put the monitor in my pocket. It is those little things that make me grateful when they all come together.
Grateful that my chicken and rice turned out to be edible.
Grateful that there is more for dinner tomorrow, especially if I heat and add more greens to it.
Grateful for country classic music. I love some of those old songs and artists.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 05-09-2016 07:46 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. By the looks of my list, I have been a little short on expressing it and keeping it to myself.
Grateful that I finally got some sleep.
Grateful for tennis, it has been a great clay court season with the big one, the French Open starting May 22nd.
Grateful that I cooked a cottage roll (ham) the other day. Still eating it and a little short on gratitude about the fact that I still have a lot more to eat. ;)
Grateful that I have a full pantry, freezer and refrigerator. I have choice, yet lately I haven't wanted to make any that warranted me having to cook it.
Grateful that I remember that today was Monday and had to go down to the pharmacy to pick up my weekly medication. Last week I didn't and was late taking my Tuesday meds because the pharmacy doesn't open until 10 a.m. I use to forget to take my medication, that is why I got put on a Blister Pack. Now I am forgetting the day. :(
Grateful that I was able to get in to see my doctor tomorrow as I was too sick to safely go on the bus today. It is too expensive to take a taxi to get there.
Grateful that it is Monday and my favourite shows are on.
Grateful that I felt like posting, even though I am again on my time, and it is morning for me.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 05-11-2016 05:09 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. So far today, it has been a very spiritual day. Not that all days aren't spiritual, this one just seems more so, because it was share with some of my Al-Anon family.
Grateful that my arthritis allowed me to peel a hug carrot and slice it up, not always easy with my hands. In a few minutes, I hope to peal some potatoes to add to my roast of beef.
Grateful for good food to eat.
Grateful that I woke up in time for my Al-Anon. I didn't set my alarm clock, just set a mental one and asked my God to wake me up if I am meant to be there.
Grateful that my God sometimes listens to me. It makes me grateful, and I try to listen more to what He has to say to me.
Grateful that my God puts people, places, and things in my life to show me a better way to live.
Grateful that He gave me freedom of choice. There are days that I choose not to listen for whatever reason (self-justification), and in the long run I find that it might have been a good day or a so-so day, but if I had followed my God plan, it would have been a great day. It is a good day when I listen and don't allow myself to forget, but to give thought to the Good Orderly Direction in my life and process it. I need to determine whether it is my will or my God's Will that is coming through.
Grateful for the programs of recovery. The 12 Steps are a common denominator between all Fellowships and I can identify.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

Remember that some bunny loves you!

MajestyJo 05-13-2016 02:02 PM

Grateful for a day of sobriety.
Grateful that the sun was out, even though it was windy and not as warm as I thought, it was good. Goodbye to winter coats.
Grateful for freedom of choice today. I chose to go to bed and then when I woke up with the phone ringing instead of the alarm, I wasn't too grateful as I had only 2 hours sleep. I went to bed for 5 min. got back up, showered, went to get my blood work done at the lab and came home, but better for a day away from four walls.
Grateful for the green around me and the flowers that were blooming. A man passed me walking his dog and I told him I was checking out some violets in someone's garden. He said it is nice to see special things like that. I know I didn't notice prior to recovery.
Grateful that I can appreciate and give thanks for the Creator's bountiful gifts.
Grateful that my God can be found in all places, He is too big to just fit inside a church.
Grateful for memories, good and bad. It makes me grateful for where I am at in today.
Grateful that I have choices as to what I want to eat in today. There were times in my life, there wasn't a choice. It was eat that or do without or it wasn't there to eat.
Grateful that I can apply the program to all areas of my life.
Grateful that my problems can be turned into challenges and I can over come them instead of staying stuck. It always begins with me. It is the thinking that I have to take to my God, it is the root of all my problems. It is a disease of perception and thankfully, I can ask for it to be healed.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 05-16-2016 06:38 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got to go out in the sunshine, even though I couldn't walk downtown, I bussed it!
Grateful that I got a whistling kettle, no more boiling water dry by forgetting I turned on a pot.
Grateful for life little pleasures that turn out to be not so big, especially when added all up together.
Grateful that there is a solution, a daily reprieve from active addiction. Just for today, I don't have to use.
Grateful that there may be lots of excuses, but no reason to pick up if I remain grateful.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner. Can't go wrong with steak, onions, mushrooms, green peas and baked potatoes with sour cream.
Grateful that my favourite shows are on tonight-Dancing with the Stars and The Voice.
Grateful that I got my nap and the sun was still shining when I woke up.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 05-18-2016 06:29 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for a good eating day. I had creamed brie on toast for breakfast, a grilled cheese for lunch, and pork chops with BBQ dried rub, apple sauce, mashed potatoes and cream corn.
Grateful that I am able to post today. My arthritis is having a good day.
Grateful for the blessing I get when I come to this site.
Grateful the sun is shining. I have only been up for 5 hours, so I know it won't last for much longer. I never did go out in it. I didn't wake up in time for my Al-Anon meeting.
Grateful that I go to see my lung specialist tomorrow.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. May God bless you as He blesses me.

MajestyJo 05-25-2016 05:52 PM

Grateful for this day of recovery.
Grateful for the gift of sobriety (soundness of mind) and the days that I find it.
Grateful for the tools of recovery that allow me to get there in times of difficulty.
Grateful that the warm weather has caught up to us. My body is like a sponge and trying to soak it all up.
Grateful that my group is tomorrow. I hope the thunder storms come and go before it is time to leave for my meeting.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. I always try to make the best of each day.
Grateful that a day can start any time. I didn't wake up until 1 p.m. today.
Grateful that the fire alarm isn't going off in our building. Saying a prayer for those in trouble as 6 fire trucks have gone by just now.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. May you walk in peace.

MajestyJo 05-27-2016 09:24 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that the thunder storms that were promised where a no show!
Grateful for the carmel brownie cheesecake that I treated myself with today. Was even more grateful that I could only eat half of it and saving the rest for tomorrow.
Grateful though I had a long day, I was surprisiingly free of pain. There were the usual aches and pains and sore spots, here and there, but all things considered, the day treated me well.
Grateful that I was able to get some posting done. Thought I would crash when I got home, but it didn't happen. I am praying that when I do get some sleep, that I won't sleep for a couple of hours and be up and not able to get the much needed rest that my body needs.
Grateful that the day turned out good for my friend and I. We got home with what we needed in today. I didn't get butter, but I can pick that up tomorrow.
Grateful that the sun has gone to sleep, now I can too.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.
Grateful for my God's many blessings and I pray and ask for the same for you.

MajestyJo 06-01-2016 07:59 PM

Grateful for anothher day of sobriety. By the looks of the last post, my gratitude has been very lacking.
Grateful I got out to my Al-Anon meeting today.
Grateful I got a reminder about my foot specialist appointment tomorrow, although I wasn`t to grateful when she woke me up with her call.
Grateful to hear from my sister, but didn`t appreciate getting woke up by her either.
Grateful that I was able to get the two articles of clothing exchanged that I bought yesterday. I came home with three things. Wasn`t too grateful that they cost me an extra $22., they exchange purchases and don`t do cash back.
Grateful that the sun was shining. Not so grateful that the body has been telling me for two day that thunder storms are due.
Grateful that I had brunch with my friend yesterday. I hadn`t seen her for a few weeks. Even more grateful that she paid for it.
Grateful that I got to see my cousins, who I haven`t seen for years at my sister`s 70th birthday celebration. It was good to see our other sister who lives in Tweed, which is a 3 hour drive from here. Grateful that her husband was okay, according to him, to make the strip. He had a stroke last week, and I hope he has no reprocussions as a result of his insisting that they come to the celebration.
Grateful that things work out for good when I let my God take the wheel.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. Sorry I took a little vacation, will try to be more grateful in the future.
Grateful for Angelwinks and their daily cards. I love this one, it is under nostalgia. I look at the word as the good old days.

MajestyJo 06-08-2016 09:18 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety, although I have yet to find enough sleep, and will probably sleep some of the day away.
Grateful that I finished my Lee Child book. So grateful that I can still read and my God has granted me good vision. The laser surgery I had was a real gift from God. I use to have tri-focals and now I don't need glasses, except when I read and I use $1. store ones.
Grateful for the food I have to eat and the energy to cook it. I have done quite good in this department lately, and not just making myself a sandwich.
Grateful that my sister seems to be better, anxiously awaiting word from my niece as to how she is today. I have not been well enough to go and see here because she is in ICU. She is suppose to be there for a while, so I am grateful for your prayers.
Grateful for freedom of choice. My day is as good as I choose it to be. I try to make healthy choices in today, especially when it comes to food and the things I put in my body. Even though I sometimes justify things, like the pecans in a butter tart is good for me or a ham salad sandwich gives me everythings I need from all the food groups, I do know when I am rationalizing and when I am greedy and needy and want more. I don't have to stay there, even if I lie to myself, this program keeps me honest. it is up to me to work it. As they say, "It works for when I work for it."
Grateful that my computer is preforming well enough to post. I did lose my program to be able to download e-books.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 06-10-2016 07:43 PM

Grateful for another sober day, sobriety didn't enter into the day enough to really count, so far as the day has gone, hopefully, tonight will be better.
Grateful that I found a new series of books by Kathleen O'Neal and W. Michael Gear. It is about America's Forgotten Past and the woman at the library helped me to find the books they had on the shelves and then she was going to order the rest for me. It is good that I am a fast reader, especially when it is about something I am interested in. I hope they are page turners.
Grateful for the library. I would be totally lost without it, it is my home away from home and one of my safe places. I would rather read than watch TV and see movies.
Grateful that I lucked out with a book by one of my favourite authors James Patterson's new book NYPD RED 4.
Grateful that I got to talk to a couple of friends today and saw a couple of fellow AA members at the mall.
Grateful for the wonderful gift of strawberry shortcake. I was going to buy myself a decadent piece of deliciousness, but went to the grocery store and bought three white cupcakes and two quarts of strawberries. I cut up the strawberries, only put 1/4 cup of sugar on it, so it would bring out the juices of the berries and put the berries on the split cup cakes, and added whipped cream. Very tasty, not as fattening, and a lot less sugar content.
Grateful for the sunshine today. It was a beautiful 72 deg. F. with no humidity, even though we are suppose to get thunder storms tomorrow night.
Grateful that I got to the lab to get my blood work done. I have to sit much longer and hold the cotton on the vein, because now I am on a blood thinner, it bleeds much more readily and doesn't clot very fast. I didn't get taken until 4:50 p.m. and I told her not to forget me, it seemed like I was sitting there for ages. I was hoping they didn't shut off the elevator and lock all the doors and I wouldn't be able to get out. I realized where my head was going and had a little laugh at myself.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning. I am thinking of taking a rest and going to do laundry. So far it is thinking, the action isn't there yet, so more will be revealed.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.
Got to love it. I call it the Step One, Two, Three Waltz.

MajestyJo 06-12-2016 10:07 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. It has that kind of feeling. It is what I choose it to be.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. Thinking of dinner with steak, mushroom fried rice, and corn. Thank God for this food.
Grateful that I woke up this morning.
Grateful that I was open and willing to come on line to post.
Grateful that I have a clear head, an open heart, and a sense of humour, which I hope doesn't offend anyone.
Grateful for the opportunity to go back to bed and start my day again. I hear it calling to me and so far, I have ignored it. I have even been getting the yawns along with the voice. Maybe it is because I only slept 2 1/2 hours yesterday and it wants to play catch up.
Grateful that some is good, more is better. It doesn't have to lead into addiction, it cann be about the good things in life; as long as I remember to not spoil myself rotten and be responsible.
Grateful for the people in my life and for all of you who follow my recovery journey.
Grateful that you are a part of my sobriety.

MajestyJo 06-16-2016 07:01 PM

Grateful that a day that started disruptive, turned into a peaceful day.
Grateful that a sure fire solution to find serenity, is go to a meeting.
Grateful for a couple of friends who were there for me.
Grateful that I got the do things done today, going to my group and turning in lab work and getting my blood test done. Not due until tomorrow, but they took me a day early.
Grateful that my sister is feeling better, she is not totally reliant on the oxygen machine to breathe. I am sorry I couldn't get up to see her, it is my goal for tomorrow.
Grateful for the program. It has been tried and tested many times over.
Grateful that I connected with the buses today. It turned cold and I had allowed my vanity to get in the way of warmth. It said it was going to get warmer, but the weather channel lied. I did have the thought to wear something warmer, but chose to wear my dress and a very little sweater over it, all for show and not much go.
Grateful for another day of recovery. I am grateful for those who joined me on my journey.
Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me.

MajestyJo 06-18-2016 11:15 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. It was extra special because I left my four walls.
Grateful for the sunshine. Enjoyed the warm 85 deg. F. temperature, my body soaked it up like a sponge.
Grateful I got some grocery shopping done. I walker was loaded up, I had to use a bungee cord to tie it all on.
Grateful that I walked home, the exercise seemed to help my feet.
Grateful for the food I have to eat, even when my appetite is off. I do have an eating disorder which tries to dictate to me what I should eat. It also tells me that it is okay to eat things I shouldn`t eat, so I am grateful for the Serenity Prayer. It is the thinking behind all my addictions.
Grateful I just received a call from a friend. She too has been in the hospital.
Grateful that I am getting a double bed from a friend. My son`s boss is going to help him pick it up. It is almost brand new, so it is a real blessing.
Grateful for the gifts large and small. They make me aware that my God is working in my life.
Grateful to all of you who travel this journey with me.

MajestyJo 06-21-2016 01:07 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety yesterday and an hour of today.
Grateful that I got to see my sister.
Grateful that she seems to be better, but didn`t like what I saw.
Grateful that I didn`t lose my cool, but hope to find some answers tomorrow.
Grateful that I got to my chiropractor`s appointment. I hit the snooze button, but did get up. I postponed the appointment 2 times.
Grateful that I am beginning to feel tired, hopefully I will sleep.
Grateful for the people in my life. I am truly blessed.
Grateful for those who follow my journey. God Bless.

MajestyJo 06-23-2016 07:18 PM

Grateful for another sober day. Can't claim sobriety as I had a migraine for most of the day.
Grateful that I got to my home group today. I am really enjoying my new home and was pleased to see so many member out. We are a small group, but that is good. I know I can get lost in a large one. I can get lost and not get involved in service.
Grateful for a sunny day. It said a high of 26, but felt much cooler today. So grateful for the breeze that kept the humidity away.
Grateful for my new bed, well new to me. I had a double bed for years and then had to adjust to a single orthepedic one. I have room to roll around, but lately, it seems like I hit the bed and die, yet I know it isn't true. I guess I just don't remember. ;) You can't lie still and not move when you have been diagnosed with reckless leg syndrome.
Grateful that a day can start any time. I only had 3 hours sleep in the small hours of this morning. I went back for 3 more hours this afternoon, and feeling like doing 3 more this evening.
Grateful for my chicken that I have cooked. I don't know why, but chicken use to be one of my favourite food groups and there are days when it is hard to get down.
Grateful for the member of this site who participate and share their recovery journey with me.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. May your God continue to bless you.

MajestyJo 06-26-2016 12:37 AM

Grateful another day is past and a new day has begun.
Grateful that I got caught up on some sleep and slept so long. I believe a lot of it had to do with the treatment I got at the Holistic Center.
Grateful that I have another appointment for him to work on my neck to relieve the pressure that is causing my headaches.
Grateful that I finally got some food to eat. Didn't to my way of think 'feel' hungry, but my body gave me signs that it needed it. i.e. headache, dizziness, and stomach pains. I would say they were good hints.
Grateful for the awareness I have of my body, even when I am not happy with it at times.
Grateful for the gift of prayer. It does work. I woke up with ankles and my feet were not swollen, although if I don't get off the computer, they will be.
Grateful for the fact that I don't have to go back to that old way of living, more importantly, the old way of thinking.
Grateful for the prayers you have sent up for myself and my sister and her family.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 06-28-2016 03:00 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety and a start to a new day.
Grateful that a day can start any time. My days can be short and seldom full of 24 hours.
Grateful that I got to the lab and x-ray department at the clinic today. Even more grateful that I remembered that I was suppose to go because I never got it done on Friday, even though I tried. Today when I walked in, there was no one waiting and I was served right away at the lab and only one person ahead of me in x-ray. After my two appointments on Friday, I had no energy to go back to the lab a third time.
Grateful that the sun is suppose to shine today. It always makes for a better day, even when it is hot and humid. There has been a breeze too, so that is always bonus.
Grateful that I can come to the site and share with you. I am grateful for all who follow my recovery journey and thank you for being a part of my life.

MajestyJo 06-28-2016 03:00 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety and a start to a new day.
Grateful that a day can start any time. My days can be short and seldom full of 24 hours.
Grateful that I got to the lab and x-ray department at the clinic today. Even more grateful that I remembered that I was suppose to go because I never got it done on Friday, even though I tried. Today when I walked in, there was no one waiting and I was served right away at the lab and only one person ahead of me in x-ray. After my two appointments on Friday, I had no energy to go back to the lab a third time.
Grateful that today is pay day.
Grateful that I give myself permission to treat myself whenever I get a cheque. I am wanting a new summer dress. I bought one last pay, so thinking of enlarging my wardrobe today.
Grateful that the sun is suppose to shine today. It always makes for a better day, even when it is hot and humid. There has been a breeze too, so that is always bonus.
Grateful that I can come to the site and share with you. I am grateful for all who follow my recovery journey and thank you for being a part of my life.

MajestyJo 07-01-2016 12:03 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. A new one is only minutes away.
Grateful that I got to my group today.
Grateful that I got good feed back from my request for discussion on balance. I am still awed by the fact that the girl that spoke at the group last night was an Aries. I almost didn't go and say anything but I felt truly led to ask.
Grateful that I got some shopping done, went home unloaded my walker and went out again. I found a couple of sales at the pharmacy near the hospital. The best buy was a large jar of peanut butter for $4.99. Yesterday I saw a small jar for that price. A much bigger store than the one downstairs from me, even though they are in the same chain.
Grateful that I had the thought to go to Tim Horton's has they had a fresh supply of strawberry shortcake muffins.
Grateful that I got to the market to get eggs, a bag of coleslaw mix, tomatoes, a chicken, and chelsea buns. I went to the $1. store for pepper, garlic packed in oil, olive oil, two Aero chocolate bars, and popcorn. I love it when a plan comes together as they say and the bargains and I cross paths on a day I have money.
Grateful that I looked but didn't buy. I do want another dress, but I have already reached my quota for buying myself a just because it is pay day gift.
Grateful that I got up to see my sister. Not so grateful to see that she is worse and not better. She was being taken to x-ray shortly after I was there and next week, they plan to do surgery, depending on the results of the x-ray.
Grateful that there was a breeze which didn't make the hot feel so hot.
Grateful it didn't rain, even though we need it. Tomorrow is a holiday for Canadian. I will have to go for blood work on Monday, didn't think of it and didn't have the time today to go there and see my sister too.
Grateful for the comforting arms of my Higher Power.
Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. Your prayers are appreciated.

MajestyJo 07-03-2016 12:04 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I woke to sunshine and it was still here when I woke up again.
Grateful that I got to see my sister yesterday. Glad she is looking better, it gave me hope.
Grateful that prayer works. I hope and pray she is willing to do her part in order to recover.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. With a freezer, a refrigerator, and a pantry, I won't be going hungry any time soon.
Grateful to have a home. It is a small apartment in a senior complex, but much better than where I was when I came into recovery. I was one step off the streets.
Grateful for my God's Grace and Love.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 07-05-2016 03:41 PM

Grateful for another day sober. Not sure about sobriety as I have slept most of the day away. I am not feeling too good, but have things to do.
Grateful that my God is never far away. If He is at a distance, I know I have put Him there by keeping Him at arms' length because I don't want to hear what He has to say.
Grateful that I had lunch, but it isn't sitting very well. I know, too much information.
Grateful that the sun is shining, but not too pleased with the heat and my headache.
Grateful that downstairs is air conditioned and I can go to the pharmacy or visit the common room.
Grateful that the newcomer that I met last Thursday as called me every day. She has found a sponsor and is going to meetings.
Grateful for the program, it works when we work for it.
Grateful for all that my God provides and for the people He puts in my path, that includes you.

MajestyJo 07-09-2016 06:38 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I can come to this site and share with you all.
Grateful for the sunshine, still waiting for the rain, it is very much needed. Ironically, if the rain comes, half my pain with go away.
Grateful I got out today, I do like going to the market and the library.
Grateful that I am still active, for me, if I stop, I might not want to get started again, especially when I have the amount of pain I have had for the last few days.
Grateful for the food I have to eat. I might not always feel like cooking and eating it, but it is there.
Grateful for my God, who leads and directs my day. A day just doesn't feel right without starting it with the Serenity Prayer.
Grateful that my sister is better than she was. I continue to pray for her, even though I can't always get up to see her. I don't want to infect her and I don't want to pick up any infection from the hospital. Your prayers are appreciated.
Grateful for all those who walk this hourney with me.

MajestyJo 07-12-2016 06:51 PM

Grateful for a day of sobriety.
Grateful to find out that my friend is alive, even though he looks like the walking dead. The rumor that I heard was about another Cameron.
Grateful that I made it to the noon meeting. I had stayed away because it was a group he opened up and chaired.
Grateful that I got to see my sister.
Grateful that she is improving although she wasn't having a good day today.
Grateful that I got to see my two nieces, especially the one visiting here from Calgary.
Grateful that my sister told me to look at the jar of peanut butter for my cookie recipe.
Grateful that the cookies look easy and the oven will soon be preheated.
Grateful that tomorrow is Al-Anon. I hope to make it there after my chiropractor's appointment.
Grateful that I remembered to take God with me today.
Grateful that He spoke and I listened.
Grateful that the sun was shining even though it was a very hot day. I walked about 7 blocks to the meeting. I was pushing it for the last couple of blocks, but I got there on time.
Grateful that this is a we program and for the people put in my path.
Grateful for those who follow my journey, thank you for being a part of my recovery.

MajestyJo 07-13-2016 07:54 PM

Grateful for another day of clean and sober. Not sure I can claim sobriety (soundness of mind) today as I was in a lot of pain.
Grateful that I got some sleep. I slept in and missed my chiropractor`s appointment, went back to sleep and missed the fire alarm testing and a the return call from the Holistic Center. Still trying to figure out how I did that, even with the use of my ear plugs I generally hear the phone ring.
Grateful that the storm they say is coming has held off so I could cook dinner and finish my posting for today.
Grateful that I got some dishes done up. I keep wanting to bake something, which is totally insance considering the heat.
Grateful that it is too hot to do laundry. I just don`t think my back will let me.
Grateful to hear from my friend. She felt a migraine coming on and she picked up the phone and called me. I didn`t call her because I figured she already had one seeing as the humdity is so bad.
Grateful to be able to read. Hoping my concentration will allow me to finish my book. I am reading a new author to me, Craig Johnson writer of Longmire Mysteries.
Grateful for my God who sees me through each day.
Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me.

Down with the leter "I"
I say, Up with the letter "U",
Down with the phrase "Let's not bother",
And up with the phrase "Let's do!" - Anne Kreer

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