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Grateful for another day, even though it has been a difficult one.
Grateful for the support from my pharmacist. So grateful that she is understanding and willing to work with me. Grateful that my pain has eased, it always helps to come onto the site even though I am in pain. Sometimes it is hard to work through it, but I know that when I do the do things, like prayer and meditation, do the basics, things work out. The chest pains eased. I had no foot pain earlier so I am grateful for that. Now that my feet are paining, I can do the do things and I know that "this too shall pass." The market was closed today. Tomorrow I need to pick up some new soy beans for my foot bath. Grateful for those do things, those recovery tools and experiences that I have picked up along the way, will help me to get through this day. Grateful that I called my sister today, I forgot it was her birthday until I was talking to her. Grateful that I remembered to call my sponsor. I figured she was back from her winter vacation but haven't heard from her. Have been meaning to touch base with her and have been forgetting. Grateful that I followed through thought with action today. Grateful that today was pay day and I could buy myself some treats. I bought a couple of blueberry scones. I treated myself to lunch and bought a chicken sub and ate both chocolate chip cookies, so I had my bad for the day, and that is why my feet are sore tonight. For every action, there is a reaction. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. http://www.angelwinks.ca/images/luck2.jpg |
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that my doctor walked my from his office next door to the specialist to make sure he could test and examine me today. If not, I would have had to have gone to the hospital, and I would have not been too grateful about that. Grateful that I have been put on two new heart medications. Grateful that I got sent for blood work and was given an appointment to go back tomorrow. Grateful that I will be fitted with a heart monitor and that the chest pains isn't just fibromyalgia. Grateful for the lessened learned, don't take the word of an intern, follow through and get feed back. I didn't get into see my family doctor, but saw an intern at his office too. Grateful that I got the presence of mind to buy food that didn't need cooking. i.e. a mini meat loaf that just needs heating up. I just have to find the energy to do and eat. Grateful for the people that my God has put back into my life. Grateful that we just may get that rain that they have been forecasting that hasn't arrived yet. Grateful that I got an hour's nap when I came home today. Grateful that I resisted temptation and went into the library and passed on two express books. Truthfully, the print was quite small and I couldn't decided between them and I already had one out. ;) Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/i...lVPL7WaKZcArkQ |
Grateful for a full day.
Grateful that I got some posting done. Grateful for all of you, but need to close up shop, even though I have more to say. ;) My foot has gone to sleep even though the rest of my isn't. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-felines/0180.gif |
Grateful for another day. It didn't go as planned, but that is okay in today.
Grateful that I was able to meet my friend and go with her to pick up her two dresses that she had taken to a seamstress. Grateful that we had a wee visit before my headache got so bad. Sorry we never got to go for coffee as planned. Grateful that I got to the market before I had to go home. Grateful that after doing a healing meditation, I was able to sleep and woke up with less pain. Grateful that God answers prayer. Grateful that I felt well enough to cooks a meal instead of just making a chicken sandwich. Grateful that my son didn't take all of my chocolate chip cookies. Grateful that I got my book read but have a back log of books to read that I keep renewing, and now it is no longer an option. I have reached my limit. Tennis has won out and I have 18 book waiting to be read in the next 3 weeks. Grateful the headache didn't develop into a migraine. Grateful that I made an eye appointment for this month. Grateful that this is one day at a time. This day wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. A lot to be grateful for, especially when you look at what you have instead of looking at what I didn't do or get done. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-mice/0153.gif |
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I ran into the guys from the Holistic Center. I have much more faith and hope after talking with them. Grateful that I was able to eat better the last couple of days. Grateful that I still have my eye sight. Grateful for friends today. Grateful that I was able to do some posting. My body is staying it is time to quit. Grateful for all of you. I miss being here. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-cats-texts/0024.gif |
Grateful for another day. Today started at 2 a.m. yesterday and I have hit the 25 hour mark without sleep, but on the whole, today has been a good day. Perhaps it is because I sat and watched the Opening Ceremonies for the PanAm Games starting today in Toronto.
Grateful that I have been able to record some very uplifting spiritual nature material. Grateful that I haven't had the intense pain I have had, when I stay off the computer my arthritis is much better. Grateful to see that my friend Rhawnie signed in, I miss talking to her instant messenger. Grateful for the friends who have called and haven't completely left my isolated in my stuff. I have been picking up the phone too, although I am overdue in calling my sponsor. Grateful that I can detach from my son and his issues, thanks to the program. So grateful for Al-Anon and the other fellowship of recovery. Grateful that my God doesn't give up on me. For a while, I just detached from everything and shut down. I had to get back into some heavy duty meditation. I am so grateful He knows what I need and shows me the way, when I stop and take time to listen. Grateful for all of you. Thanks for walking this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-mice/0216.gif |
Grateful to be sober.
Grateful a day can start and end any time. I have yet to finish Tuesday and here it is Wednesday already. Grateful that my muffins turned out. Grateful that it is Wednesday and if I manage to get some sleep, I just may make it to my Al-Anon meeting. Grateful that the rain is gone and the sun is suppose to shine today. Grateful for the library. Grateful it doesn't run out of books although lately, I seem to be bringing books I have already read. I read so much, I forget. Grateful that I am feeling better and was able to post tonight. Grateful for family and friends. So grateful that they are only a phone call away. Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-bears-21/0004.gif |
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I have been feeling better, even though my feet have been swollen. Grateful that I have been able to eat and find an interest in food. Grateful for the rain, it is much needed. Grateful for the gift of Love. It is a gift that keeps on giving. Grateful for my Higher Power, who so often seems to have more faith in me than I have in myself. Grateful for the blessings of each day. They are always there if I look for them. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/avatars-...-dogs/0090.gif |
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that the swelling went down, even if I found out that I had a broken toe. Grateful that I got the chores done yesterday and today. Grateful that I didn't lose patience with my computer, it really is frustrating to have to keep editing each post, not just a word or two, but just about every other word. Grateful that my God put people in my path today. I saw a guy who was at my first NA meeting. Grateful for a fan that works. Grateful that my God doesn't give up on me when I lag behind. Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me. Without you, there is no me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/insects-...-many/0023.gif |
Grateful for a new day.
Grateful for good days this week. Just because I am in pain doesn't mean I have a bad day. I can't let my pain rule my life. Grateful that I got out and got some exercise. It is just good to be out in the sunshine. Grateful that I met two Al-Anon friends today. One I hadn't seen for at least 5 years and the other had lost a lot of weight and she looked good and was smiling. Grateful that I met others on my travels, even if they aren't recovery people, the meeting with others, be it a nod, a smile, a hug, etc. it enriches my day. Grateful that I came away from the library today with just one book, an new express book by Janet Evanovich. Grateful for the people my God puts in my path, be it person to person, on the phone or the internet. Grateful for the yawns, glad my afternoon nap isn't going to get in the way of going to sleep. ;) Grateful for all of you, many blessing to you all for sharing your journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-240x320-cats/0081.gif |
Grateful for a new day.
Grateful for a day with sunshine. Grateful for tomatoes, it is the season. Grateful for my friend John for fixing my computer. Grateful that each day is a new beginning. Grateful that I woke up with no pain. Grateful that my son just walked in the door. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-mice-3/0005.gif |
Grateful for a new day and a start to a new week.
Grateful for a good weekend. Visited with friends yesterday. He was a member of my AA group and has over 40 years of sobriety. Grateful that it rained, hoping it will cool things off. Grateful that I made it downtown before the rain came. Grateful that I met up with a recovery friend at the mall. Grateful that I got to go to the library, my home away from home. Grateful that I listened to myself and took the bus instead of walking in the heat and humidity. I can be my own worst enemy. Grateful that Dancing with the Stars was on tonight, taped it and now I can sit and watch it when it is cooler. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-elephants/0235.gif |
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I got some posting done, even though I feel sick and have to quit, some is better than none. Grateful that my God is always there. Grateful that when I ask, I get the answer if I listen. Grateful that when I able to find the quiet amongst the chaos. Grateful for tennis, I have enjoyed watching it these past few weeks in Montreal, Toronto, and Cincinnati. Sorry that our Canadian players didn't do well, but at least they keep trying. That is all we are asked to do. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/i...0IHjxUr3Atw-dg |
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I was able to get some posting done. Grateful that I got the prayers posted. My hands have been bad and I am having trouble grasping the mouse to highlight large pieces of material. Grateful that it is close to dinner time. My stomach is saying it is hungry, and that is good. Grateful that my son came by today. It is always good to see him when he is clean and sober. Not so grateful that I have had to listen to wrestling while he was here. :) Grateful that I have two TVs! Grateful that the sun has shone for most of the day although rain clouds are threatening. Grateful that I got out to have lunch with my friend yesterday. My lunch today was cancelled, but that was good, I think I needed to stay home and catch up on my posts and take it easy. Grateful to hear from my sister the other day. I called her the other day because I realized we hadn't connected for a few days. We don't have a lot in common, but she is my sister, and I love her dearly. Grateful for my God's many blessings, teachings, awareness and experience in life that make me grateful for a second chance at life. Grateful for frogs. They carry the message to me to cleanse my body, mind, and spirit. FROG-Fully Relying on God. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/water-frogs/0299.gif |
Grateful that I was able to post today.
Grateful to be still clean and sober and for another day. Grateful that even though I don't always feel like eating, the food is there and I do have choices. Grateful for the friends who have been a support. Grateful that my son helps me out. Grateful that I got to my Al-Anon meeting once this month. Weather and doctor's appointments kept me away for most of the weeks. Grateful that tennis was on and I could tape it. I ended up skipping through a lot of it. NOT so grateful that they put Curling on at the same time during the last week of play. Grateful that what seems so important and such a big priority in my life, really doesn't matter in the spirit of things. My recovery does have to come first followed by my health and well being. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. May you continue to walk in God's Love and Light. The skunk means respect. Respect yourself and others. It is something earned, not something to be just given because you feel it is your place to do so. If you don't respect yourself, how do you expect others to respect you? http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-320x480/0222.gif |
Grateful for the lessons and teachings of Jesus
Grateful for a new clean and sober day.
Grateful that I felt well enough to start catching up on September prayers. Grateful that the leftovers tasted as good as they did yesterday. Grateful that I remembered to go downstairs for my Blister Pack of medications for the week. I am grateful for the concept, it helps me to remember to take my meds and lets me know when I have missed them. Grateful for sunshine and cooler temperatures. Grateful to have talked to my sister today. I love her dearly, I just can't stand being there when she is looking after 2-22 kids. I figure she should retire now that she is almost 70, but kids have been a part of their whole life. Her daughters refused to have children of their own, which is kind of sad. Grateful that my dancing shows finale is on and The Voice is just beginning. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. Keep on truckin'! http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-cats-love/0042.gif |
Grateful for a new day, even though it didn't start out too well.
Grateful for the lesson, "I don't have to have a bad day, I have the tools to change it. I can have bad moments in a day, without it spoiling my whole day. Grateful that my son brought me some fresh tomatoes yesterday. I had them last night for dinner, a bedtime snack and had a sandwich for breakfast. Grateful for the blessings in my life. I try not to discount the small ones and remember to say thank you for all things. Grateful that Thanksgiving is coming up, even though each day is one of gratitude. It is one of my favourite holidays. Mind you, any time I have a meal of turkey, stuffing, cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy, I am grateful. Grateful that I made it here to the site today. I was hurting and tried to lie down, but it didn't happen, so came online to get some spiritual food after doing a meditation. My thought for today was "Release." Let go, not only of the old, but all those little things that can add up to be a big thing if I hang onto them. How important is it? Let go and let God. Grateful for freedom of choice. I try to use the gift wisely. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. God Bless! May you always be surrounded by His Love and Care. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-24...uatic/0022.gif http://www.whats-your-sign.com/dolph...symbolism.html |
Grateful to be clean and sober. Without my sobriety, I have nothing.
Grateful that my hands and my computer have allowed me to post today. Grateful for my son's help over the last few weeks. Grateful for friends, what would a life be like without them? Grateful for the sun today, it is really cold here, it is suppose to go down to the freezing mark tonight. As long as the sun shines, it is an okay day. They were forecasting snow today!!! Grateful for food to eat, even though I have trouble lately, some days it just doesn't want to go down. Today I had a bowl of tomato soup and found myself wanting more! Grateful that I have a library about 7 blocks away, as I have been doing a lot of reading. I haven't even been able to watch much TV, I have 92 TV shows saved that I haven't watched. Grateful that this is one day at a time program. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me and I apologize for not being here to share with you. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/avatars-...bbits/0027.gif |
Grateful for a new day!
Grateful for the sunshine and the much warmer temperatures. Grateful that I ran into friends and got hugs today. Grateful that I am meeting my friend Marilyn tomorrow and a date for Chinese food with Barb at the end of the week. So grateful for friends, they brighten up my life. Grateful that I have food to eat, even though I don't feel like always cooking it. Some days I don't feel like eating, but I know that isn't a healthy choice, so try to have something. Grateful for music. It always seems to connect me to my soul and grounds me in the moment. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-24...nimals/278.gif |
Grateful for a new day. So glad a day can start any time.
Grateful that I enjoyed and ate my whole plate of food at dinner time. It was one of those occasions that you say, "I can't believe that I ate the whole thing!" Grateful that there are "Have too!" I haven't ran out of clothes, so I don't have to do laundry. Grateful that I have lots of clothes, even if many are long out of style. Grateful that I can be comfortable, although for me these days, it is a treat to dress up. Grateful that my God spoke and I listened. Grateful that tomorrow is another day and today becomes yesterday. If I can't do laundry tonight, I can always try again tomorrow. ;) Grateful for the goodness of today. Meditation for today, "Simply smile and notice the profound and healing difference it makes." Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-...liner/0014.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for sunshine. Grateful for the sales I found. Grateful that it is okay to buy myself a treat. Today I chose a piece of lemon meringue pie. Grateful for the food I have to eat, even when I have trouble eating it. Grateful that today is Friday. It didn`t turn out according to plan as my friend had to cancel our outing today, but it was a good day. Grateful I got a call from my sister. Grateful that I got some sleep and plan to head back there again for a nap. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-mice/0180.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got to go downstairs to the mall, even though I didn't go down town. Grateful that I got a phone call from a long time friend. We don't see much of each other these days, but when we do, we just pick up where we left off. People like her are special in my life. Grateful that my food was edible, even though I didn't enjoy it too much. Lessons learned every day, I think I tried too hard and thought too much. Grateful that Dancing with the Stars and The Voice are on tonight. I also tape Antique Roadshow and Chopped from the Food Network. Grateful for the gift of meditation. The Cow card (was blank and I put a sticker on with a Holstein cow on it). I have pulled it several times this last week. http://www.whats-your-sign.com/cow-a...symbolism.html Grateful that today has been relatively pain free. I could stay out of bed today, and kept feeling the need to go back to bed. I guess I needed it. They say you never get caught up, but today feels like I am almost there. A sure sign is that when I look in the mirror, I hardly have any wrinkles and tired lines, which isn't easy when you are 73. Grateful that the program is applicable to all areas of my life. Substitution doesn't work, it keeps me sick mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I am grateful that I don't have to pick up alcohol and I don't abuse my prescription medication, but the stinking think can come back. The key thing that triggers my thoughts is the word 'more' and when I think more, than I am in my dis-ease. Grateful for my God's care, love and forgiveness. Grateful for the sunshine the past two days. Hope it doesn't hide behind the clouds tomorrow when I have to go to my doctor's appointment. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/i...OiY8RwutGL_o4A |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I was able to accomplish what I needed to do. Grateful that I was able to connect with my friend Barb. Grateful that I was able to catch up on some Chopped and Chopped Canada shows that I had recorded. Maybe that is why I haven't been hungry and haven't eaten my dinner. ;) Grateful for all things big and small. Grateful that I have had no pain in my feet all day. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-hamsters/0075.gif |
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that the new medication takes away my pain, but not liking how it makes me feel. I feel like I am stoned. It say it will take three days to work, so today is the day I come to a decision as to whether I am going to continue taking them. Feeling stoned is not how I want to feel with 24 years of sobriety. Grateful that I got my chicken soup on. Grateful that I got 7 hours sleep without waking up. Grateful for a day that is turning out to be sunny even though there has been rain. Grateful for my God's Love and Caring, which sees me through each day. Grateful for all of you who share this journey with me. http://angelwinks.ca/iq/qclady522.jpg |
Grateful to be alive and sober today.
Grateful for the nice weather. Grateful for the internet. |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful for the sunshine and warmer temperatures. Any day the sun shines is a good day. Grateful I could help out my friend who needed a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, and a hand with a few dollars to help her out. Grateful that I met an Al-Anon member in the mall. Grateful for my son, who brought me some food today. Grateful that I went to the pharmacist and told them that they had short changed me on my Lyrica. A lot of my pain was a result of not having a tablet since Sunday morning. Grateful for freedom of choice, I need to find a healthy way to take these tablets. I am so sick and tired of being tired and sick and always in pain. Hopefully something will work. Grateful to see Dave posting. Glad you are back with us Dave. Grateful I got my meatloaf made, it is smelling good. I just finished peeling potatoes to have mashed with it. The only way I like potatoes heated up is to have home fries or potato cakes, because I can add onion and spice. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-24...imals/0022.gif |
Grateful for another sober day. Not too sure I should say a day of sobriety, because I slept 12 hours and slept the day away.
Grateful for my son who cooked dinner. He phoned me after work and told me to go back to bed, so I did. Grateful for meditation. Prayer works. Grateful that tomorrow is the day of my Al-Anon meeting. I hope I am functioning well enough to go there. Grateful for TV and shows like The Chew, which helps me with my cooking skills. Grateful for this site, that I can come to any time and get what I need. Grateful for all those who walk this journey, near and far. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-dogs/0121.gif |
By the look of my posts, I have been very short on gratitude. What I haven't been is free of pain, although I am grateful that my pain has eased since I ate my dinner, done a healing meditation, and posted.
Grateful for the site. Grateful for my God. Grateful for my son. Grateful that this program is one day at a time. Grateful for all those who walk this program with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-dogs-love/0017.gif |
Grateful for another day, even though I slept through most of it.
Grateful that I woke in time to make my meatloaf for dinner. I didn't want pasta and sauce, not much cheese in the house. Grateful that tomorrow is pay day. Grateful for the sun even though I didn't see much of it yesterday, it is suppose to rain today and tomorrow. Grateful that I was up and able to do my posts, even though my ankles are like balloons. I took a fluid pill, and as a result, the pressure and pain have gone from my ankles, so hopefully, I can now go to sleep. Grateful for each day and the gifts it brings. Old posts bring me food for my soul. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/f...d4u711/Hug.jpg |
Wrote the above post on another site last night and tomorrow came early and started again.
Grateful for another day. Grateful that it didn't rain. Grateful that I woke up in time to go shopping. Grateful for the two hour nap I got when I got home. Grateful that I met the girl I went through treatment with. I have been sad since I met her. She chooses to continue in active addiction. I gave her a hug and sent a prayer for her. Grateful that my other friend who I went through treatment with is sober in today, and even though she has other issues, I am glad to have her back in my life. I phoned her to let her know our friend was still alive. Where there is life, there is hope. Grateful that we can share and reach out to others in times of need. Grateful that my God is always giving and forgiving. Grateful for the many blessings of the day. Saw two other gentleman, one in the program and one who chose to go back out. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-24...igion/0040.gif |
Grateful for another day.
Grateful that I got to go on the bus trip to get Chinese food. It was a big risk for me. It was with people in my building, most of them were nameless to me. They were not recovery people, but Earthlings. Grateful that I got to eat a lot of good food. Grateful when I caught myself complaining because I wasn't told that the bus home wasn't coming for two hours after we eat. If I had known, I would have taken my walker. I just used my cane, thought we were just getting on and off the bus. Grateful that I went even though I came home in a lot of pain. Thanks to posting, I think I can now lay down and go to sleep. Grateful that my body has recovered enough to want to lie down. Grateful that it was a beautiful sunshiny day. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. Sorry for the days I missed. I am afraid that some of them were not so grateful. Grateful that it didn't cause me to relapse. I can lapse without picking up the drug, but it is easy to go back to the old thinking and behaviours. Grateful for all God's Children in today. Pay it forward. This is one of my all time favourite picture. May the Light continue to glow in your life, especially during this upcoming holiday season. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-24...stmas/0125.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I found some good sales prices, especially in the meat dept. for my chicken, boneless spareribs, and flank steak. Grateful that the sun was shining. I stopped every once in a while to and from downtown to soak up it's rays. Grateful that I ran into 3 people I knew from recovery. Grateful that I got the latest Catherine Coulter book in. Grateful I was able to check it out as I have a couple of other express books that are due in a week. Grateful that I can still read. I was doing so much reading, I had to put drops in my eyes and take a time out. It pays to listen to yourself. Glad I didn't ignore the situation, which I can quite often do, because I want to read that book. Sounds like an addiction to me! A long time one, I have 19 books out and 14 books on order. :( Grateful that each day is a new beginning, and I can try again another day to be the best me I can be in today. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me in today. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-...idays/0010.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety. So far, God and I seem to be on the same page.
Grateful that I got lead to go to my old site The Five As. Grateful that my son made some cinnamon buns and decided to share a couple with me. Grateful that the sun is shining. I can't go out in it because of my feet, but I can at least see it out the window. Grateful that I was able to wake up to post this morning, even if a day starts any time. Thinking of going back to bed and starting this one again. I went to bed with no pain and woke up with a lot of pain, hence all the posting. Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/phone-24...stmas/0042.gif |
Grateful for another day. By the looks of things, I has been short in supply. If I don't have a long list, I feel there is something wrong with me. My spirituality is in short supply.
Grateful for the thought that keeps coming up, make some oatmeal cookies. Grateful for the energy to post today. Will be even more grateful if I have enough energy to clean my kitchen. Grateful for the food in my home and that I have a choice as to what I eat in today. Grateful that I finished my book, it wasn't large print and difficult for me to read in my old age. LOL! I just have to force myself when it is James Patterson, Faye and/or John Kellerman, Michael Connelly, Lee Child just to name a few. Grateful for the little things, always try to recognize them and say "Thank You." It isn't good to be too busy or complacent to notice them. Grateful my son has a job. He is much easier to be around. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/christmas-uk/90.gif |
Grateful to be alive and sober today.
Grateful for my job at the college and the church. Grateful for my granddaughter. Grateful for the Captain Crunch I had for breakfast this morning. |
Grateful for another day, even though it started very late.
Grateful that my blueberry muffins that I made Wednesday night turned out okay. I added some extra Vanilla and some nutmeg to the muffin mix. Grateful that my pain has eased. I don't have the harsh and sharp pains I was having, just an ache which is much more manageable. Grateful that my chicken stew will be there to make tomorrow even though I didn't feel like making it today. Grateful for the gift of friends. Grateful that I have a computer that seems to be working better since Windows did an update. Grateful that it is the season to be jolly. Didn't feel so Ho! Ho! Ho! when I woke up at 5 p.m. instead of 5 a.m. I didn't go to sleep until about 7 a.m., but even so, much, much too much sleep. Maybe making up for lost time??? Grateful that even when I start thinking "More!" I don't have to use. Not so grateful that I am taking my dinner meds at 10 p.m. because my day is turned around. Grateful that there is a solution. I will turn everything over to my HP and ask for help. Grateful for all of you who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/mammals-...idays/0007.gif |
Grateful for another day, even though it started late.
Grateful that my son cooked dinner. Grateful that his hamburger's were the best I have tasted in a long time. Grateful that I have choices. Just for today, I choose not to use. Grateful that I finished my book. Grateful for curling. Grateful that tennis isn't on at the same time, it generally is. ;) It will be in January. Oh well, one day at a time. Grateful that the weather has been milder and we have no snow, although I do like a white Christmas. Grateful for today, it is what I make of it. Instead of wishing for what I don't have, I need to look at what I do have and be grateful. Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me. I am truly blessed. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/christmas-cartoons/0034.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I got three loads of laundry done. Grateful that I had enough clothes to see myself through my procrastination. ;) Grateful that the laundry wasn't too busy. Grateful for friends, especially if they call just because. Grateful for the food we eat. A neighbour gave me a package of blueberry/apple sauce he bought, but decided he didn't want to try it, so asked if I would eat it rather than throw it in the garbage. Grateful that the weather is mild even though they forecast rain. It is suppose to go up to the mid 50s tomorrow. Grateful that when you make a decision, you can make another decision and change your mind. Grateful for the internet. It is good to be able to look things up to make healthy decision. Grateful that I have the fixings for oatmeal cookies. That is my goal for the week. Grateful for all who walk this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/christmas-cookies/0007.gif |
Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that my son is feeling better and can walk upright. Grateful that we have a great chiropractor who we get to see today. Grateful that I finished my express book. I have two more of them to read before I can get to my new reader. Grateful that American Idol is starting again, sad that it is the last season. Grateful that the same people are back together, they were fun. Grateful for TV, although I went two years without it. I would miss my books more than I would the television. Grateful for the food I have to eat. God is very good to me. Grateful for all of you, thanks for walking this journey with me. http://www.animated-gifs.eu/ps-chris...imals/0006.gifhttp://www.animated-gifs.eu/ps-chris...imals/0005.gif |
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