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dwmoeller 12-20-2017 02:59 PM

Grateful to be alive and sober today!

MajestyJo 12-21-2017 02:13 PM

Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for my holiday gifts from my CSS worker. A throw blanket with owls, a brooch with an owl, pj's that have to be exchanged for the right size with an owl print, an owl ornament in milk glass, and my personal favorite a calendar with butterflies.
Grateful that I got my first meal from Meals on Wheels. It is ironic that this person who doesn't feel like cooking use to be a kitchen conveynor for banquets at the Royal Canadian Legion.
Grateful for Christmas music. Have heard Silver Bells twice since I turned to the station.
Grateful that my son painted the entrance to my apartment and washed and tidied my kitchen cupboards and pantry.
Grateful that Christmas is close. Christmas Eve hope to go to Courage to Change to support newcomer and those who have a hard time at Christmas.
Hope to go on New Years Eve too, although I am invited to a free New Year's party.
Grateful for my sobriety. Sobriety is something I have to work on daily. Sobriety is emotional sobriety as well as physical, mental and spiritual recovery.
Grateful for the 12 Step Program. It gave me a new life. I didn't think I would make it to 40, let alone 75.
Grateful that each day is a new beginning.
Grateful for the season and the reason we celebrate.
Grateful that my feet haven't been swollen for 7 days. I have woken up each day and looked at them to see if they are still with me.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 12-25-2017 11:48 PM

Grateful for a wonderful Christmas day spent with my family.
Grateful for all the food that we had to eat.
Grateful for all the gifts I received big and small.
Grateful for people I don't see very often.
Grateful that I got to a meeting to help support those who have a difficult time with the holiday season. Prayers out to all.
Grateful for my 12 Step Program that allows me to keep my sanity and stay calm through all the chaos.
Grateful that it is bedtime and I can go to bed after I finish posting this.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 12-29-2017 11:13 PM

Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for the people that my God has put in my path, they range from one day to 47 years.
Grateful for the people in my group. I am so grateful that I found them.
Grateful that although I slept most of the day away, I was up and able to do what I needed to do, when I was suppose to do it. I have a feeling that there might be some reading done before I go to bed. I do admit it isn`t spiritual in nature, I do love a good murder an mayhem tale, especial if it is espionage and some form of police detective and profiler. Maybe because I have an inquiring mind myself.
Grateful for my sobriety and that I have had a lot of practice, living a day at a time. Maybe one day I will get it right, two days in a row.
Grateful for family who teach me what not to do.
Grateful that I have a program to live by. It has worked for me for a few 24 hours, so I will continue to work it, and daily try to improve it and have an open mind to what no longer serves me in today, and be open to change. I know something is coming up, because my cards have been telling me so.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 01-04-2018 12:42 PM

Grateful to be sober. Working on the sobriety.
Grateful my dinner came, it was more than I expected.
Grateful that I made the decision to get Meals on Wheels. It takes out the stress of cooking, which I didn't realize I was going through, until I didn't have to doit. I just love that "Ahhhhh' feeling when my God's Gifts happen in my life. Cab;t go wrong with $3. for lunch and dinner. That gives me money left over for treats.
Grateful I don't have to go out today, everything can wait until tomorrow seeing as my son took my books back. He is also going to clean my oven.
It is cold, it is -11 but feels like 21 C which is 12 deg. with windchill at -6 deg. F.
Grateful that I don't have to go out until Friday. I would like to go to the mall and my meeting. I have been in so much I have to check for mold.
Grateful that a day can start any time. I plan to close up shop and go back to my bed.
Grateful that days pass. I wouldn't want to live Wednesday over again.
Grateful that recovery is one day at a time. I can make an amend to my God, I had to ask Him to wear ear plugs yesterday.
Grateful that it is one day at a time.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 01-12-2018 03:06 PM

Grateful for my sobriety. I will be even more grateful if I make it across the street with the snow on top of rain that we are getting.
Grateful for my son, he came in and said he hadn't worked because other people hadn't done their jobs. That makes me happy, he can walk me across the street too my NA meeting tonight. We have a business meeting at 6 pm.
Grateful that I have started Meals-on-Wheels. So far it has been good, not as flavorful if I cooked it myself, but that is my trouble. I don't have the energy to do for myself.
Grateful that there is always a solution.
Grateful that my problem with my phone was fixed earlier. Only problem is, the problem came back. I am on hold waiting for a technician to check to see if I have any messages. There shouldn't be any as I have been home and answered my phone calls. The phone is right beside my computer and not far from my chair.
Grateful that it is one day at a time.
Grateful that I asked for patience and tolerance, along with a little bit of acceptance for my day.
Grateful that my phone seems fixed and hope it will stay that way. They are only 611 away if I need them.
Grateful that the dog that barked for over an hour is quiet. Poor thing, I think it tired himself out barking. He would be quiet, then construction would start up some banging, and the dog would bark again. The poor darling was so tired, but at the end, he could hardly croak. I could feel his pain.
Grateful that it wasn't my next door neighbor. He barked earlier and I told him it was only me, and he was quiet.
Grateful that it is Friday and it is time for my NA home group, plus the fact that there is a business meeting, I am hoping I can walk across the street. My son says no, but we shall wait and see. I am going to have a lie down and see what happens.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. I could use some prayer. God Bless.

MajestyJo 01-19-2018 10:41 PM

Grateful for my day of sobriety. I managed to get through the day without losing it.
Grateful that I was able to walk to my NA group tonight. My feet pained all afternoon and there was no way I was going to let them keep me from another meeting.
Grateful that I can apply the program and things come back to the right size. As the NA reading said today, "Some of us seem to make mountains out of molehills with our problems." I use to say, "My magic, magnifying mind and my cotton picking fingers of other people and things that are none of my business."
Grateful that I was able to communicate with my doctor, even though things were rushed as my appointment ate into his lunch hour.
Grateful that he is willing to look for a solution. I am having problems of letting go of what has worked for most of the last 25 years, and I don't want to let go and try something new, that I have already vetoed. He wants to up my Lyrica, the medication that the staff at the hospital I went to, asked me to take 2 instead of 3, because it caused me head aches. More will be revealed, I will trust the process. I did a meditation earlier today and got the vision card and knowing cards, so I know I will get what I need when I need it.
Grateful for bagels. Especially cinnamon and raisin bagels, they were the only thing I ate today. I had other choices but either didn't want to make them or eat them.
Grateful that I can take my procrastination (laundry) and sloth (which is another word for procrastination). Just don't have the energy to do, so need to work on that. I am overdue for a walk down to the mall. The snow and rain did a great number on me and I need to reach out and ask for help.
Grateful for 12 Step programs. Without them, I don't think I would be living now.
Grateful that through the programs, I come to a new understanding of my God. Most days, He is too big to fit in church.
Grateful for the food I do have to eat and the roof I have over my head.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 01-25-2018 11:35 AM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I am still able to see to read.
Grateful that I am still mobile, my arthritis has been paining a lot, but I just keep truckin' even if it is with a walker.
Grateful that a case worker is coming to measure me for a new walker today.
Grateful that I got Meals on Wheels. So grateful that I am subsidized, you can't go too far wrong paying $3. a meal. They are not as flavorful as when I cook myself and the soup is a bit week, but I do love their desserts. I get without having more.
Grateful that I am being measured for a new walker today.
Grateful that my social worker set me up to go to a food bank, where you get more than just food.
Grateful that my God hasn't give up on me.
Grateful that it is one day at a time.
Grateful for all those little blessings along the way, like all green lights, a sun beam, a flower, a special song, a special show (can't beat the Gaither Vocal Band, The Oak Ridge Boys, and Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers all together making music), a phone call from your sister, etc.
Grateful for the gift of music. The Gatlin's singing Denver.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 02-03-2018 08:52 PM

Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful that I could keep a measure of peace since I last signed in.
Grateful for the 12 Steps of recovery. It is applicable to all areas of my life.
Grateful for my new walker. It has a padded seat and a round rest support instead of an straight iron bar. Even though it was covered with foam, it didn't contour to my body, but then most things can't do that. ;)
Grateful that I have been able to get to my home group for the last two weeks. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get to the Sunday and Tuesday groups for three weeks. Got a call from Darts to question my cancellation, even though I have phoned them prior to them picking me up. Apparently, they want more time because I mess up their schedule. I am trying to be co-operative and phoning, not letting the driver come and me not be there, otherwise it is their problem. They know when I know, they are the first I call. Sunday night I have had nothing but problems with them picking me up, so if I am not feeling like standing around waiting, and I am in pain, I make the decision not to go.
Grateful that my son cleans my cupboards and painted my kitchen and hall way.
Grateful that my God has patience with me. I am sure He is sitting there shaking His Head and saying, "Tsk, tsk, don't tell me we have to go through this again. Didn't she learn her lesson last time.
Grateful that my God is a loving and forgiving Higher Power who walks with me even when my steps are wobbly and my head just doesn't seem to be with the rest of me.
Grateful for my chiropractor. Dr. Mike aligns my body and gives me heck when I don't come in to see him when I am hurting. I would be in his office every day if I did that. As it is, I have to go back to him next Wednesday because I fell asleep in my chair watching curling.
Grateful that it wasn't because I was bored, but because when I had gone to bed, I hadn't been able to sleep. Does that sound like self-justification???
Grateful for the food I have to eat, especially Meals on Wheels desserts.
Grateful for them, but I eat them and I think more, so I have had to take my thinking to my God.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 02-06-2018 10:43 PM

Grateful for a sober day, even if my day got switched around. I didn't go to sleep until 3 p.m. this afternoon after being awake all night and morning. When that happens, I never feel like I am truly in the moment. It is generally my goodnight and everyone else is on good morning.
Grateful that my son cleaned my kitchen, especially since he dirtied it. LOL!
Grateful that my social worker is coming to see me tomorrow morning.
Grateful that I have a chiropractor's appointment tomorrow afternoon as my hip gave out today when I went down to the mall.
Grateful that I finally got my bills out to the mail box.
Grateful for Meals on Wheels and the food I have to eat.
Grateful that my feet aren't paining and hopefully I can get some laundry done. I haven't been mobile. My left food feels like it weights 50 lbs. and doesn't make for easy walking.
Grateful that I got down to the pharmacy to pick up my weekly medication, even though I was a day late in doing so. I ended up taking my morning meds at 11:30 a.m. just in time for lunch. As they say, acceptance is the key, knowing it is subject to change.
Grateful that the snow isn't piled up and it is just a skiff over the parking lots and the sidewalks for the most part are clear.
Grateful that my God makes me aware and gets my attention. So glad I can't wear out the Serenity Prayer.
Grateful for this day, even more grateful that it ends in 1 hour 35 mins. from now.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 02-13-2018 11:09 PM

Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful that I got to a NA meeting.
Grateful that I remembered in time that it was Tuesdays and Dart's was coming to pick me up.
Grateful that I am a wash and wear person. I jumped in the shower, yanked on the cloths, went to the pharmacy, and was at the door for 6 p.m. All in 40 minutes.
Grateful that my God answers prayer.
Grateful that I got my purse returned, I left it in the Dart van, and through phone calls, and some good management on Dart's part, they rerouted the woman to pick me up from my meeting.
Grateful that it wasn't any colder than it was. I was sitting outside for 25 minutes. It was like I knew I was going to be outside, I dressed warm instead of for style.
Grateful that my dinner was ready for when I got home and all I had to do was zap it for 3 min. and eat it.
Grateful for Meals on Wheels as I just don't have the energy to cook and do for myself these days. This getting old is for the birds.
Grateful for the program. It is applicable to all areas of my life. As I shared tonight with a friend, "Take the words off the page and apply it to your life." What good are the words if you don't utilize them.
Grateful for all those who follow me on my recovery road.

The frog says to stay clean. Cleanse the body, mind, and spirit and get rid of the old to make room for the new.

MajestyJo 02-18-2018 01:31 PM

Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful for my God's Leading.
Grateful for my son who just shared a can of crushed pineapple with me.
Grateful that I got the latest book in his number series. He is up to 16.
Grateful that I can choose, and if I don't like my choice or it feels wrong, I can choose again.
Grateful that crushed pineapple and cinnamon and raisin bagels taste good together.
Grateful that my vision is clearing a little. I can see but the letters are still blurred. Hoping it will clear so I can finish my book. Hoping I didn't make too many errors when I posted.
Grateful that I don't have a lot of pain in the moment, thanks to 11 hours sleep last night.
Grateful that miracles still happen.
Grateful for Darts. I hope to go to the Sunday night NA meeting tonight. I haven''t been for a month.
Grateful for one day at a time. Living in today and when I stay in the moment, I can handle my pain and my disability.
Grateful for all those who walk this recover road with me. God Bless.

MajestyJo 02-24-2018 05:05 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety.
Grateful that I didn't allow anyone to spoil my serenity.
Grateful that pay day came early.
Grateful that I got a lot for my buck.
Grateful for the tools of the program.
Grateful for the program.
Grateful to my Higher Power who supplies my needs.
Grateful for strawberries. They are a gift from God.
Grateful that I made it to my NA meeting last night.
Grateful that I could walk downtown today.
Grateful that I could walk and get the exercise. When I woke up during the night after falling asleep in my chair, my legs were numb from the knees down.
Grateful in today for ice cubes. I do not like drinking water that is warm. Cold water may not be good for me, but then I have to rebel against something!
Grateful that I can take life, one day at a time.
Grateful for those who walk this journey with me.

MajestyJo 02-28-2018 04:52 PM

Grateful for another day of sobriety. I almost allowed someone to jeopardize it.
Grateful that I pushed the wrong button by mistake, or so I thought and realized that I saved my sanity by not making a big deal out of it.
Grateful for Nation's Foods turnovers, not sure that is the right name, I just know where they are in the store and head for the rack. Nothing much gets in the way of getting them and the rest follows.
Grateful that tomorrow is senior day at Shopper's Drug Mart. I will be able to get some bagels for 20% less.
Grateful that it is small things in today become a big event for me.
Grateful that it may seem small to others, but I can see their worth. They are also something that I treat myself to. It may be why I put on a few pounds, but I like to think of it more as the medication.
Grateful that I got to the chiropractor. I told the taxi driver that he is responsible for the fact that I am walking in today. He saved my sanity and continues to do so.
Grateful for the people that are put in my path and helped me along my recovery road.
Grateful for the sunshine today. I will try and remember it and focus on the sunshine instead of the snow we are suppose to get tomorrow.
Grateful that I have nothing on tomorrow. I know that I always have laundry but have turned a deaf ear to it. If it talks loud enough, I may consider it later if I get some rest, and maybe even some sleep.
Grateful for Meals on Wheels. Looks like boneless spare ribs on the menu tonight.
Grateful for all those who walk this journey with me.

dwmoeller 03-01-2018 10:38 AM

I am grateful that I am not helpless around the kitchen and that I can cook food that actually tastes good. :cooking:

I am grateful to be alive and sober today!

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