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MajestyJo 07-22-2017 08:50 PM

E is for Easy Does It...But do it! We don't have to rush around and get frantic and overwhelmed when doing something. I found it is best to pray first and ask for what you need to accomplish what must be done. That way we get out of our way and our God can work through us. We take it easy and we get it done much faster than rushing about and trying to do everything all at once.

MajestyJo 07-23-2017 05:02 PM

F is for Forgiveness. We need to forgive ourselves. I never even thought of it until a counselor asked me at 6 years sober, "Why haven't you forgiven yourself?" I had never thought to ask. We are worthy of forgiveness. Our God is loving and willing to Forgive us any transgression we may have done inn our past, real or imagined. He is loving and caring and doesn't measure us by the # of 'sins' we have piled up. I took at it as being needy and looking outside of myself for things to make me feel better, not knowing and remembering that all I had to do was go to the God of my understanding. If you get to a stage in your life, you have a misunderstanding of God or you don't understand Him at all, it is okay. Surrender your day over to Him and you will see how He works in your life. There are times we have to readjust our thoughts, and like me, go on a spiritual quest and building a working relationship with your God to see who He is to you. Make Him personal, not a supreme being who has a blanket denominator for all. It says we are to become as little children, then we are ready to learn.

dwmoeller 07-24-2017 08:34 AM

G is for Get

Get a home group and attend meetings regularly.

MajestyJo 07-26-2017 11:00 PM

H is for Honest. Be honest with yourself and others.

Self-honesty doesn't come easy.

dwmoeller 07-27-2017 08:15 AM

I is for Identify

Identify your triggers. Use your tools of recovery to combat the triggers.

MajestyJo 07-27-2017 07:31 PM

J is for Just for Today. Just for today, I choose not to use people, places and things. Just for today, I will have a program, and work it to the best of my ability.

MajestyJo 08-01-2017 06:43 PM

K is for Keep it Simple. Don't complicate things. Don't pick up, no matter what. I am powerless over people, places, and things.

dwmoeller 08-03-2017 09:31 AM

L is for Learn

Learn to take spot check inventories.

MajestyJo 08-03-2017 09:44 PM

M is for Money. Don't let it define you. If you don't have money to put in the Seventh Tradition, offer your time and service to the group, the community, and when you get two years of sobriety, you can go into jails, detox, treatment centers, become General Service Rep, Inter-Group Rep, Literature chair, Hospitals & Institutions, and the list goes on and on. My favorite position is being a greeter at the door.

dwmoeller 08-04-2017 09:30 AM

N is for Nothing

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

MajestyJo 08-04-2017 10:26 PM

O is for Open. Open your mind, open your mouth, and open your heart. We need to be open to new teachings an how can we know if we don't ask. The longest journey is from the head to the heart. It is a road less traveled.

MajestyJo 08-06-2017 03:56 AM

P is for Priority. Our recovery must come first. It has to be our main priority or we have nothing at all. SLIP - Sobriety loses it's priority. Hugs not drugs.

MajestyJo 08-07-2017 10:53 PM

Q is for Quit. Quit beating yourself up. You are loved. You are a child of God. It says we are made in His image, but I wouldn't like to think of God looking like me.

I should quit making jokes, it was bad enough when I wore the letters off the keys, now some of the letters don't want to print.

MajestyJo 08-08-2017 01:17 PM

R is for R & R. Rest and relaxation, something we are not too good at. Either we are lazy or we are caught up in busy. Take some time for yourself.

MajestyJo 08-09-2017 10:31 PM

S is for Sobriety. Sobriety means soundness of mind. When I come here to the site and post, I always get a spiritual fix, even if most of the time, it seems like I am talking to myself, but I know my God is near, He makes himself known in many ways. The biggest blessings are the pictures that come up to match what I am thinking. Now that is scary.

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